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A bad start to a Friday morning.

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  • A bad start to a Friday morning.

    So...for those of you who do night know; I'm imagining that's most of you, I work in a super market deli.
    It's not a great job, or a fun job, or a dignified job, or a satisfying job, but it's a job. A job I hate. Any way, I am forced on an almost daily basis to deal with what I like to refer as 'the mindless masses' (you can just sense my love for humanity; I know you can).
    I can assure you; I wasn't this cynical until I started working there. LOL!
    Anyway, it started off as a normal Friday at the deli. I was getting things set up, and my manager was just giving me the run down of all the chores I need to get done for the day. No big; until this guy approached the deli counter. Okay I'll help him out.
    Sometimes I recognize my regular customers and sometimes I don't. This guy only shows up maybe once a month (if that often) so I don't always remember him. I asked him what he wanted and he gruffly said 'One pound of tavern ham and a pound of yellow American cheese.' with a huge attitude.
    'OOH that's right; it's you' I thought to myself. Yea I remembered him. He's been coming in for months, always in a bad mood, always trying to intimidate me, and all around act like a class-A jerk. And he's super cheap.
    Like really cheap. He'll usually bitch, moan, and complain if something is a dime over the cost (not joking for exaggerating btw).
    Little does he know I really don't give a crap about him, so I pretty much ignore his idiotic behavior and forget about him the minute he leaves.
    So I begin slicing my lunch meat and he walks away. Now sometimes I forget how much the customer orders; usually when that happens I slice only a half pound package and wait till they come back. When he returned, i told him I forgot if he wanted a half or a pound, and said a pound. So what I did was slice another half pound package and was about to slice the cheese.
    That was until he picked up his two packages of ham and said to me 'You do realize the way you have this packaged this going to be a penny over; don't you?' Yes; you read the correctly; A PENNY! One cent (not only did I not know; I didn't care either). whatever; I went to combine the packages together, when he decided to go off. 'You have no idea what it's like out there, with this economy; do you?'
    Fuck you man; I work at a god damned deli; I think I have a clue. I really said nothing, I was trying to keep calm. 'What's wrong with you? Every fucking time I come in here you fuck up my order.'
    This time I had to say something; 'Excuse me; but every time you come in here you give me an attitude.' (Believe it or not I said that with a calm tone too).
    'Fuck you! I'm going some place else to shop.'
    Where I replied, 'Okay. Have a good weekend.' (I wasn't about to beg or bargain with some idiot so he'll come back).
    "What was that? You want to say something else?"
    "No; just have a good weekend."
    I think he was getting madder at the fact I was being nice to him. LOL!
    After that he left; cursing and yell as he walked away.
    Seriously? A penny? Not to sound too insensitive but if you're so cheap you're worried about a fraking penny; you need to go on food stamps.
    About five minutes later the store manager approached me and asked me one question, 'How much over were you?'
    "A penny."
    I don't claim to be a mind reader but I think the manager might have been thinking 'this is why I was brought over here?' I could be wrong though. You'd have to ask him.
    To tell you the truth, I'm not even mad at the guy. Sure he's a pain in the ass, but he's a nothing.
    Anyway; that was my morning. I really hope that joker never comes back...but I'm sure he will.

  • #2
    Don't worry, you'll see him next month. I think I would have been tempted to pull a penny out of my pocket and give it to him. Then again, I've gotten snarky in my old age.
    Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


    • #3
      Forget "you need to go on food stamps" try "you need to buy cheaper food". You can save a lot more than one cent if you don't buy the deli meats to begin with.

      Sorry you have to deal with that idiot.


      • #4
        Quoth Teysa View Post
        Don't worry, you'll see him next month. I think I would have been tempted to pull a penny out of my pocket and give it to him. Then again, I've gotten snarky in my old age.
        Honestly I was tempted to do that too. But I rarely keep change on me. Haha!


        • #5
          Hell, I'd give the guy a dollar or a Jack Chick tract if that would shut him up--whatever happens to be in my pocket. A used tissue? Here!

