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Highways of Hell

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  • Highways of Hell

    So, I have started working my wonderful job with the state's transportation department again. It's great, 40hrs a week with well over minium wage salary and even retirement plan (which we can cash out when the summers over with, if we so choose.) We don't get paid vacations or anything, but that's still pretty damn good for a summer job for college kids. Anywho, I've been put into a different divsion this year, which is the county garage. Our job usually consists of mowing, litter patrol/clean-up and weed whacking, which is where we get the nickname "weed eaters". Now, technically, we don't have customers, but the people we deal with suck, so I consider them SCs and some even EWs. Today was only my first day back and already, they come for me.

    People=Target practice
    While on the side of the road, with weed-whacker in hand (and attached), sweat pouring down my face, several cars whiz past at frightening speeds and try to hit us with garbage, i.e pop bottles, food bags, etc. This is not only dangerous, but illegal. Littering is a $500 fine at the least. Guess who was able to get a few license plates down before the car zoomed away? My lovely and awesome sup, M.

    "You stupid kids, get off my----er, their lawn!"
    Some of the local highways run pretty close to houses out in the country. Yes, that is your property, but if there is a guardrail that goes through a VERY SMALL part of it, it is technically the property of the state.
    We got about halfway done with a long stretch of rails when we heard yelling. Thinkng it was our sup asking for help or demanding we take a break again (hotter than hell out and us college kids wanting to make money and not be bored, we won't take a break untill we're told), so we turn off our whackers and turn to where the truck was. It wasn't there, which isn't weird. Sups will occasinally go and scout out the next spot, leaving us to carry on with our jobs. In it's place is a very wet and pissed off looking woman, in a very small bikini with her hands on her hips. She looked to be about late 20's or early 30's. She starts yelling again, telling us to get off her lawn. We're next to a very busy highway, next to a guardrail that is about 60 or so yards from the front of a farm. Yes, she stormed all the way from the back of the house to the side of the highway in only her bikini and flip flops to yell at us.

    CW: Ma'am, technically speaking, this is the state's property. It's at least 50 yards from the house and next to a MAJOR STATE HIGHWAY, thus it is not your lawn.
    W: Well no, it's not my lawn. It's my brother's house, but that still doesn't give you the right--
    CW: ma'am please, for your own safety, return to his house, it is very dangerous out here and we can not be liable for anything that may happen to you.
    W: No, I'm not leaving until you leave, bitch.

    And she does. Hands on her hips, bikini and cat-butt face and all. On the side of the highway. In the middle of the afternoon. This woman is stupid. Me and my CW just kinda look at each, shrug, and start up our whackers again. We can't here exactly what she's saying, but we can tell she's screaming again. I am the closest to her so I shut my whacker off once again and walk right up to her. Compare: 5'2, blonde woman, doesn't look to be more than 115 lbs with a bikini and flip flops. Me- 5'6, little under 200lbs, with jeans, steel toed work boots and a very powerful weed whacker attached to my hip. I got into her face, sweat and body odor pouring off of me and say: ma'am you can either move, or you can get the whole front-lower half of your body whacked with the rest of the annoying organisms on the side of this road. Which is it gonna be?
    She glares at me with the "I dare you" look until I start up the whacker in one pull and boost it up to full throttle. She screeches and turns tail and runs back to the house. Granted, it was a bit extreme, but we really don't want anyone to get hurt out there, that's our job. If she did get hurt, she could sue the whole state and we would be written up for multiple safety viloations, so whatever gets her damn skinny butt off the road.

    Shoulder Work
    We have big orange signs that say "Shoulder Work Ahead" to warn people that we are working. I swear to God, a guy pulls up to us, whackers in hand, and says: So what are your prices?
    Us: Excuse me?
    G: How much for shoulder work, cause mine's been killing me and...
    CW: Sir, that's just a warning to let you know that we're whacking weeds on the side of the road.
    G: ..........oh, sorry. *drives off*
    We both just kinda stood there for second thinking "Did that just actually happen?" Yes, yes it did.

    That is all for now, but believe me there is about another 3 months more coming. Now to rest my aching arms and blistered feet and get the smell of stupid people out of my clothes.
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    I think that last guy had to have been kidding. I really hope he was kidding.


    • #3
      Please take care with the blistered feet, owie. You certainly don't want them to become worse.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Yes, please take care of the blistered feet. And do not use the weed-eater against the entitlement drivers and yard-harpies in a literal sense. That's why we have imaginations.
        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


        • #5
          People actually TRY TO HIT YOU?

          My god.

          As for the blistered feet: SLATHER them in lotion before you go to bed, and wear socks in bed. And slather them in lotion before you put your boots on to go to work.
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #6
            Quoth Moggie View Post
            I think that last guy had to have been kidding. I really hope he was kidding.
            It's likely he was trying to make a joke. And failing badly, of course.
            Quoth Kristev View Post
            Yes, please take care of the blistered feet. And do not use the weed-eater against the entitlement drivers and yard-harpies in a literal sense. That's why we have imaginations.
            And this>

            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              A tip for blisters I learned through the grapevine: If they're filled with fluid and this is causing pain when pressure is applied, run a small sewing needle (after sterilizing it and thread with alcohol) with a length of thread through the blister. Tie off the thread, cover the blister in ointment, and allow the thread to stay there and wick out the fluid overnight.


              • #8
                Make sure your socks are dry - bring changes of socks for breaks if you need to, and this will help prevent blisters. And make sure they fit! If your socks have creases you're going to end up with problems.


                • #9
                  Blister first-aid tips:

                  - By a huge margin, the best first aid for unpopped blisters is to go to the foot care part of the drugstore and purchase something called moleskin. Cut it into "doughnuts" and stack them until they are about the level of the blister's surface. Then let the blister heal on its own. An unpopped blister will not get infected, and it will heal faster.

                  - DO NOT pop it unless it is inevitable that it will pop on its own. This is a last resort because you remove the cushion provided by the fluid and you now have a huge wound vulnerable to infection in a horribly damp and germ infested place.

                  - If you must pop it (because you have no access to moleskin, or it's just so huge you can't "doughnut" it) use a needle sterilized in a flame. To be frank, the suggestion of another poster to run thread through it to wick away the fluid is a BAD idea. You are just begging to get an infection by leaving nasty unsterile thread inside a wound! (It's unsterile unless you want to run it in there when the alcohol is still wet; ouch!) There is nothing wrong with the clear fluid inside (or seeping from) a blister; it's sterile plasma. It's not gonna be sterile any more if you leave a "germ resevoir" sitting inside it. And unless you use something like twine, it isn't going to wick anything either.

                  - To get moleskin (or bandages) to adhere better, get something called "Tincture of Benzoin" Applied to clean skin, it helps bandages adhere better. You can get it at "outdoor" stores like REI, or you can special order it from a pharmacy. (I got mine on special order from Rite Aid for $6.00 or so; they'll have to look it up in their special-order catalog.) After you put on the bandages, powder your foot to keep the tincture from sticking to your socks.

                  - Keep your feet dry! This means No Cotton! Get quality hiking socks from an outdoor store.

                  - Foot powder! Until your feet toughen up, and/or your boots get broken in, use it! It reduces friction inside your socks.

                  Last edited by sirwired; 06-22-2010, 02:42 PM.


                  • #10
                    I'll admit I learned my advice from military people so it may not be as wise as the above. I'd err on the side of sterility. :P


                    • #11
                      And remember: when using moleskin, the fuzzy part goes on the OUTSIDE. Apparently a lot of people go "oh, nice soft cushion, I'll put that against my skin."


                      • #12
                        Quoth sirwired View Post
                        Blister first-aid tips:

                        - By a huge margin, the best first aid for unpopped blisters is to go to the foot care part of the drugstore and purchase something called moleskin. Cut it into "doughnuts" and stack them until they are about the level of the blister's surface. Then let the blister heal on its own. An unpopped blister will not get infected, and it will heal faster.

                        - DO NOT pop it unless it is inevitable that it will pop on its own. This is a last resort because you remove the cushion provided by the fluid and you now have a huge wound vulnerable to infection in a horribly damp and germ infested place.

                        - If you must pop it (because you have no access to moleskin, or it's just so huge you can't "doughnut" it, use a needle sterilized in a flame. To be frank, the suggestion of another poster to run thread through it to wick away the fluid is a BAD idea. You are just begging to get an infection by leaving nasty unsterile thread inside a wound! (It's unsterile unless you want to run it in there when the alcohol is still wet; ouch!) There is nothing wrong with the clear fluid inside (or seeping from) a blister; it's sterile plasma. It's not gonna be sterile any more if you leave a "germ resevoir" sitting inside it. And unless you use something like twine, it isn't going to wick anything either.

                        - To get moleskin (or bandages) to adhere better, get something called "Tincture of Benzoin" Applied to clean skin, it helps bandages adhere better. You can get it at "outdoor" stores like REI, or you can special order it from a pharmacy. (I got mine on special order from Rite Aid for $6.00 or so; they'll have to look it up in their special-order catalog.) After you put on the bandages, powder your foot to keep the tincture from sticking to your socks.

                        - Keep your feet dry! This means No Cotton! Get quality hiking socks from an outdoor store.

                        - Foot powder! Until your feet toughen up, and/or your boots get broken in, use it! It reduces friction inside your socks.

                        All good suggestions. For the socks two ways to go, Merino wool or polypropolene (sp). For what you are doing stick with the poly its cheaper and dries faster. Wigwam Mills makes great ones. look for ones labeled coolmax they are the best polys ive found out there and i use and abuse my socks outdoors.


                        • #13
                          You work for the state and don't get paid vacations? That seems odd to me. Are you a contractor?
                          Life's too short to drink cheap beer


                          • #14
                            Quoth sirwired View Post
                            Blister first-aid tips:
                            Band-aid makes a blister guard Inot sure the exact name) that are wonderful. Not cheap, but SO good, I get them anytime I'm gonna be on my feet more than usual (like when taking the munchkin to Disneyland). If you can put one on a spot just as it's quite red but before the blister forms, it'll stay on for a couple of days at least, and prevent a blister in that spot. Helps with blisters already there, too. It's made to be water proof, so depending on how well you adhere it, and where it is, it can last for days. Gives padding as well as keeps friction off. Like I said, not cheap, but well worth it.

                            Madness takes it's toll....
                            Please have exact change ready.


                            • #15
                              I tried the Band-Aid blister-guards, and found they peeled off just as quickly as the much-cheaper moleskin. (I will admit that the moleskin will become a soggy mess in the shower, but I like to remove any bandages to wash my feet and let things air out anyway...) I didn't see any difference in effectiveness.

                              Really, the biggest help I found was that Tincture of Benzoin... everything sticks longer when your skin is coated with that stuff. (Just don't forget to powder your feet after use!)


