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OMG..just shut up.

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  • OMG..just shut up.

    I was working away today, all absorbed in my work, when all of a sudden, I hear this voice behind me shouting, "HELLLOOO???!!!"

    Scared the crap out of me.
    I jumped and turned, and there was this woman and her husband standing there, all pissed off.

    SC (shouting at me) - "We've been standing outside ringing your bell and nobody's answering."

    I didn't hear any bell. There's been a bit of a problem with the bell over the past few days, and it's been cutting out.

    Me - "Oh, I'm sorry. The bell must not be working. I didn't hear it ringing at all, and I've been standing right here working."

    I saw a sales invoice in her hand, so I asked what she was picking up.
    She said there was a barbecue for her.

    I turned to grab the phone to page for help and she and her husband started up the aisle of the warehouse. There was a barbecue sitting there with an invoice and a customer's name, and while I was paging, I could hear her ranting in the background.

    SC - "That's not my name on this. They said they were putting it aside for me. I paid for this. They've got someone else's name on this."

    I hung up the phone and in my most controlled tone that I could muster up at that point, I said, "This isn't your barbecue."

    SC - 'They said there was only one when I bought it."

    I wanted to say, "Do you think you're the only fucking customer who bought a barbecue from us this week, lady?"

    By that point, though, one of the guys was there, so I just turned to him and said, "Could you please get her barbecue for her? This one is for another customer, but I believe hers is up in the other bunk.

    The whole time, she still kept ranting in the background about her name not being on the barbecue, and being told she was buying the last one.

    I wanted to smack her and say, "It's not even the same fucking barbecue you stupid clueless cow."

    Anyway, by that point, I was done with her and she was the other guy's problem now.

    Apparently, the whole time he was loading it in their trailer, she bitched and chewed at him that he was doing it wrong.
    He wanted to do it a certain way and tie it down, but they said they had nothing to anchor the rope to, and they wanted him to put it in another way so it wouldn't fall.

    If only for the fact that it would probably be me dealing with them if the damn thing fell out, I would have wished that on them.
    Last edited by Ree; 10-19-2010, 02:48 AM.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    geez, what a jerk... I hate it when people order stuff or pay for it and leave it to be picked up later... they can be real jerks, and they act all tense, as though we stole their money.
    For all she knows, even if it had been the same bbq, the other person ordered oit first and is taking longer to pick it up. sounds like she needed a chill pill!
    Before you ask, think about it. Think really hard. I have back, but I don't have any more in the back.


    • #3
      LOL! That's pretty funny, actually. Bitch because you see the wrong name on the wrong bbq, then bitch some more even though you've been informed that the correct one is being retrieved.

      She didn't ask for a discount for finding the wrong one?
      Dull women have immaculate homes.


      • #4
        I can totally forgive them for being pissed off about the bell.
        It was an unbearably hot day, and I'm sure it wasn't nice for them to have been standing, pressing the bell for all that time.
        We do have a huge sign asking people to ring the bell for service, and considering that we get a lot of people who just walk right past it and come in without ringing, I do have to give them credit.

        That's where my sympathy ends, though.

        If she would have just shut up for a second or two, she would have had her answer right away, and there would have been no need for her to get so stirred up over something stupid when there was no need for it.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Some people just have a gift for making themselves miserable.


          • #6
            Quoth Ree View Post
            We do have a huge sign asking people to ring the bell for service, and considering that we get a lot of people who just walk right past it and come in without ringing, I do have to give them credit.

            That's where my sympathy ends, though.
            OMG - don't you hate that?

            I hate when they lull me into a false sense of security by getting on my good side (at first) due to some snafu that's happened.

            So they get my sympathy and 'warm-fuzzies' up, only to 'flip the switch' and turn into a raging ass-beast, like your couple.
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              Quoth Ree
              SC - "That's not my name on this. They said they were putting it aside for me. I paid for this. They've got someone else's name on this."

              I hung up the phone and in my most controlled tone that I could muster up at that point, I said, "This isn't your barbecue."

              SC - 'They said there was only one when I bought it."

              I wanted to say, "Do you think you're the only fucking customer who bought a barbecue from us this week, lady?"

              By that point, though, Weenie Boy™ was there, so I just turned to him and said, "Could you please get her barbecue for her? This one is for another customer, but I believe hers is up in the other bunk.

              The whole time, she still kept ranting in the background about her name not being on the barbecue, and being told she was buying the last one.
              Well, don't you know? She was all set to brag to all her friends that she bought The Last Barbecue so she could be the only one to own one. It ruined her world to learn she wasn't such a Special Snowflake (TM) after all.
              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

              The stupid is strong with this one.

