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Well then....go.

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  • Well then....go.

    This happened yesterday at the waterfront bar.

    We were packed. Rocking. Everything is going on at once. The kitchen is doing their best to keep up, but they were woefully behind. Most people with half a brain cell still operational in their cranium would have looked around and thought, "Okay, things might take a bit longer. But this is a fun bar, I can wait. After all, I am on vacation in a tropical island paradise, the music is great, and the weather is perfect, far warmer than it is at home." And that is what most people did, as far as I could tell, because not many people were being that difficult. At least, not in my section.

    As I was at the terminal ringing something up, a man (I will not use the word "gentleman" as it does not apply here) storms up to my coworker K. Neither K nor myself were his server, it should be pointed out.

    SC: "My family and I have been upstairs for a long time and we have been waiting for our food forever. If we don't get out food IN SIXTY SECONDS we are out of here!"
    K: "Okay, sir, I will find your server and let her know. We are doing our best, as it is rather busy." This last part being obvious to any nitwit who would bother opening his eyes.
    SC: "I am telling you, our food better be at our table IN SIXTY SECONDS. SIXTY SECONDS or we are leaving!"
    K: "Sir, I am not your server, but I will do the best I can."

    Meanwhile I am thinking that there is no way he is getting his food anywhere near that time frame, even if it was all in the window right then. This guy is a loony, and frankly, if he thought we were going to be upset by his and his progeny's departure, he was sorely mistaken. K and I basically rolled our eyes at this idjit.

    No, I don't know whether or not they got their food IN SIXTY SECONDS and I really don't care. This guy was a bonehead, he wasn't in my section (MY people were patient, thank you very much!), and he wasn't the type of person I wanted in my bar anyway.

    Pal, you can take those sixty seconds and shove them up your....

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Really? Sixty Seconds or you're gone? Threaten me with a good thing, asshat and see where it gets you!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth Jester View Post
      SC: "My family and I have been upstairs for a long time and we have been waiting for our food forever. If we don't get out food IN SIXTY SECONDS we are out of here!"
      K: "Okay, sir, I will find your server and let her know. We are doing our best, as it is rather busy." This last part being obvious to any nitwit who would bother opening his eyes.
      SC: "I am telling you, our food better be at our table IN SIXTY SECONDS. SIXTY SECONDS or we are leaving!"
      "Well, if that's the case, have a nice night, sir, and don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!"

      Typical SC.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Maybe he needed assistance in finding the door . . . 'cause, you know, with all the people being there and all . . .
        This area is left blank for a reason.


        • #5
          I just wonder when he'd start counting down the sixty seconds.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            He wanted his food RIGHT AWAY. He just couldn't be bothered to find the individual who actually had the power to make that happen.
            "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
            -- The Meteor Principle

            Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


            • #7
              The best "threat to leave" I EVER got was this one loser came into the store one Saturday morning with a paper ream box full of what we called "fishwork." At Kinko's, fishwork is anything we have to handle instead of just dumping it into the document handler...stapled stuff, folded, in envelopes, thin or odd sized paper, etc. It costs a lot more to do fishwork, and the turnaround time is heavily dependant on what kind of manpower and machines are available.

              In other words, you can forget about having any fishwork done on a Saturday morning, when there are only two people staffed and a ton of work to do.

              So this ass comes in with about 40 pounds of fish and wants it done immediately, and I take one look at this stapled, folded, wadded, dog-eared mess and have to say that we can't do that in an hour. I tell him that would have to be a tomorrow morning kind of job.

              Well, of course, that's not good enough. So he says, much like a bad actor reading a bad script, "I'm never coming here again!" turns on his heel and starts for the door. I immediately disregard him and turn to the next customer in line. I'm not into wasting a lot of time when I'm busy.

              Here's where it gets beautiful: out of the corner of my eye I see this little dweeb stop halfway to the door, and TURN TO SEE MY REACTION.

              YES. He wanted to see how I was dismayed, wringing my hands, possibly vaulting over the counter to try to stop him taking his drama queen ass and his box of crapola out of my store. Surely, he was thinking, SURELY she will stop me going, and pull out the magic wand I know she secretely has, and make my order magically get done right away!

              Y'know, my sister's two year old does that. He starts in with a fit, then looks to see what kind of reaction he's getting, presumably to see if it's worth continuing.

              Anyway, I was wasn't even looking at dramaboy. I was already up to my elbows in the next guy's order. Crazy as I'm sure it looked to him, LIFE IN THE STORE CONTINUED. SOMEHOW WE WERE SQUEAKING BY.

              What a dick.


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                "Okay, things might take a bit longer. But this is a fun bar, I can wait. After all, I am on vacation in a tropical island paradise, the music is great, and the weather is perfect, far warmer than it is at home."
                Yes, yes it is better weather.

                *Looks out the window at at least 6", and counting, of snow. Yes, in Albuquerque. It's been snowing since around 10am Friday morning. I called in to work since the streets were getting so bad. Now I don't know if I'll be able to get out of the parking lot in the morning for work! *
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  <threadjack> We're stuck up here in Los Alamos. 14 inches at least (according to the snowdrift on the porch). At least if we were able to get down to Santa Fe there'd be stuff to do. Eh, maybe tomorrow we'll try to venture down.

                  I fly to Boston on the 5th (Friday); there's supposed to be another storm coming through then. My dad's plane leaves about 20 minutes before mine does, so if he can get out and I can't, I'm screwed.
                  "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                  "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                    <threadjack>At least if we were able to get down to Santa Fe there'd be stuff to do. Eh, maybe tomorrow we'll try to venture down.

                    I fly to Boston on the 5th (Friday); there's supposed to be another storm coming through then. My dad's plane leaves about 20 minutes before mine does, so if he can get out and I can't, I'm screwed.
                    <continuing the threadjack> I'm guessing it's not much better in Los Alamos, but Santa Fe's pretty much shut down. ABQ Uptown, Coronado and Cottonwood Malls are closed down here in Albuquerque. Actually, ABQ is pretty much shut down, too. I finally got hold of someone at my work around 11:30 this morning (I was supposed to be there at 9am) and told them I wasn't even trying to get there. I live over by Cottonwood (13" snow on the irrigation ditch behind me) and have to cross two bridges no matter what to get to work at Montgomery and Wyoming! Sorry, I don't know how to drive in this and don't want to! <threadjack over>
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      Quoth XCashier View Post
                      "Well, if that's the case, have a nice night, sir, and don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!"
                      Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                      Maybe he needed assistance in finding the door . . . 'cause, you know, with all the people being there and all . . .
                      Great things to day....but completely impossible to do so when you work at a bar that has no doors whatsoever! It is an open air waterfront bar, and there are no doors, a gravel, stone, and dirt floor, almost no walls, no windows to speak of, and the only ceiling is in the one back room and over the bar from the balcony area.

                      Needless to say, it sucks to be working there when it rains!

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."

