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SC starts a fire.

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  • SC starts a fire.

    Our coffee makers have two burners; one on the bottom, one on top. We never use the top ones since we have a bank of buners next to the coffee makers. We keep a few filters on top of one the the makers so we don't have to route around under the counter every time we need to make a new pot. Wanna guess where this is going? This afternoon my coworker, K, said she smelled something burning. I didn't smell anything. Then I did. I went back to check on the hot dogs, but didn't find anything (other than a bunch of sausages behind the grill ). Then a customer noticed smoke coming from the coffee makers. Some [insert profanity here] had turned on the top burners and put the coffee filters on it ! I poured the hot water we had for tea over them and managed to put out the fire. The entire store smelled like smoke, but cleared up after we kept the doors open for 15 minutes. We reviewed the security camera, but because of the way it was angled we couldn't tell who turned the burner on from people who just got coffee . So anybody else have stores about fire-loving SCs?
    Mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles!"

  • #2

    Wanted for questioning.


    • #3
      This was before my time, but I heard that a few years back some guy lit the women's clothing on fire, and of course it spread like wildfire. Who does that?? They said he was a teen, so I'm guessing he was on the Accutane a bit too long. Or maybe it was hormones.

      Another fire was started by me. I was new to the halogen oven concept. I pulled out a pizza to put in the oven and left it on the cardboard which caught on fire. I had made a frozen pizza at home the week before which had oven-safe cardboard (yes, those do exist), so I just did it without thinking. I don't make/eat pizza all that often.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        about a year back we had some kids light some wicker baskets on fire in the far corner of our stores. Spread like crazy but a customer managed to put it out with a fire extinguisher. Thing is we had ANOTHER customer complain to us about how we didnt lock the doors so the kids couldnt escape. Yup, Lady, we are gunna lock the doors during a fire so the arsonists cant escape....along....with....the rest of us.
        Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


        • #5
          Lehk, that's funny.

          You beat me to it.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Just saw this today online....

            Angry Woman Accused Of Setting Walgreens On Fire
            Last edited by MadMike; 01-04-2007, 12:30 PM. Reason: Please don't copy text from other sites. Links only.


            • #7
              Quoth Jack7957 View Post
              Just saw this today online....

              Angry Woman Accused Of Setting Walgreens On Fire

              Sounds like those clerks could use this board right about now!
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                I can already see this woman before the judge.

                JUDGE: You tried to burn down this business and potentially injure or kill these employees because of a mistake with the change? God damn, you are an idiot.
                "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                  I get my scrips (I'm type 2 diabetic, so there's a few of them) filled at Walgreens, and I can say without hesitation that some of the rudest customers I've ever witnessed have been in the pharmacy there. And it's always when I'm in line waiting for a scrip that I already know is filled because I got the email notification.

                  One day it was a woman who was all het up because the pharmacy wouldn't use her old insurance ID. Bear with me for a moment here. A couple of years ago, many insurance companies stopped using Social Security numbers as ID numbers, and came up with different ID numbers not based on SS#. If you have medical insurance, you're probably familiar with this already. I work with third-party billing, so I knew about it. Apparently her old insurance ID had been her SS#, and she was mad that Walgreens wouldn't use it. She was telling everyone quite loudly that Wal-Mart used it. I wonder how she'd feel once her insurance company denied Wal-Mart's claim because it was issued to an expired ID #? She wasn't cursing, but she was very loud and very hostile, promising she was never going to shop at another Walgreens again (you could almost read the thought bubbles over the pharm techs' heads: "GOOD.")

                  Anyway, she went on in this vein for some time. She was standing at the "drop off" window, and by the time I got to the head of the line at the "pick up" window, she'd meandered over to that window. While I was talking to the pharm tech, this woman actually INTERRUPTS and starts trying to engage the pharm tech in her little drama. The pharm tech told her that she'd have to wait, the tech was helping another customer (me). While I was waiting for the tech to get my scrip, the SC even tried to get ME involved in it, but I ignored her.

                  The kicker? The SC left the store just after me, and I saw her get into a car bedecked with a Jesus fish and assorted Christian bumper stickers.
                  He loves the world...except for all the people.
                  --Men at Work


                  • #10
                    This wasn't a customer's doing, but when I worked at my local supermarket, one of the meat clerks nearly burned the store down. We had a couple different lofts in the back room where bulky yet light items were stored. There was a [potato] chip loft, and a paper loft.

                    So this idiot decides to soke a cigarette. Smoking is forbidden in the building, and apparently it was too much trouble ot go outside, even though it was warm out. People used to sneak smokes on the loading dock, but they'd been cracking down on that. So where does this genius decide to hide?

                    Yep, the paper loft. And he left his smoldering butt up there where it started a serious fire.

                    Now get this, when the alarm went off, the custoemrs wouldn't leave! Someone had to get up on the overhead page and tell them to get the hell out because there's a FIRE! Hello, fire alarm? Fire?

                    The store had to be shut down for a day and a half to clean up the mess.

                    And yes, the guy responsible was terminated on the spot.
                    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                    RIP Plaidman.


                    • #11
                      Welcome to my hell, Noelegy. Especially this time of year when everyone plays Musical Insurance. They cannot figure out that we are just the messenger. I hate, hate HATE January with a vengeance.

                      I had one old fart today arguing with me about his Medicare and Tricare coverage. Hello, I deal with this stuff daily, if I tell you that EVERYONE who is Medicare Part D eligible with Tricare is getting bumped off coverage, listen to me and call Tricare. Yargh. Yes, I know Express Scripts is the carrier. Hell, I can tell you that they changed over about 2 years ago and totally crashed Express Scripts' servers. But what do I know, I'm just the moron on the other side of the counter.

                      Oh well, it's better this year than it was last year when all of Medicare Part D rolled out. That was hellish.

