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Go away, pesty customers...

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  • Go away, pesty customers...

    Seriously. -.- Bog off and come back on my day off. Sometimes, I get days when I'm inundated with SCs; and yesterday was such a day. Two incidents happened to my collegues, but are still worth mentioning. XD

    This Is A Forecourt, Not A Carpark.

    I was working on the tills with my collegue Kate, when we both saw this. A silver Mondeo parked next to the airpump, which had about six cones and an out of order sign, indicating that it was broken. Two people, a man and a woman, middle aged to elderly, got out. They then walked accross the car park towards the shop. Both of us were privately furious; they'd obviously decided to park there while they shopped. Kate and I both kept a look out for them to return, so she could go out there and give them a telling off. They returned about twenty minutes later, so she did. They tried to excuse themselves by claiming that they'd just gone to get change to use the air pump; Kate shot this down by saying that a) the air pump was free, b) it was broken and c) they'd been shopping. Couple were effectively pwned, and forced to apologise before making a quick getaway.

    Mr Dickhead Smoker.

    Smokes lights, so what can you expect? (hides from lights smokers. XD) Anyway, a bit of background. Marb Golds have fairly recently changed their packaging, from this to this. Mr DS for some reason was labouring under the delusion that the old packets, of which we still had a few, were cheaper than the new. It took me about ten minutes to explain this, and I'm still not sure he understood. However, since he was still insisting on an old packet and I did have other, more intelligent, customers to serve, I decided to let the baby have his bottle. Poor sod; those old packets will soon become impossible to find. XXD

    Petrol Voucher Suck #1.

    I hate those petrol vouchers with all essence of my being. They produce so many more SCs than anything else. In case anyone reading this hasn't read any of my earlier moans about these, you get one with every £50 you spend in the supermarket and it entitles you to 5p off per litre of petrol. Tomorrow at least, I won't have to deal with them as the last one would have expired today.

    Anyway, the suck occurred when my collegue Lacey was serving this guy. He handed her a petrol voucher, which had the expiry date dated the day before. Please note that the tills have been updated, which means that out of date coupons will NOT go thru the till. Also, this guy's maths was way off; he'd forgot to add in the 31st, for one thing.

    SC: It's valid for fourteen days, and there's still one more day left!
    Lacey: The expiry date is yesterday, that means it's out of date.
    SC: No, it's tomorrow it runs out. I can still use it!
    Lacey: No, it ran out yesterday.
    SC: So put it thru anyway. I'm a loyal customer, it's the least you can do.
    Lacey: It won't go thru the till; see? *scans coupon, till rejects it*
    SC: I don't believe this.

    Nor do I... that a grown man can a) not do simple maths and b) can be so childish. He eventually sucked it up and paid for his petrol and left.

    Petrol Voucher Suck #2.

    This one was all mine. This is also a regular occurance, which doesn't make it any less sucky. -.-

    SC: *after transaction* I forgot to use my petrol voucher. Can you put it thru?
    Me: Sorry, I can't do that after I've completed the transaction.
    SC: Why not? I want to use my voucher and it runs out today!

    Say it with me, everyone; A Lack Of Planning On Your Part Does Not Constitute An Emergency On Mine. So sorry you forgot to use your voucher; but that's just your bad luck. The tills are not set up to put a voucher thru after a transaction, and we are not allowed to hand out fuel refunds willy nilly. We're only allowed to do them in the case of a pump mix up or cashier balls up; not cuz a customer forgot to use their petrol voucher. In that case, it's tough titty.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Wow. The clerk at the gas station I go to is allowed to tell you off for that kind of stuff. It would be nice if everyone could do that.


    • #3
      Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
      Tomorrow at least, I won't have to deal with them as the last one would have expired today.
      Given the story you posted do you really believe that?


      • #4
        Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
        Tomorrow at least, I won't have to deal with them as the last one would have expired today.
        I hate to break it to you, but your own story contradicts you. There will be people trying to use their expired ones for quite some time.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          wherever there is a product or service being sold, there will be suck.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Quoth Magpie View Post
            Given the story you posted do you really believe that?
            It's called the triumph of hope over experience. -.- My years of working with the general public should have excised that entirely from my being, but no.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.

