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It's NOT That Big Of A Deal!

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  • #16
    Ok, so, using local laws:

    Age of majority (you can get married against your parents' wishes): 18
    Age at which you can get married with your parents' consent (they sign for you): 16

    Human gestation period: 9 months

    Age at which you can buy cigarettes: 19

    Nope, 18 + 3/4 < 19. Math is fairly straightforward.

    Now, she said "kids" plural, so we're going to have to use the younger age here. Let's assume 10 months in between because, of course, everyone does attachment parenting and natural breastfeeding, right? that's 28 months, or 2 1/3 years. Still not getting to 19. (I'm not sure if the loophole that let you get married younger than 16, provided you were pregnant, is still on the books or not, so I'm not going to use it. There was a lot of noise about fixing it last time it came up.)

    And while yes, it's annoying to have someone think you look young her logic has a couple of flaws

    - they could think she looks older than she is (ok, one year older isn't enough to be flattering) and still card her
    -the way she acts she'd be just as pissy at a store that carded everyone, no matter what their age
    - it's not the clerk's fault that you look young! Go yell at your parents for not putting you through a hard life that prematurely aged you.


    • #17
      Quoth Magpie View Post
      Ok, so, using local laws:

      Age of majority (you can get married against your parents' wishes): 18
      Age at which you can get married with your parents' consent (they sign for you): 16

      Human gestation period: 9 months

      Age at which you can buy cigarettes: 19

      Nope, 18 + 3/4 < 19. Math is fairly straightforward.

      Now, she said "kids" plural, so we're going to have to use the younger age here. Let's assume 10 months in between because, of course, everyone does attachment parenting and natural breastfeeding, right? that's 28 months, or 2 1/3 years. Still not getting to 19. (I'm not sure if the loophole that let you get married younger than 16, provided you were pregnant, is still on the books or not, so I'm not going to use it. There was a lot of noise about fixing it last time it came up.)

      And while yes, it's annoying to have someone think you look young her logic has a couple of flaws

      - they could think she looks older than she is (ok, one year older isn't enough to be flattering) and still card her
      -the way she acts she'd be just as pissy at a store that carded everyone, no matter what their age
      - it's not the clerk's fault that you look young! Go yell at your parents for not putting you through a hard life that prematurely aged you.
      A lot of places in the U.S. , the drinking age is 21. Magpie did you get carded much at the LCBO or the Beer store? I did a couple of times but after I was 22 I never did (the fact I grew a beard may have helped somewhat).

      I've gotten carded down here in the U.S. a few times (I'm 28) but mostly I don't. I actually look a bit older than I am. Having said that though, I ALWAYS keep an ID on me (actually since I am a legal U.S. resident I am required by law to have ID on me at all times.)
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #18
        Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
        A lot of places in the U.S. , the drinking age is 21. Magpie did you get carded much at the LCBO or the Beer store? I did a couple of times but after I was 22 I never did (the fact I grew a beard may have helped somewhat).
        I know. It makes it worse . But I was under the impression that in most states, legal age for cigarettes was younger, and age of consent was higher which does completely blow my arguments out of the water.

        I don't go to Brewer's Retail very often to buy (never needed cheap beer), just to return empties, never bought cigarettes in my life, but we buy beer occasionally. I've rarely been carded. I offer them my license before they can ask. It salves my pride if I don't get asked. Also, just because I look young doesn't mean I have to act immature - I know that I don't look 26 and that they therefore must card me, so I can make everyone's life easier by having it out. It also helps that even if I looked my age they'd still be carding me.
        Last edited by Magpie; 06-03-2010, 04:28 PM.


        • #19
          Quoth Magpie View Post
          I know. It makes it worse . But I was under the impression that in most states, legal age for cigarettes was younger, and age of consent was higher which does completely blow my arguments out of the water.

          I don't go to Brewer's Retail very often to buy (never needed cheap beer), just to return empties, never bought cigarettes in my life, but we buy beer occasionally. I've rarely been carded. I offer them my license before they can ask. It salves my pride if I don't get asked. Also, just because I look young doesn't mean I have to act immature - I know that I don't look 26 and that they therefore must card me, so I can make everyone's life easier by having it out. It also helps that even if I looked my age they'd still be carding me.
          This is correct. In my state it's 18 for cigarettes and 21 for alcohol, which I find very confusing. I liked how in Ontario it was the same age for both. I still don't get the 21 alcohol age limit. Most provinces in Canada have lower ages and things don't seem to burning to the ground up there.

          Also, I totally miss Zehr's. Winn Dixie just isn't the same.
          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


          • #20
            18 for cigs, 21 for alcohol and lottery tickets here. I just wonder what she'd have said if I'd told her the correct age of 40? **sigh** and Gaki, I do exactly what you said in your post, if people complain. Serves them right!
            "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


            • #21
              Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
              I just wanted to showyou to prove that I'm twenty siz, and you tell HER (me) that, too, since she's ID'd me every time I come in!"
              You know, if you've ID'd her every time she's come in, then why the hell didn't she have her ID on her this time, since you've got a nice, consistent track record?

              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
              In my state it's 18 for cigarettes and 21 for alcohol, which I find very confusing.
              Old laws, based mostly on maturity, I think. *shrug*

              If they don't like 'em, they can lobby to get 'em changed, but until then, they're going to have to flipping put up with 'em.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

