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Ma'am, in this economy do you really think my job is worth $15???

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  • #16
    Quoth Rugsrat View Post
    Whenever I get handed bills, I make it a point to count it out before hand, and then say "Out of (total in bills handed to me)." If they don't confirm that's what they handed me, I don't open my drawer. Something my mom taught me.
    Mom taught me that when I was a little bitty thing selling Girl Scout cookies years ago. Count what they give you, count back change. I've done it at every job
    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


    • #17
      Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
      I found a way around that shit. I place the money the customer gave me on top of the drawer, not putting it in the slots until I have counted out the change. That way if someone tries to say they gave me a 20 instead of a 10, I say, "Oh, good thing I didn't put it away yet! See, it's a 10."

      If they persist, I say, "I can call a manager to count down the drawer to be sure, it will take about 20 minutes or so." <--exaggerate the time to make them think it will take a while

      Usually at that point they give up.
      I've seen places that keep small, round but flat pieces of metal, quite heavy, just for the purpose of weighting down the bill til change has been given, and only then does the chashier put it away (and in the meantime, it ain't goin nowhwere from breezes, etc.).

      To play devil's advocate, though I'd bet most people are trying to scam, if they aren't obnoxious about it, I'd try to give a little benefit of the doubt now and then. It isn't difficult on a busy day, to remember starting the day with a $20 only in your purse, handing it over without paying attention, and saying, "no, I gave you a $20, that's all I had" - forgetting the stop you made to pick up an order, and left you with just a $5 now. It can happen, especially on a rushed day, when a person is stressed (and short term memory does seem to go with age, LOL).

      In my case, usually memory kicks in and the brain cells begin to work just before I say anything, thank goodness, but once or twice I've had to do a very quick explanation with profuse apology when memory kicks in after I've opened my mouth (and even when I do make a comment, it's "are you sure that was a $5, or I thought I gave you a $20", not an accusation.

      Madness takes it's toll....
      Please have exact change ready.


      • #18
        Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
        I found a way around that shit. I place the money the customer gave me on top of the drawer, not putting it in the slots until I have counted out the change. That way if someone tries to say they gave me a 20 instead of a 10, I say, "Oh, good thing I didn't put it away yet! See, it's a 10."

        If they persist, I say, "I can call a manager to count down the drawer to be sure, it will take about 20 minutes or so." <--exaggerate the time to make them think it will take a while

        Usually at that point they give up.
        Same here. It takes a little longer, but worth it not to get scammed. XD

        That woman is a total bitch. Hope karma bites her hard in the unmentionables.
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #19
          That is so extremely low. It's one thing to be a stupid scammer, but to go so far as to try and make you lose your job for no real gain on her part?? What kind of messed up world does that lady live in where other people have so little importance to her. I bet (and hope) her life is pretty miserable
          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


          • #20
            Quoth Rugsrat View Post
            Whenever I get handed bills, I make it a point to count it out before hand, and then say "Out of (total in bills handed to me)." If they don't confirm that's what they handed me, I don't open my drawer. Something my mom taught me.

            But that lady is a wicked... not quite sure what word is appropriate here. Here's hoping Karma gets her.
            Yup, learned the same trick. When I worked at Big Yank I'd say it loud enough for the bagger to hear (my till belts were quite small), so if the "I gave you $20!" when it was really a $10 bill came up, the bagger could back me up before we had to get a sup involved.

            Of course, when I worked there the sup backed up the customer, gave them what they wanted, THEN checked the till, and wrote me up when I was short the exact same amount of money I just got scammed out of. Hated that place.


            • #21
              Wow, what a bitch. Sounds like she was trying to scam you with that "I gave you a $20!!!1111!!!!" lie.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #22
                something tells me that karma has already paid her a visit.
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #23
                  I had a lady a while ago that came up to me and said I shorted her by fifty cents. Fifty freaking cents! That's not even enough to buy a bag of chips any more. And, no, my till was only off by ten cents that day.
                  Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                  • #24
                    I've tried putting the bill on top of the till but they told me I was not allowed to do that.
                    I am the commander commando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • #25
                      I had a elderly woman try to pull that on me. I was on the express lane and she bought her items, gave me her cash and I counted her change back (yes, I always say what the amount is that they hand me and wait for them to confirm). She walked away and I started to check out the next customer. She walked to the door, then came back and said that I had shorted her $20. I told her that I had given her the correct amount of change...she got upset and said that I had taken her money and she wanted it NOW. I told her that I would call and have my drawer audited.
                      One big problem with that... a drop had been done on the drawer and the amount had not been recorded (at that time we only counted drops on drawers that were on audit, the cash office would balance the others in the morning). I explained to her that we would take her name and phone # and as soon as the Cash office came in they would count the drawer and if it was over they would call her to get her money.
                      This was NOT acceptable! She needed her money NOW and she was not leaving the store until she was given her $20. I told her I could not do that, because my drawer would be off. She said "what if you give someone else too much...then your drawer wouldn't show that my $20 was in there. I want it NOW"She started crying and accusing me of taking her money and was really causing a scene. I told her I would call the store manager and let her talk to him.
                      Well, he came up, tried to tell the woman we couldn't give her the money until the next day...more crying and accusations. He finally reached in my drawer and handed her the money. WTF???
                      Anyway, before he left the front of the store I insisted that a paid out slip was filled out stating that $20 was taken out of my drawer to give to a customer who claimed I shortc hanged them per the store director, and I insisted that he sign the slip authorizing the $20 paidout.
                      When the cash office came in the next day and counted the drawer...big was $20 short (which was balanced out by the paid out). Guess the old lady had a bit extra for bingo night.

