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I do actually love some of our guests, just not these ones

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  • I do actually love some of our guests, just not these ones

    For the record…I don’t care.
    I noticed a kid (10 at the very most) in one of the hot tubs so I went and nicely said that unfortunately everyone had to be at least 16 to use the hot tubs. The kid gets out, I notice that there are two girls who look to be somewhere between 15 and 17, they don’t react at all to me walking up or saying anything, so naturally I assume that they are either old enough or that they are going to pretend to be so I didn’t push the issue (we are not allowed to ask for ID, which is dumb but that is neither here nor there as even so I doubt I would have checked them as it is a rule, not a law and they were not causing any problems). After a bit the child and his parents both leave but as they are leaving that “for the record” their child was not the only one under 16 in the hot tubs and they turned away. As they were walking away I asked them in the future to please let me know if they see any children in the hot tub or if they know that anyone is lying about their age.

    *bonus points* The girls later wanted to rent bikes and for that we need someone who is at least 18 to sign a waver, yep those two are 19 and 21 (I only know because one signed the form, the other paid with a credit card, and I always ask for ID with a card).

    No I will not lead you by the hand.
    Seriously if you got lost on your way to shuffleboard then you deserve a helmet. All that you need to do is go out the door and walk towards the basketball court (which you admitted that you found) and as long as you walk straight you will actually step directly on the shuffleboard court. Nobody has ever not been able to find it before. Whining the words “can you show meeeeee?” will only get me to show you on a map and I will make you feel like the moron that you are by talking to you like a 5 year old (although most 5 year olds would not have a problem finding it).

    There is a big green bit with a sign saying dirty towels in the pool room, there is also a bin full of dirty towels in the gym, and there is yet another bin all of 5 feet from me (and in clear view) with a few dirty towels. Do not place them on the desk. Do not drop them on the carpet. Do not hand them to me. Do not throw them at me. Do not hide them . If you don’t know what to do you can ask me, I don’t mind, plenty of people let their brains vacation while they are here, its all good, as long as you aren’t a douchewaffle.

  • #2
    If they are in a hot-tub where are they supposed to keep ID?

    I would be very pissed off if i had to get out of the hot-tub trapse back to the locker-room, get my clothes out, find my wallet, take the ID to the desk, go back to the locker-room repack everything, before going back to the hot-tub.

    That is most likely the reason that you can't ask for ID, same way i've never been ID'd when buying booze in a waterpark even when i was being ID'd everywhere else.


    • #3
      Quoth Legal Eagle View Post
      If they are in a hot-tub where are they supposed to keep ID?
      ...must ... not ... say ... it....
      Originally Posted by edible_hat
      (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


      • #4
        Quoth Legal Eagle View Post
        If they are in a hot-tub where are they supposed to keep ID?

        That is most likely the reason that you can't ask for ID, same way i've never been ID'd when buying booze in a waterpark even when i was being ID'd everywhere else.
        The waterpark was taking a BIG risk. Since people are wearing their normal street clothes when they pay their admission, why not ID them there, and issue 2 different kinds of (cut to remove) wristbands (like a hospital bracelet) - possibly having a large "M" (minor) for underage or not showing ID, and "A" (adult) for those showing "OK to buy booze" ID, then restricting alcohol sales to customers with "A" wristbands?
        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

