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Stupidity I've had lately-long

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  • Stupidity I've had lately-long

    I've had some real charmers over the past few days.

    1.)Yesterday, I had a man call in about his bill. He was asking when he would be charged on what dates. So I told him. He asked about a future charge. I told him that the charge would be done within five business days prior to the move in question taking place. We had not as of yet set it up.

    Then he asked when the entirety of his quote would be charged. We had already charged the initial payment, then his long distance transportation costs, on separate dates. So I attempted to tell him what we had charged to date, and when, but he said he wanted the bottom line. I told him that's what I was trying to give him, but he kept interrupting and saying, no, I wasn't. I offered to get him a senior account manager, and he said he didn't want to talk to anyone else.

    He finally hung up.

    Excuse me, I'm sorry our billing process is the way it is. Didn't anyone ever tell you, Mr.Jerk, that it isn't polite to interrupt, and by the way, being a jerk makes me very disinclined to help you beyond the bare minimum.

    2.)Today. Caller called in about her container. It had been parked on the street, and she was having problems with her city about it being on the street. That no one had told her she couldn't do it. She was set for a pickup tomorrow. Customer advised that it was already empty and ready to go. So I called the location to see if we could get it today, because the lady was worried about getting fined. Location saud they couldn't, but okayed a special request to get it picked up first thing tomorrow. I told the customer this, and she seemed okay. Then she repeated what she had said about not being told anything about street placement prohibition. So I looked up the local ordnance, and read it. The wording was debatable enough that I offered to request the call be reviewed.

    Where I apparently went wrong was reading the ordnance message, because the customer flipped and asked to speak to a manager, saying she'd never been told anything like that, and that she was going to tell everyone what a bad experience she had.

    Gave it to a senior account manager. Look, I apologize for the inconvenience, especially if something wasn't disclosed or if it was misinterpreted-but we've done everything we can, I even offered to have the situation looked at further. Don't go tearing my head off because you don't like that we can't do anything more than we've already done.

    3.)Customer called in about her son's bill. Started screaming at me over the amounts, that there were supposed to be adjustments, and that she had paid. We had no record. Said her son had called in a payment-we had no record. She had gotten email invoices, and thought we were trying to charge her card-we weren't. She ended up speaking with an account manager, and then hanging up on them because they told her the same thing I did.

    I oh, so wanted to say, Lady, is your son so bloody stupid that he can't handle his own affairs and has to have Mommy do it? And did he get his stupidity from you, or is Dad worse?

    3.)How bloody hard is it to keep track of your bill and read a bloody invoice?

    4.)And how bloody hard is it to, if you're having your spouse to call in, give them the security pin so we can discuss the account? Especially if the alternative verification options don't pan out? Or if you're a boss, and you've delegated authority, to give your flunky the information needed for us to help?

    It's been a rough week.
    Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.

  • #2
    #3 (it seems to be repeated twice O_o) about the bills and about the pin reminds me of the problems I had with the IRS and "Eastern Union". IRS lost my money order, I figured I would call "Eastern Union" and ask them about where to find it, except to be told tough shit, without the money order number they can't do anything, why the hell did you call us? So I was out my money and I had to pay again. Bastards.

    Guess what I got in the mail this week?

    It was a notice saying that I overpaid, the IRS magically found my money order after two years and I'll be receiving my check shortly, congratulations!

    Two years later. Peh, government inefficiency. At least they found the money order in the end!
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


    • #3
      You get a security PIN, so you can call in when the person who's name is on the account is unavailable, and you're complaining? [Blue] phone company forgot to keep my roommate's name on the account, forcing me to speak to them every single time. There was literally no way for me to get him authorized.


      • #4
        It was indeed a crazy week in the land of storage - all of the crazies called us, too. They call insisting they were offered special pricing that is not reflected anywhere on the account but insist that the location manager offered them "a deal." Of course, we also had auctions this week and that really brings out the crazies. They wait until the last day we will accept payment and call to try to set up payment plans. Then they insist we are evil when we don't let them. Or they call late on the day of the auction wanting to make payment and then cry when we tell them it is too late because their stuff was already sold. And they don't get why we won't provide them with the name, address and phone number of the person who bought the stuff. Hopefully, next week will be better.
        "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #5
          Re: customer #2...if a customer rents something that will be parked out on the street, isn't it the customer's responsibility to find out about the city ordinances? You don't control the city or the fines or the law that says they can't have something parked out there beyond XX-whatever date or time.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Quoth MoonCat View Post
            Re: customer #2...if a customer rents something that will be parked out on the street, isn't it the customer's responsibility to find out about the city ordinances? You don't control the city or the fines or the law that says they can't have something parked out there beyond XX-whatever date or time.
            If we're aware of an ordnance, we get a popup window that we have to read to the customer. If something like that isn't read, the quality department marks you off. Per some investigation, the ordnance was not read. Myself, I usually, if there is a potential ordnance issue, advise the customer to check with the local authority to be sure, just in case we end up being out of the loop.
            Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.

