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Once again...

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  • Once again...

    You'd have thought that people would have learned from Christmas Eve, but no. New Year's Eve, there were at least 12 people who showed up after closing time, begging to be allowed in. For sake, when we are closed, we are closed! You are not coming in. GO HOME!

    The best were the couple who showed up nearly 15 minutes past 4pm to have this conversation with my collegue who was on door minding duty:

    Stupid man: SM
    Stupid woman: SW
    Lucy: My collegue, not her real name

    SM: Can we come in?
    Lucy: Sorry, we're closed.
    SW: Are you sure?
    Lucy: Yes, we always close at 4pm on Sunday.
    SM: But it's New Year's Eve!
    SW: You should make allowances for that.
    Lucy: I'm sorry, but Sunday trading laws are always the same, regardless of whether it's New Year's Eve.
    SM: We need to get some stuff for a party, we won't be long.
    Lucy: I'm sorry, but we're closed. You can't come in.

    Like the other 10 idiots who turned up after 4pm, these people eventually left, swearing never to come back. Why do these people think that after a long day at work, we don't want to leave and go home? We have lives, too. -___-
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    As I posted in the similar thread for Christmas Eve, N was on the door again at 4. And without security this time.

    Same story, same losers who verbally abused her and more.

    Poor girl didn't come in today. Someone ran over her foot with a trolley and broke a toe.

