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We're a computer shop, not a trading post.

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  • We're a computer shop, not a trading post.

    This one just happened. Although I'm a little calmer now than I was a few minutes ago.

    Prospective customer calls for information on computer repair. They're getting an error message upon startup.

    Me -

    OTW - Overly Talkative Woman

    Me: It could be a couple of things... either a virus corrupted Windows or it's possible the hard drive is failing. Drop it off and we'll check it out.

    OTW: Well how much is it going to be if it's either of those?

    (I don't like giving out exact pricing over the phone, mainly because people hear what they want to hear. "You said it would be $80" "No, I said it would be AROUND $80 or more." etc.)

    Me: If it requires reloading Windows it'll be $blah. If it requires putting in a new hard drive it'll be $blah.

    OTW: Okay, when my husband gets home I'll have him drive us up. I live up at the *same apartment complex I live in* and they need to do something about that place (insert rant about the crime level there)

    Me: All right, we'll see you later on.

    Five minutes later, she calls back.

    OTW: Can we trade in a laptop towards getting this fixed?

    Me: What sort of laptop?

    OTW: HP Mini... (a netbook - which are nice but we have 3 in stock right now. They're not moving.)

    Me: No, we have a couple in stock and they're not selling.

    OTW: Ok, thanks.

    Urge to kill... rising. It was apparent from the text thus far, but she kept cutting me off and was one of those folks who hung up the phone abruptly. I was starting to hope they wouldn't bring their computer in.

    Five minutes later...

    Private Caller was coming up on the called ID, so I already know it's her. I've now been trying to replace the screen in a laptop for over 20 minutes and I'm by myself today as the head technician had to leave early.

    Me: Computer services! (saying it loudly and out of breath... this is my way of signaling to repeat callers that I am being interrupted and I am running to get the phone. Which I'm not, but guilt sometimes prevents them from calling back again)

    OTW: Sorry it's me again. Can I trade you this desktop for another one instead of getting it fixed?

    (what the fuck lady - this isn't a pawn shop)

    Me: (headache forming, knuckles white, Calgon... take me away) What kind of computer is it?

    OTW: It's an Emachine...

    Me: (this time cutting her off) Nope! Sorry! Emachines are worthless.

    (They are, in my experience. The motherboards tend to die in them, amongst other things)

    OTW: Oh... okay. We'll be up in a little while, then.

    So OTW and her son bring in the limping Emachine about 10 minutes later. She's still talking about anything and everything. I patiently take their info. She keeps talking. Husband finally pops his head in the door and says that he needs to get going or he'll be late. I thank him in my head for cutting her off as they head out the door.

    Nice enough folks in person, but goddam it... I do hate it when people have to call back multiple times. Moreso when I'm actually working on something and I don't want to be interrupted.

    I need an Advil.

  • #2
    Quoth An Haddock View Post
    I need an AdvilAnvil (to bang the SC's head upon.)
    edited for my amusement-and for what Haddock is probably thinking....Advil.... Anvil such similar words...
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


    • #3
      I would guess most people don't realize how quickly a computer loses its value, especially laptops that aren't all that upgradeable to begin with.


      • #4
        Now she knows what you look like. Watch out, you may find her coming to knock on your apartment door...


        • #5
          o god that's what i was thinking.

          *knock knock* "hey could you check this out for me?..."
          (aka "could you do this for free so i don't have to pay your company")


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            o god that's what i was thinking.

            *knock knock* "hey could you check this out for me?..."
            (aka "could you do this for free so i don't have to pay your company")
            I have a quick fix for that.

            Coworker: Hey, could you look at my personal computer, Its <<doing something I recognize 90% of the time as a massive virus infestation>>.
            Me: Sure, I charge $75 an hour*, one hour minimum, plus cost of parts, if needed. If I can't fix it, you don't pay me.
            Coworker: Oh, um, I'll have to think about it. <never heard from again>

            Amazing how quickly they drop the issue after I bring up being paid for it.

            *Note, this is cheap for my area. Most places charge $100-150 an hour, one hour minimum to even look at something.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth Geek King View Post
              *Note, this is cheap for my area. Most places charge $100-150 an hour, one hour minimum to even look at something.
              I've started doing something similar. At least once a day when helping a customer load their vehicle (because the loaders are no where to be found surprise surprise) I'm asked if I want to come home with them and help them unload it.

              It doesn't BOTHER me, but it's getting old. Last guy was quoted $100 an hour for my help. I was laughing when I said it so he took it in jest like I meant it.

              As far as the OP, it's never occurred to me to try and barter for goods/services. I always assume companies rely on currency in order to partake in their goods/services.

              Is bartering something you guys do regularly?

              I do the phone thing too, I hate it when the damn thing won't stop ringing.


              • #8
                Quoth MaseMan View Post
                I would guess most people don't realize how quickly a computer loses its value, especially laptops that aren't all that upgradeable to begin with.

                We've had delusional people like that come in before. Like they'll have a 6 year old Dell and think they can get a couple hundred dollars for it.

                Yeah... no. Not on this planet, bucko.

                Quoth Dria
                Now she knows what you look like. Watch out, you may find her coming to knock on your apartment door...

                I was careful not to mention that I live there as well... but there's also 4 buildings, so there's only a 1 in 4 chance we're in the same building.

                (rolls percentile dice) Come on 26 - 100! Poppa needs a new +2 broad sword!


                • #9
                  Quoth Geek King View Post
                  Me: Sure, I charge $75 an hour*, one hour minimum, plus cost of parts, if needed. If I can't fix it, you don't pay me.
                  Wow, you are selling yourself short. In that situation of them trying to get around paying a company, I charge at least $100/hour, 3 hour minimum up front,and final amount is non negotiable regardless of the outcome.

                  But then, I'm evil like that (usual freelance for me is $50/hour, 1 hour minimum and I supply what parts I can, usually extra connectors that I stash away from component purchases)
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician


                  • #10
                    Quoth lordlundar View Post
                    Wow, you are selling yourself short.
                    I'm not selling anything. Nobody has taken me up on those prices yet.

                    The times I have fixed things for friends, I get paid in home made food, which is often better than money, as I get good companionship as well.
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      Quoth An Haddock View Post
                      We've had delusional people like that come in before. Like they'll have a 6 year old Dell and think they can get a couple hundred dollars for it.
                      Those are probably the same people who attempt to sell their computers in the local Pennysaver. They all seem to think that used computers have some sort of value. Scrap value or parts, maybe...but nobody is going to pay several hundred bucks for a 6-year old machine, especially one that wasn't all that good when it was new. Still, at least they're good for a laugh or two Seriously though, I rarely buy computer parts. Most of my stuff comes from work. That is, as soon as we start replacing equipment, I tend to get the old ones for parts. What's good, goes into my own computers. I rebuild what's left, donate it to the local church, and then scrap the rest. I'm sure some of you remember how my father's ancient Crapaq failed the "hammer" test
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        hah one of my coworkers use to do that ... prolly still does actually.

                        50 bucks to mod your PSwhatever (can't remember if it was psp or ps3)
                        and normally that includes adding in whatever goodies you ask for

                        but if he doesn't like you and you pay the 50 to get it modified, and then come back a few days later for some goodies on it, it's another 50 bucks.

