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Night of the Yuppie Idiot

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  • Night of the Yuppie Idiot

    Ugh, I have a massive headache due to brain cell loss aside from the idiots in box office there was an SC who just killed my brain. Remember this, SC arguments are like boomerangs, they throw them out only to get hit by their own idiocy, hard. Somehow I got hit too.

    This guy pulls into the North side parking lot and keeps going. Our north side has reserved spots and we have to make sure that the cars going in have passes with the proper number.
    Anyway, guy pulls in, doesn't stop and keeps going. I scream "Hey" loud enough for him to hear, more than enough and yes it was sucky on my part but it was the only way he would listen and stop. As I walk up I get a good luck of what the North side of the arena consists of: This guy looked like your modern day yuppie, I'm talking the loud striped shirt, the short hair with the front sticking up with all that gel, the dark pants, and the fancy shoes. It was screaming it and in my experience with these guys is that they wouldn't notice us peons talking to them if we hit them with a sack of bricks. This exchange takes place: Warning stupidity abound.

    Me: Sir, I need to see your NSL pass.
    YU: Yeah, yeah, but did you just yell at me.
    Me: Why no, (Lying on my part but I didn't want to escalate it.)
    YU: Whatever, why do I need to show my pass I'm a regular here. (Regular eh? I'm here all the time and I've never seen you before.)
    Me: Well we only thought that since you didn't stop for us and show us anything we thought you may have been sneaking in.
    YU: What do you mean? (AHHH, 20 braincells dead!! Man the lifeboats!!!)
    M: Okay....... suppose you had a party and you hired a bouncer. You want to make sure that someone you dislike won't get in without a pass. You wouldn't like it if 'I' got in would you?
    Y: Yeah.
    M: There you go.
    Y: But I'm a regular though, I only had to show my pass once. (No, no, no you worthless waste of space, you've killed 50 braincells because of what you just said.)

    This went on for a good 2 minutes and thankfully we didn't have any traffic. Right now, I am in the mood for a very very strong drink.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    Did he actually have his pass or was he trying to sneak in? Either way, he was an asshat. Sure buddy, you're here all the time, but have you seen that attendant before? No? Then he hasn't seen you before. SHOW YOUR FRICKING PASS!!!
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Okay, I worked at an arena many moons ago doing the same thing you did and I'll tell you - once they drive by you - you have to yell to get their attention - they could have the radio on or be holding a conversation with the other passengers or have their window up - there are too many sound barrier variables to consider in situations like these.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Quoth XCashier View Post
        Did he actually have his pass or was he trying to sneak in? Either way, he was an asshat. Sure buddy, you're here all the time, but have you seen that attendant before? No? Then he hasn't seen you before. SHOW YOUR FRICKING PASS!!!
        He had his pass and yes he was an ass. Most of those guys who park in there are either nice or complete jerks. And those who claim they're always at my arena seem to break all the rules also. In the same night, I had a guy try to park in his spot by trying to move our barrels. He made the usual statements and an argument ensued. Things ended quick but his buddy screams out the window: "YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH A CUSTOMER YOU DUMB SHIT!!!!!"

        I just laughed my ass off when he said that.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
          "...unless he's breaking the law, jack ass!"
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
            He had his pass and yes he was an ass. Most of those guys who park in there are either nice or complete jerks. And those who claim they're always at my arena seem to break all the rules also. In the same night, I had a guy try to park in his spot by trying to move our barrels. He made the usual statements and an argument ensued. Things ended quick but his buddy screams out the window: "YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH A CUSTOMER YOU DUMB SHIT!!!!!"

            I just laughed my ass off when he said that.
            you laughed when he said that? my response would have been a lot less nice. or maybe i might have bit my tongue and waited for him to park -- when, oops, something just happened to scratch/dent his car.

            my patience for jerks who abuse me is pretty close to zero.


            • #7
              Quoth Auto View Post
              you laughed when he said that?

              my patience for jerks who abuse me is pretty close to zero.
              Oh I do it all the time, that gets on any jerks nerves in a heartbeat. It gets funnier when they try and argue some more only to make them look bad in front of their friends.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #8
                Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                Things ended quick but his buddy screams out the window: "YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH A CUSTOMER YOU DUMB SHIT!!!!!"

                I just laughed my ass off when he said that.
                Then you called the tow truck and had their car removed.

                Don't argue with the customer??? So I guess he likes to yell at cops or the people at the DMV. Bet he gets really far in those situations.
                "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                • #9
                  "You're right, I don't. Sorry about that. Enjoy your night!"

                  Then you do as Crosshair suggested and call a tow truck BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                    Things ended quick but his buddy screams out the window: "YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH A CUSTOMER YOU DUMB SHIT!!!!!"
                    So, I take his buddy has never worked in customer service before . . .
                    This area is left blank for a reason.

