Our coffee makers have two burners; one on the bottom, one on top. We never use the top ones since we have a bank of buners next to the coffee makers. We keep a few filters on top of one the the makers so we don't have to route around under the counter every time we need to make a new pot. Wanna guess where this is going? This afternoon my coworker, K, said she smelled something burning. I didn't smell anything. Then I did. I went back to check on the hot dogs, but didn't find anything (other than a bunch of sausages behind the grill
). Then a customer noticed smoke coming from the coffee makers. Some [insert profanity here] had turned on the top burners and put the coffee filters on it
! I poured the hot water we had for tea over them and managed to put out the fire. The entire store smelled like smoke, but cleared up after we kept the doors open for 15 minutes. We reviewed the security camera, but because of the way it was angled we couldn't tell who turned the burner on from people who just got coffee
. So anybody else have stores about fire-loving SCs?
