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You Need My ID???

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  • #16
    Just the other day, I had yet another yahoo who didn't have his ID when ordering a drink. He looked about 22. Which means, of course, I have to ask for his ID if he orders a drink, as by state law and all we have been instructed on in our overly numerous alcohol sales seminars, we have to card anyone who looks 30 or less. Thus I got to engage in the following conversation, which I have been a party to in one variation or another far too many times in my life.

    Cue the deja vu music, please.....

    SC: "Can I get a whiskey and coke? And make it to go."
    JESTER: "Sure. May I see your ID please?"
    SC: "I work right across the street."
    Okay...and where you work is a substitute for a valid ID for whatreason?
    JESTER: "I understand that, but I still need to see your ID if you want to purchase alcohol."
    SC: "I don't have it with me, but I work right across the street."
    Rinse. Repeat. Okay, he speaks English just fine, but apparently he doesn't understand it.
    JESTER: "As I said, I understand that, but if you don't have your ID, I can't serve you an alcoholic drink."
    SC: "The other bartender knows me, dude. Heck, I was born on [rattles off his birthdate]."
    JESTER: "And if the other bartender was here, and vouched for you, I COULD serve you, but since he is not, I can't serve you without your ID." (Translation: Assuming that any other bartender at my job actually does know you and your age, and you aren't just using the infamous Other Bartender excuse that I have heard all too many times.)
    SC: "Are you serious, man?"
    JESTER: "Yes sir. I apologize, but (rinse repeat again!) since I don't know you, and you don't have your ID with you, according to state law, I CANNOT serve you an alcoholic drink."

    Finally the dude got fed up and left in a huff.

    Good riddance.

    So just a reminder, folks. In the SC mindset, company policy, corporate policy, owner policy, city laws, county laws, state laws, federal laws, and credit card company rules only apply to other people!

    Unfortunately for them, *I* am not about to violate any of the above just to make them happy. I DO believe in customer service....but I am not going to lose my job or get in trouble with the law just to make them happy with every little whim, whether it be ID for booze, ID for credit cards, taking checks, giving away free stuff, overlooking this or that...whatever.

    Basically, take your whining and self-entitlement, shove it down your throat so you will finally shut up, and... [pause, deep breath]


    Thank you. I feel better now that I've gotten that out of my system.
    Now, if you'll excuse me, there are several walls calling to my head.
    Last edited by Jester; 01-05-2007, 01:30 PM.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

