This was seriously crazy!
Security got a call from a lady that her rental vehicle was disabled in the mall lot and she wanted it towed. I told her that it was her responsibility to get towing, and she was welcome to leave it until she could arrange to have it repaired/towed. She said she wasn't going to, that she had let a friend use the vehicle, and they had left it there, and she didn't have the money to pay for towing! She gave me a name (X) and a phone number, but said she was at work and not to call back and she expected us to tow it.
I spoke to my manager who said to check on the vehicle and have the police come-out to make sure it wasn't stolen. I find the vehicle described and find not only was a tire slashed, but the license plate is missing. All I have for the police is the VIN. So I call it in and wait. Then I see a family going to the vehicle and getting in, then checking the tire. So I went up to them....And it went downhill from there.
Turns-out the call was from the gentleman's crazy ex girlfriend, who had given the name of his current girlfriend, X. However, ex girlfriend gave her actual real phone number when she called me. And it turns-out that this was a rental car rented because their personal car had been vandalized; and they suspected it was ex-girlfriend who did it! Gentleman was not going to press charges against the ex for the sake of the child they have together, but now the gloves were off! The police arrived, we took photos, and the family explained that the only way ex girlfriend could have known what car they had now was if she had actually FOLLOWED them from home, because they had thought they recognized her car in the lot when they came to the mall, but didn't think much about it. So the gentleman wants a restraining order as well, because he's now afraid for his current girlfriend's children (who were with them; imagine if she'd done something else to the car and they had an accident with the kids in the car!
Oh, and when they called the ex girlfriend and I heard her on the phone I was able to tell them that, yes, that sounded like the woman who had called saying she was X.
Unfortunately for me, the current girlfriend was pretty pissed that this had happened, and obviously I was not doing my job, and it was my fault the police took so long to get there. Oh, and when I tried to explain the initial phone call she must only have heard every 3rd word because she started screaming that I was accusing her of stealing a car! It was hard to stay calm during her tirade, but she finally cooled-off a bit. I explained how I could only do so much, that I was doing my best to help her out, and I was just as concerned as she was. I admit, I'd have been a little crazy too if I thought some crazy bitch was stalking me and my family.
I hope the ex gets what's coming to her for putting me in the middle and trying to use us to get her petty revenge! I wish this had not happened right under my nose, but I'm the only one on-site some days and I have a lot of ground to cover.
Security got a call from a lady that her rental vehicle was disabled in the mall lot and she wanted it towed. I told her that it was her responsibility to get towing, and she was welcome to leave it until she could arrange to have it repaired/towed. She said she wasn't going to, that she had let a friend use the vehicle, and they had left it there, and she didn't have the money to pay for towing! She gave me a name (X) and a phone number, but said she was at work and not to call back and she expected us to tow it.

Turns-out the call was from the gentleman's crazy ex girlfriend, who had given the name of his current girlfriend, X. However, ex girlfriend gave her actual real phone number when she called me. And it turns-out that this was a rental car rented because their personal car had been vandalized; and they suspected it was ex-girlfriend who did it! Gentleman was not going to press charges against the ex for the sake of the child they have together, but now the gloves were off! The police arrived, we took photos, and the family explained that the only way ex girlfriend could have known what car they had now was if she had actually FOLLOWED them from home, because they had thought they recognized her car in the lot when they came to the mall, but didn't think much about it. So the gentleman wants a restraining order as well, because he's now afraid for his current girlfriend's children (who were with them; imagine if she'd done something else to the car and they had an accident with the kids in the car!

Oh, and when they called the ex girlfriend and I heard her on the phone I was able to tell them that, yes, that sounded like the woman who had called saying she was X.
Unfortunately for me, the current girlfriend was pretty pissed that this had happened, and obviously I was not doing my job, and it was my fault the police took so long to get there. Oh, and when I tried to explain the initial phone call she must only have heard every 3rd word because she started screaming that I was accusing her of stealing a car! It was hard to stay calm during her tirade, but she finally cooled-off a bit. I explained how I could only do so much, that I was doing my best to help her out, and I was just as concerned as she was. I admit, I'd have been a little crazy too if I thought some crazy bitch was stalking me and my family.
I hope the ex gets what's coming to her for putting me in the middle and trying to use us to get her petty revenge! I wish this had not happened right under my nose, but I'm the only one on-site some days and I have a lot of ground to cover.