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Identity crisis

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  • Identity crisis

    Had a guest try to check in today without any ID. This is something we cannot do. We MUST have some sort of government issued ID to check you in. If you're really nice, I may bend the rules and let you check in with a student or employee ID (since those used to be acceptable), but I'm still gonna require something linking your name and photo.

    I didn't hear the first conversation between my CW and this SC, but I heard the second one when he came back in to cuss her out.

    SC: You know, this is f#@%ing ridiculous! I checked into <our brand> in <city two states away> with a military ID and it was no f#@%ing problem, and now I come here and you're sending me across the street to f#@%ing Hotel Hell and this place is nice and I don't want to stay there and I checked into <our brand> in <city two states away> with my military ID and I don't have it now and you're not f#@%ing renting me a room and I mean who is who they f#@%ing say they are anyway?

    Okay, first of all WTF does checking in to another city with your ID have anything at all with checking in here without ID? What logic connects that, except that they are the same brand? Even if I could look up his info from another location (which I can't), I'd still want to see some for myself since this guy is clearly nuts.

    And really, "who is who they f#@%ing say they are anyway?" So, after he states that, I'm now also supposed to take his word on who he says he is? I don't think he's listening to what he's saying...

    [After the guy wandered off, Boss Man was in the back room, saying, "Tell him 'welcome to Earth', and once he comes back down, as long as he promises not to kidnap us and take us to the Mothership, then we can rent him a room when he gets his ID."]
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    I had a question about this story. Was the SC trying to use his military ID at your hotel, but your policy doesn't allow it, or did he have no ID whatsoever? The former is a silly policy, but either way that's no excuse to be a SC about it.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      Wait, he checked into a hotel several states away with his military ID, and now he doesn't have the ID? Where'd it go? And did he drive there? Where's his driver's license?!
      Last edited by Exaspera; 06-17-2010, 08:19 PM. Reason: confusion
      Dull women have immaculate homes.


      • #4
        He had no ID whatsoever. He checked into another one of our chain several states away using military ID, but he didn't have it when he tried to check in with us. He said his wallet was stolen and that he couldn't get new IDs for whatever reason (something about bureaucratic government conspiracies or something like that, from what I gathered from his rambling.)

        He's wandered off now, but his bicycle is still here. We're guessing he's going to try and find someone who'll rent the room in their name and pass the key to him. (That's what's called Fronting, and it's illegal. Big no-no.)
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          "who is who they f#@%ing say they are anyway?"
          that makes me wonder if the ID he doesn't have is even valid now... if he might not be who he says he is...


          • #6
            Well, fortunately he came and picked up his bicycle. Not before telling all the employees out on their smoke break to "F#@% off" first, though. Nice guy. Buh-bye now.
            Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


            • #7
              Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
              (That's what's called Fronting, and it's illegal. Big no-no.)
              Is it illegal, or company policy?

              I decided to check the BC Innkeepers Act to see which it was here, and there is no law against fronting. For that matter, the law here does NOT require us to check ID, which I knew, but we'd be stupid not to, and we tell guests it is a legal requirement to stave off arguments.

              One thing did surprise me: there is no law here that says we can't rent to minors. In fact, if the minor is emancipated, and can prove it, it IS against the law to deny them service based on their age.

              As with all matters legal, your area may vary.
              Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

              "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


              • #8
                Don't service personnel get into a lot of trouble if they lose their ID?


                • #9
                  Quoth casey13 View Post
                  Don't service personnel get into a lot of trouble if they lose their ID?
                  They can. But if it was stolen, they won't be in as much trouble. Last I knew they had to go through a crapload of paperwork to replace it. Police report, base security report, letters from his/her command, the person's own written statement of events..... In other words it can be a major pain in the ass, but it is meant to encourage people to keep their ID cards safe and secure.

                  It might vary from base to base. (it has been 5 years since I have been near a base so this might have changed).


                  • #10
                    Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
                    [After the guy wandered off, Boss Man was in the back room, saying, "Tell him 'welcome to Earth', and once he comes back down, as long as he promises not to kidnap us and take us to the Mothership, then we can rent him a room when he gets his ID."]
                    That was full of win!
                    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                    • #11
                      Quoth casey13 View Post
                      Don't service personnel get into a lot of trouble if they lose their ID?
                      not really.

                      not unless someone in the chain of command is really pissed off at you. at least for the navy.

                      the basic procedure:
                      fill out a request chit asking for a new id card. include a separate sheet of paper explaining how it got lost - you might have to include an essay on why losing your id card is wrong.

                      Once it's approved you go to personnel and they print you up an official form that authorizes you a new ID card. Then you go to PSD and and wait....a lot of waiting really.

                      the most annoying parts:
                      1) trying to get back onto base without the ID. they're a lot stricter now than they use to be (especially after 911)

                      2) waiting at PSD. It feels like forever. You stand at the counter and wait... yet there's always a dozen or so workers standing around gossiping.

                      one time i got a worker right away but... she kept running off for 10 minutes at a time because she had her period. i didnt say it to her but i was sure as hell thinking "just take a pill and suck it up - you're not the only girl to ever get cramps"

                      but no, i've never been punished for losing an id.
                      scolded but not punished. except the punishment of how annoying the process is.

                      sadly it can also be just as annoying for people who have more valid reasons to get new ID cards. one of my coworkers had to get a new card because he got promoted... the wait at the base PSD was so long - and they were jerking him around - that it was over 3 months before they let him get a new card.

