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When I realized the shift was concession, I shoulda just stayed home!

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  • When I realized the shift was concession, I shoulda just stayed home!

    Yesterday I had just gotten off work, and right as I was pulling into the driveway, I got a text from an employee asking me if I wanted to work for them, meaning I would go back in a couple of hours. I needed more hours, since alot of my hours come from employees who let me work for them, so I said yes. Had I known what I was getting myself into, I probably would've stayed home.
    There is Large and Medium (when someone asks for a small we try to sell a medium cup, don't ask why, this is just what we were trained to do) Then we have a small that is only sold in something we call a Cameo Combo, which is the small drink and small popcorn. Last is the kids cup which is only sold in kids packs.
    The first or second customer I got started complaining that he only wanted a small, and I explained to him this is only in the Cameo Combo, so he gets a medium drink. Now we come to the part where customers don't read the coupons He hands me a 50 cent off coupon, which is only good for 50 cents off a combo, (Cameo Combo not included). This is after I had made his drink, and I told him the coupon is only good for combos. So he hands me the drink and storms off.
    When the next customer asked me how I was doing, I told them, "I'm fine, so long as you don't complain the way that guy did." Probably shouldn't have done that, but I don't like starting off a shift that way 5 minutes after I walk through the door. I then noticed the customer standing at a distance and looking at me, and I'm pretty sure he overheard what I said.
    He also went to another cashier and told them he didn't want to deal with me Hey, whatever, pal. Like I give a fuck. And its then that my coworker tells me that he had decided to get a Cameo Combo.
    Later I had a customer ask for a courtesy cup for his bottle of water, the tiny little dixie cups that we have for the customers. I couldn't find any, and of course the customer feels the need to question me, asking me, "Are you sure you don't have any?"
    When I tell him no and I'm sorry, he tells me just to go ahead and give him a big cup. When I tell him he'll have to pay full price for it, he says he doesn't care. Ok, this guy is a complete idiot. Money is very tight right now, and he wants to throw away his money like that? What is wrong with just drinking it out of the bottle?
    Like I said before, I shoulda just stayed home, but at least it was a short 4 hour shift, and time went by pretty quick.

  • #2
    Dude, if you were serving me and told me you were fine as long as I didn't bitch, I'd walk away and get someone else to serve me too.... It's one thing to bitch about a sucky customer, it's completely different to then give the next customer attitude because of it. Just my two cents.
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #3
      Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
      When I tell him no and I'm sorry, he tells me just to go ahead and give him a big cup. When I tell him he'll have to pay full price for it, he says he doesn't care. Ok, this guy is a complete idiot. Money is very tight right now, and he wants to throw away his money like that? What is wrong with just drinking it out of the bottle?
      Personally I do not the problem with this guy. If he wants to waste his money, then more power to him.


      • #4
        Quoth tollbaby View Post
        Dude, if you were serving me and told me you were fine as long as I didn't bitch.
        That is one of those things that may depend on tone of voice... I know I've before at the hotel had people come up and ask how I was doing and respond back "that all depends on how complicated your request is" with a cheering tone of voice, wink, and smile and they know that it's a joke.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          That's exactly the way I am to all customers, even if they are rude and nasty. I never have and never will take it out on the next customer, and I remain polite and curteous. If a customer happens to make me very angry, then I will excuse myself for a few minutes and try to regain my composure.


          • #6
            Quoth tollbaby View Post
            .... It's one thing to bitch about a sucky customer, it's completely different to then give the next customer attitude because of it.
            I think the OP realizes that, which is why he said that he "Probably shouldn't have done that".

            He's just venting about a bad day, mistakes and all. Let's drop this line of discussion, please.

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              ouch, sounds like you had a sucky day, have some fresh baked shortbread!
              "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

              CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
              Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?

