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I was an SC

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  • #16
    OK I'd be mad too. But that was an SC moment. We all have our bad days, and as much as I try to be respectful and understanding -- I'm sure I've been an SC at some point in my life.

    So I'll tell you my SC moment. I really didn't mean to be...but I'm sure they thought I was.

    Years ago, I had it set up for an automatic payment to be taken out of my savings account. Well for reasons I can't remember, I had it cancelled. It was a while ago...and I can't remember what I did yesterday, let alone a few years ago.

    Anyway, cut to December 2006. I check my accounts online and this payment was taken out. Well it shouldn't have been. So I called the company "Why'd you do that?" They said it was a mistake, but they could not credit it..they'll just make it next month's payment. Great...well It was around Christmas time and I needed that $$. Sooooo I thought I'd call and get the payment reversed as unauthorized.

    Called the bank "Yes you can do that" Get to the bank "No you can't do that" "But someone said I could?" "No ... because you did authorize it" "Yes....once upon a time I did..but I cancelled it..and I have no idea why they sent this one thru" So they called department head (NOT at my request, btw) who confirmed, that no, in fact, I could not. Great.

    Well..I thought "Maybe she didn't understand what my story was..and that I had revoked the I'll go down to her branch and talk to her...most she can say is 'no, I said!" haha So I did....

    She was instantly snotty. (I thought "Great she thinks I'm one of those people" I said "But I didn't authorize it" She goes "YES YOU DID" I said "Well, yes..but I revoked it...." and she cut me off and said "Let me get the manager"

    I felt like an ass.

    Manager comes out -- is very nice...says 'Sure we can do that....but the thing is...we don't normally because of laws..blah blah ((I didn't understand at all what she was saying))

    I felt like a bigger ass.

    I apologized a million times, that I wasn't trying to be difficult, but that I thought maybe the department supervisor didn't understand that I'd revoked the authorization.

    So I got what I wanted...but I felt ... well like an ass.
    Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


    • #17
      That's not sucky. It's not sucky to be persistent if the CSR doesn't explain well or just flat out doesn't listen.

