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[LONG] Priceless

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  • [LONG] Priceless

    Have I mentioned lately how much I hate passport photo customers? It's always pulling teeth to get their information so I can put their order into our system properly.

    Quick background: For any photo order, I must get your phone number (and first/last name if you're not already in the system). There are many reasons why we do this. We may need to call you to get more information about your order (most notably, when my staff does something weird to your order and leaves me a cryptic note, so I have to call you to figure out what the hell happened). We might need to send you a reminder in case you forget to pick up your orders. We might want to get in touch with you if you need information from us regarding a service or past order.

    We don't sell your information, nor do we ever use your information for marketing purposes. Although I can understand why some people would be paranoid.

    Passport photo customers are the worst, though, because they don't really receive any of the aforementioned benefits (because five minutes later, they're paid and out the door, most likely forever), and they are deathly afraid that we will abuse their contact info.

    To soothe (or at least viciously defeat in armed combat) their fears, I launch into my standard phone number speech, which goes as follows:

    "It's a legal thing. The law originally began with film orders; since we have to return your property to you, we are required to acquire a reliable way to contact you. A few years ago, they extended the law to include intellectual property as well. It's not a marketing thing; we don't call it, but I still have to get it from you."

    Works like a charm. Total BS, but as if the customers know any better.

    Until the other day, when I got a real charmer.

    Me: "I'll have your photo out in about 2 minutes, and in the meantime, I just need to get some info from you. I need your phone number real quick."
    SC: (suspicious glare) "Why do you need my phone number?"
    Me: (launches into standard phone number speech)
    SC: "Are you serious?"
    Me: (inward groan) "Yup."
    SC: "That's stupid. I shouldn't have to give you my phone number."
    Me: (I was right about to let it go up until he said that) "(shrugs) We can't continue until I get your phone number. It's not for marketing; we won't sell it, and we won't call it, but I still have to get it from you."
    SC: "So I can just give you any random number and say that it's mine, right?"
    Me: "Just give me your phone number."
    SC: "No, really. I could just tell you any old number, and you would have to take that."
    Me: "Just give me your phone number."
    SC: "Ok. My number is (###) 456-1234."
    Me: (Again, if he hadn't made such a big freaking deal about this, I might have let it go) "Cute. What's your REAL number?"
    SC: (horrified expression) "That IS my phone number!"
    Me: (gives "I wasn't born yesterday, you know," kind of look)
    SC: "That is my real phone number."

    And at this point, I've had enough. Plus, we don't REALLY need his info and I could get in trouble for making such a big deal out of this. I put in his "real" number and get on with it.

    SC: "That's a ridiculous policy. You shouldn't do that."
    Me: "(shrugs) Just trying to stay in compliance with the law."
    SC: "That's not a law. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
    Me: ""

    This goes on for a few more minutes as I print and cut his photo. He pays and leaves and GOOD RIDDANCE!

    Sheesh! It's your phone number! AND WE DON'T CALL IT! It's not like I'm asking for a list of your childhood fears!
    "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
    -- The Meteor Principle

    Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads

  • #2
    I can see why you might need it if he was leaving his film, but from your story, it sounds like he was waiting for it. Why did he have to leave his number for a waiting order?

    We only ever took numbers from customers if they were going to leave and come get their order later. And only then if it they were available to be contacted...for instance, someone saying "Well, I'm going to class and will come back here before I go anywhere you can reach me" would not be asked for a number. And they were leaving all sorts of stuff with us. Books, photos, discs, you name it.

    In all honesty, I'd be a bit suspicious, too.


    • #3
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      Why did he have to leave his number for a waiting order?
      My store is more the exception than the rule. Since most stores in this chain process passport photo orders similarly to standard film or digital, the system is set up so that we can't ring up the purchase without creating the order in our system... which requires a phone number and name.

      In the past, my staff has used a bogus number for passports (and up until LP recently came down HARD on this, even used a bogus name for passport orders). Unfortunately, this tends to bloat our database and slow down our system quite significantly [imagine putting in the "passport number", and your computer freezes for a minute while it tries to load a page containing thousands of customer names; now imagine having to do this 10-20 times a day; now imagine having to do this while the customer is complaining that he is in a hurry, and you're taking too long].

      In the interest of minimizing the amount of work that I have to do, I just get the customer's actual phone number. Though if I'm in a good mood, I'll let it go (admittedly, not likely if I had to break up my workflow to take somebody's picture, all the while being lectured on the "unusual" specs that I'm supposed to be following even though it's basically the same for EVERY COUNTRY!).
      Last edited by pbmods; 12-30-2006, 04:08 AM. Reason: Explanation
      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
      -- The Meteor Principle

      Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


      • #4
        When asked for my phone number for anything except places that actually have to call me, I give out a number (always the same one) that is one numeral away from my actual number. That way, it is always the same (so I always remember it, and can rattle it off as if it was real)
        It works for all sorts of memberships and such....I always use it, and don't have to bother argueing with clerks, who are only doing their jobs.
        I no longer fear HELL.
        I work in RETAIL.


        • #5
          Quoth Enjis View Post
          When asked for my phone number for anything except places that actually have to call me, I give out a number (always the same one) that is one numeral away from my actual number. That way, it is always the same (so I always remember it, and can rattle it off as if it was real)
          It works for all sorts of memberships and such....I always use it, and don't have to bother argueing with clerks, who are only doing their jobs.
          Could be pretty sucky for the person whose number that really is, though. Had somebody doing that to me for awhile. Woulda killed him if I coulda caught him.


          • #6
            Quoth morgana View Post
            Could be pretty sucky for the person whose number that really is, though.
            Actually had that at my last lab. A customer didn't want to give his phone number, so he used a bogus number. And then the individual who actually had that number called to complain when he kept getting messages that "his" pictures were ready.

            What really sucked about the whole situation was that the guy who gave the wrong number only showed up about once every three months or so.
            "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
            -- The Meteor Principle

            Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


            • #7
              Quoth pbmods View Post
              all the while being lectured on the "unusual" specs that I'm supposed to be following even though it's basically the same for EVERY COUNTRY!).
              I wish. For me its,
              Me: "is this for a *Canadian* passport, right?"
              Customer "Yeah"
              Take the picture, make sure head size is correct, cut it to size..
              Customer: "I need 3 photos..."
              Me: "Passport only requires two"
              Customer: "Oh..its for <insert non passport name>"

              3 minutes later I am reprinting because there are about 4 standard canadian photo sizes (citizenship, pr, gun, passport) as well as Europe to US to Canada passports are all different sizes/specs...



              • #8
                Good point about 'could suck for person whose number that REALLY is' in me giving a fake number. (tho I always pick up my photos)

                I pretty much do it to avoid getting put on call lists. Maybe next time I'll just say "I don't want to give my phone number' if asked. These days, a lot of places will just put in a blank number to bypass it if a customer refuses.

                Tho actually, if they really DON'T use my number for advertising, as they say, it should nevr come up as a problem.
                I only use my real number when it is something where they might really have to call me for some reason. (pharmacist, photos, doctor, etc.)
                Last edited by Enjis; 01-02-2007, 03:34 AM.
                I no longer fear HELL.
                I work in RETAIL.


                • #9
                  I don't give mine out, either unless they would need it to contact me. I have had cashiers ask why, I just say "I don't give my number out for any reason."


                  • #10
                    Well if its a bogus number I need I'll use (area code)555-1212.

                    So far I've only had a few people get grumpy with me about it.


                    • #11
                      I cheat a bit on this one....

                      If it's real, like quacks, mechanics, etc - someone I WANT to hear from, they get my cell and work numbers (don't have a landline)

                      If it's anything else, they get a number that ends up on my little computer here that pretends to be a phone system. The script is called "Telemarketer Torture". There's no way to drop out of it except hanging up.

                      "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
                      I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


                      • #12
                        I work Service Desk and we do Layaway at the SD. We get #, addy, name, etc. I laugh when people give a fake number, because when I have time, I will call you if your layaway was supposed to be pulled and you've made payments (we keep $10 if you don't pick it up)...So in some situations you are only screwing yourself by giving out a fake #.
                        ~ Grace


                        • #13
                          My parents figured out the answer to this problem years ago. My dad had to have a second phone line installed about 15 years ago so he could work from home at times. He was a computer programmer and could plug into the system and fix the problems when he got called in during the night. Also he had some health problems and was able to get back to coding quicker after many of his surgeries.

                          Well for people they wanted to talk to they would give their normal house number, which was a unlisted number. For anything else that could potentially become part of a marketing list they would give the second number which would only be answered if the first phone was in use, Myself and other family would call that one if the first one was busy and dad would answer it, or if it was after 9pm when telemarketers wouldn't call (usually). My parents don't believe in call waiting (dad freaken hates it) and they just got caller ID within the last year or 2.
                          My Karma ran over your dogma.


                          • #14
                            I don't have a problem giving out my number or info for most things. If I get a few extra coupons in the mail, who freaking cares? I'm a regular at your store, I might as well get a discount now and again.

                            I don't mind people being uptight about giving out their info., but don't be nasty to me. It is my job to ask for it. You can politely decline- no need to be bitchy, horrible, rude or angry to the nice little lady behind the desk who is just trying to help you.

                            Oh, and I HATE when I ask people if they have a frequent shopper card or something else, and they blow me off before they even know what it is. That pisses me off, because usually, they will make me sign them up for it after I have rung out the transaction and it is too, I work for a totally nice, non-scamming company who really, honest to god, doesn't sell your info. and really only uses the info for the specific purpose you say they can... not all companies are big brother or out to take you for all your worth. I don't mind if I tell you how the program works, and you decline- that's up to you- but at least know what it is before you say no to it!

                            Oh, and its also not a bad idea to leave that info because if you forget something- like your credit card, your actual frequent shopper card, some merchandise, I can pull your phone number in the compy and call you to make sure you get these things returned to you.

                            end rant.
                            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                            • #15
                              I hate that, I really do.
                              If I'm in a store, buying, say... a pack of batteries, with cash, I'm not giving anyone my phone number, or zip code for that matter.

                              I'm not really sucky about it, I just want corporate to know I won't answer their questions, and yes, I have emailed and written about the companies that do ask, and the cashiers (never by name though) that keep asking after I reply with "cash".

                              If I'm spending less than $10 in your store, and its for something stupid... like batteries, or chapstick, etc.... I'm paying in cash... seriously, why do you (corporate, not the cashier) need my phone number or zip code?

