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Wherein someone drives through a parkade gate..

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  • Wherein someone drives through a parkade gate..

    Here's the rest of the week to go along with that one gloriously suck arse Friday night I posted earlier. A couple of really special ones this week ( The parkade )

    PS. Happy New Years. ^^


    You're at a payphone NOT an arcade game. If I tell you "no", it does not mean you can insert another quarter and try again.

    Shift Commentary:

    I'm trying to be witty but I have a severe headache. It’s hard to be witty when you have a headache. Mainly you just sit there wishing that everyone who talks to you would get hit by a bus full of lions which is engulfed in flames.

    The lions would then pile out of the bus and maul the person in question, while on fire, and thus set them on fire in the process. Then somehow, don't ask me how as I haven't quite worked it out yet, the whole lot of them would be hit by a low flying cargo plane full of thumbtacks.

    Sure, I have one right here.

    Caller asked me if I had access to an "Internet socket" to look something up for him. You know, I just might. Let me take off my telecom headframe and look around under my butt shelf, er, chair. I know there has to be an Internet Socket around here somewhere....


    Me: "and your postal code?"
    SC: "V3….do I know that? Postal code…"

    You're asking me? I have so little faith left that I'm impressed you even managed to tell me what your name was. Nevermind your postal code. Heck I'm impressed you made it this far to begin with. In fact you were on a roll. Don't give up now!

    Property Management

    Caller informed Op #2 that her clicker to open the parkade gate did not work… she ran her car through the parkade gate instead. I'm not entirely sure why she thought that was acceptable solution. Nor why she would actually call and explain why she did it.

    Still, its just further evidence that there are few problems in the world that cannot be solved by running them over with a Honda Civic.

    As a bonus: Caller actually told us who she was and what suite she lived in after admitting she ran through the parkade gate. I guess she really thinks "Well my clicker didn't work" was a valid excuse.

    Orderlines 2

    Me: "and the card number is?"
    SC: "…the numbers look kind of funny."

    Funny "ha ha" or funny "I spend the last hour inhaling model glue and then the cat told me to call"?

    Cell Phone Bills

    Caller spoke at length for about a minute. I understood approximately 6 words: "I dun be", "pay" and "foon off". I'm not entirely sure what any of it means but I would very much appreciated it if he would "foon off" himself.

    Home Renovations
    ( 3am on an info line for a company that does home renovations )

    SC: "Is this a radio?"

    That depends how good of an imagination you have I guess. If you like I could cup my hand over my headset mic and make a radio static noise for you.

    Hotel Reservations

    "Your confirmation number is M as in Mary. D as in David. V as in Victory. xxxxxx"


    Yes, B as in David. Ignore all those other numbers. You don't need them anyway. I don't know how you managed to board a plane to begin with but I think I know why they kicked you off it.

    How Not To Impress Skytrain Security

    Stumble on to the Skytrain and ensure you are: A) Drunk, B) Smoking, C) Have rollerblades, D) Grab some guy's bag and throw it at him so you can sit down and E) Make a total ass of yourself while your sober and utterly embarrassed girlfriend apologizes to everyone around you.

    Not enough you say? Well wait, there's more!

    When the train gets to your stop, get off the train and immediately try and start a fight with some guy on the platform. For extra brownie points, shove him towards the Skytrain track.

    End your evening by being set upon by Skytrain guards that lept on you like starving dogs on a bacon bit.

    I for one have to cheer on police brutality in this instance.

    The Second Coming

    Some strange woman in a trench coat called me Jesus on the way to work tonight. So just fyi, the messiah has returned and he works in a call centre.

    Wrong Numbers

    Why do so many people not believe me when I tell them they have the wrong number? Do I sound that untrustworthy? Do you mistake my politeness for the shifty, halted, drug smuggling, kitten drowning speech of that guy that lives in the suite below you that slinks out, arse naked, into the hallway every morning with a bottle of gin to steal your newspaper? Or are you just a moron?

    I shall mentally debate the topic at length and let you know the conclusion I came too after hours of deliberation……you're a moron. Another mystery solved. Watson! Bring me the next case!

    With apologies to Louisville, Kentucky

    Caller ranted at length about the $20 she had lost in the machine. Caller indicated she had inserted $20 in "3 10's". Yes, $20 in 3 $10 bills. Caller also did not know what the address of the store was. Niether did *3* of the clerks she asked who worked AT the store. Caller ranted her entire story, at least 4 times, to each clerk she spoke with. She also told me the story at least 9 times.

    She attempted to describe the store location to me using landmarks and asked me if I was from Louiseville. I spent a moment thanking God and any other deities I could think of that I was not from Louiseville, KY.

    I'm losing enough braincells as is engaging you in conversation. The thought being in the same physical area as you terrifies me. The damage would be irrepairable. Like being hit by some sort of intellectual biological weapon.

    Happy Happy

    Me: "Good evening, <company name>"
    SC" "Yeah, that’s what I want! <click>"

    You hanging up is what I wanted too. So we both walked away happy. Huzzah! Have a biscuit.

    The fun never ends at my job. Never. I wish it would sometimes. But then I wouldn't have any stories. -.-

  • #2
    I had a customer tell me his cat looked at his cable bill & told him to call me. Then the guy was imitating what the cat had said to him by going, "Meow meow meow..." over & over. I had to hit "MUTE" so I wouldn't burst out laughing.
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Why do so many people not believe me when I tell them they have the wrong number? Do I sound that untrustworthy? Do you mistake my politeness for the shifty, halted, drug smuggling, kitten drowning speech of that guy that lives in the suite below you that slinks out, arse naked, into the hallway every morning with a bottle of gin to steal your newspaper? Or are you just a moron?
      That's going on the wall.
      And by "wall" I mean "signature".
      EDIT: And by "signature", I mean, "crap, it won't fit on the signature."
      Last edited by Gawdzillers; 01-01-2007, 11:58 PM.
      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


      • #4
        i bow downat your feet jesus


        • #5
          Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
          I had a customer tell me his cat looked at his cable bill & told him to call me. Then the guy was imitating what the cat had said to him by going, "Meow meow meow..." over & over. I had to hit "MUTE" so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

          Interesting. Can he tell me what the hell MY cat is saying?


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            I'm trying to be witty but I have a severe headache. It’s hard to be witty when you have a headache. Mainly you just sit there wishing that everyone who talks to you would get hit by a bus full of lions which is engulfed in flames.

            The lions would then pile out of the bus and maul the person in question, while on fire, and thus set them on fire in the process. Then somehow, don't ask me how as I haven't quite worked it out yet, the whole lot of them would be hit by a low flying cargo plane full of thumbtacks.
            Are you referring to the african animal or our football team?
            -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
            -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


            • #7
              Quoth BusBus View Post
              Are you referring to the african animal or our football team?
              How about two buses, one for each group of Lions.
              "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Anonymous

              "I thought I'd get your theories, mock them, then embrace my own. The usual." - Dr. House


              • #8
                Quoth RogueOne View Post
                Interesting. Can he tell me what the hell MY cat is saying?
                Yes. Almost everything a cat says roughly translates into, "I want you to go out and buy a large double-meat tuna fish sandwich then come home and drop it on the floor."

                At least my cat seemed to be appreciative when I did it.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Quoth RogueOne View Post
                  Interesting. Can he tell me what the hell MY cat is saying?
                  I know what my cat would say... "Feed me now, you asshole"
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    We don't require a name and address, but we always ask on payment because some customers like to have store accounts (we take used and trade-in items), and it's sometimes helpful for the store to be a liaison between customer and manufacturer in case of defective products.

                    The week before Christmas, we had a guy call one day and show up the next day to buy a $200 student-quality microscope. He was a highschool-aged kid from out of town, and he paid cash. He gave his name and street address when asked, and his phone number, but when I asked for his postal code he said he didn't know it. Since I had his address, I could have looked up his postal code easily if I needed to contact him again, but I thought it was odd.

                    Then again, it's not necessarily a stupidity issue. Whenever I move to a new neighborhood it takes me a couple of weeks to be able to remember my postal code without having written it on the back of my hand.


                    • #11
                      Protege, I think you have something there.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Happy Happy

                        Me: "Good evening, <company name>"
                        SC" "Yeah, that’s what I want! <click>"

                        You hanging up is what I wanted too. So we both walked away happy. Huzzah! Have a biscuit.
                        Has it ever been easier for two people to cause each other such mutual happiness?

                        Is the biscuit from KFC? If not, I don't want it.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          What my kitty says when he looks up at me with a satisfied look on his face:
                          "Mmmmm....sweet kitty fart smell...."

