Happen over the span of the last couple of weeks.
River Surfing?
Out on 2 lane road, very busy since it's the connecting road from my hometown to my college town. 3 kids walk past us, one holding what looked like a boogie board or something and disappeared down into the river. Round here, it's normal to swim in that river, but WAY farther downriver, after the dam, because before the dam, the water isn't filtered and is full of the most vile things that Ohio has ever seen. Including the toxic algae that Lake not too far south of here is now infested with. But hey, if they want to get liver and nero toxins, let em.
Oddly enough, when they were leaving, they were missing the board and one boy. Don't know what happened to him, but no one has reported any bodies yet, so I'm sure he's ok.
Scissors and Nails, Oh My!
Was in the office for lunch break. Normal secretary was out for the day and the cw who was taking over went out for lunch, so she asked me if I could man the phones for her till she got back. I agreed, since I was finished with lunch and bored. Got a call in from a nearby township that there was a report of 'several pairs of scissors and scores (not kidding, he said scores) of nails in the middle of the road on one of our roads (they wouldn't call us if it wasn't our road, since we do not take care of city roads unless they are state routes). So, when cw returned, she dispatched me and my sup for the day out to clean it up. We get there and......find no nails, small pieces of cheap wood and ONE pair of kid safety scissors. I literally stood on the side of the road laughing so hard at that. Definitely made that day slightly better.
You's Not Edumacated!
Was standing in line at the Clark station buying some coffee and cigarettes before work. Had my issued safety vest on, when this guy comes up behind me with his son or something. He sees my vest and starts lecturing his son.
F: Now, see that son? That's why you have to go to school, or else you'll end up working on the highway like uneducated rednecks and felons.
M: *turns to face him* Excuse me sir, but I do not appreciate you calling me and my coworkers uneducated rednecks.
F: How old are you?
M: Not that it matters, but I'm 19 sir.
F: Then why are you working for on the highway?
M: Because it's a good paying job that I consider myself lucky to have.
F: But, you should be going to school to better yourself.
M: Actually I am. I'm studying to be a counselor for disturbed and troubled teens. Since I am on summer break, I got a job to help pay for said education. And FYI you have to have at least an associates degree to be hired for the state in any agency, so no, we are not uneducated.
F: *cue cat butt face* I don't like your tone young lady
M: Well I don't like the way you mock me and my coworkers because of choice of occupation. We're trying to make a living,just like you.
F: You can't talk to me like that! I'll report you.
M: *grabbing coffee and cigs* Go ahead. I'm just a seasonal and not on the clock. Head office won't even finish the call. *walks out*
Seriously? This job is much harder than most think. You have to be smart to know how to operate the machinery, not to mention how difficult it is even for our manager, who has a masters in engineering, to fill out the paperwork and time sheets! We may look like a bunch of rednecks, but we're smart rednecks!
Driving down interstate that goes east/west. Some old lady started following us. Now, we're off the shoulder, going bout 10mph. She's behind us, glaring at us and waving for us to stop. We're heading to the gas station in town that sits on the intersection of E/W interstate and N/S interestate because cw K has to pee. Bad! So, we don't stop. She follows us for almost 2 miles until we come up to another state truck on the side of road. So, we simply swerve around them. We wave, they wave (standard for state workers. Everytime we see each other, we wave. It's a sign of respect.) She stops behind them. Still don't know what she wanted but apparently it wasn't something terrible because 2 minutes later she zooms past us.
Gross Incounters of the Slimy Kind
Was standing in line at McDonald's the other day for lunch. Guy comes up beside me as I'm waiting for the food and leers at me.
Gross Guy: I like me a working woman. Can I get your number pretty gal? *guy had to have been almost 40 with no teeth and worst stench imaginable spewing forth from him. I literally almost gagged.*
M: *stands dumbfounded*
Thankfully, one of my CW's, a 6 foot tall, buff ex-marine heard what he said and came to my rescue.
CW: That would be a little hard, seeing as how she's mine. Better get back to your truck there sir, else I'll have to get my army issued rifle out of the truck.
Guy took off quicker than a jackrabbit on fire.
M: *with a grin* You only wish i was yours.
CW: *sighs dramatically and starts to fake sniffle* If only...
C'mon, let's get to eating.
"Earl, get my shotgun!"
Came back in today, waiting for it to be quiting time. CWs who were on the same E/W interstate as us (but at the opposite side of the county) mowing regails us of "Crazy Shot Gun Lady". Apparently, every summer, when they attempt to mow near her house, she comes out with a shotgun. CWs move of course. She then sits on her porch the rest of the day, with the gun in her lap. Police don't do anything about it any more because the gun is never loaded and she has alzhemier's, so both they and us kind of just leave her alone. Except today. Apparently, she remembered shells this time. CWs were too far way for them or the mowers to get hit, but it still scared 'em shitless. Police were called and her gun finally taken away. Gald I was weed whacking and not mowing!
Now if you will excuse me, I am going to curl up on my parents' couch with our pup and a STRONG cup of coffee. *sigh* And it's only tuesday......
River Surfing?
Out on 2 lane road, very busy since it's the connecting road from my hometown to my college town. 3 kids walk past us, one holding what looked like a boogie board or something and disappeared down into the river. Round here, it's normal to swim in that river, but WAY farther downriver, after the dam, because before the dam, the water isn't filtered and is full of the most vile things that Ohio has ever seen. Including the toxic algae that Lake not too far south of here is now infested with. But hey, if they want to get liver and nero toxins, let em.
Oddly enough, when they were leaving, they were missing the board and one boy. Don't know what happened to him, but no one has reported any bodies yet, so I'm sure he's ok.
Scissors and Nails, Oh My!
Was in the office for lunch break. Normal secretary was out for the day and the cw who was taking over went out for lunch, so she asked me if I could man the phones for her till she got back. I agreed, since I was finished with lunch and bored. Got a call in from a nearby township that there was a report of 'several pairs of scissors and scores (not kidding, he said scores) of nails in the middle of the road on one of our roads (they wouldn't call us if it wasn't our road, since we do not take care of city roads unless they are state routes). So, when cw returned, she dispatched me and my sup for the day out to clean it up. We get there and......find no nails, small pieces of cheap wood and ONE pair of kid safety scissors. I literally stood on the side of the road laughing so hard at that. Definitely made that day slightly better.
You's Not Edumacated!
Was standing in line at the Clark station buying some coffee and cigarettes before work. Had my issued safety vest on, when this guy comes up behind me with his son or something. He sees my vest and starts lecturing his son.
F: Now, see that son? That's why you have to go to school, or else you'll end up working on the highway like uneducated rednecks and felons.
M: *turns to face him* Excuse me sir, but I do not appreciate you calling me and my coworkers uneducated rednecks.
F: How old are you?
M: Not that it matters, but I'm 19 sir.
F: Then why are you working for on the highway?
M: Because it's a good paying job that I consider myself lucky to have.
F: But, you should be going to school to better yourself.
M: Actually I am. I'm studying to be a counselor for disturbed and troubled teens. Since I am on summer break, I got a job to help pay for said education. And FYI you have to have at least an associates degree to be hired for the state in any agency, so no, we are not uneducated.
F: *cue cat butt face* I don't like your tone young lady
M: Well I don't like the way you mock me and my coworkers because of choice of occupation. We're trying to make a living,just like you.
F: You can't talk to me like that! I'll report you.
M: *grabbing coffee and cigs* Go ahead. I'm just a seasonal and not on the clock. Head office won't even finish the call. *walks out*
Seriously? This job is much harder than most think. You have to be smart to know how to operate the machinery, not to mention how difficult it is even for our manager, who has a masters in engineering, to fill out the paperwork and time sheets! We may look like a bunch of rednecks, but we're smart rednecks!

Driving down interstate that goes east/west. Some old lady started following us. Now, we're off the shoulder, going bout 10mph. She's behind us, glaring at us and waving for us to stop. We're heading to the gas station in town that sits on the intersection of E/W interstate and N/S interestate because cw K has to pee. Bad! So, we don't stop. She follows us for almost 2 miles until we come up to another state truck on the side of road. So, we simply swerve around them. We wave, they wave (standard for state workers. Everytime we see each other, we wave. It's a sign of respect.) She stops behind them. Still don't know what she wanted but apparently it wasn't something terrible because 2 minutes later she zooms past us.
Gross Incounters of the Slimy Kind
Was standing in line at McDonald's the other day for lunch. Guy comes up beside me as I'm waiting for the food and leers at me.
Gross Guy: I like me a working woman. Can I get your number pretty gal? *guy had to have been almost 40 with no teeth and worst stench imaginable spewing forth from him. I literally almost gagged.*
M: *stands dumbfounded*
Thankfully, one of my CW's, a 6 foot tall, buff ex-marine heard what he said and came to my rescue.
CW: That would be a little hard, seeing as how she's mine. Better get back to your truck there sir, else I'll have to get my army issued rifle out of the truck.
Guy took off quicker than a jackrabbit on fire.
M: *with a grin* You only wish i was yours.
CW: *sighs dramatically and starts to fake sniffle* If only...

"Earl, get my shotgun!"
Came back in today, waiting for it to be quiting time. CWs who were on the same E/W interstate as us (but at the opposite side of the county) mowing regails us of "Crazy Shot Gun Lady". Apparently, every summer, when they attempt to mow near her house, she comes out with a shotgun. CWs move of course. She then sits on her porch the rest of the day, with the gun in her lap. Police don't do anything about it any more because the gun is never loaded and she has alzhemier's, so both they and us kind of just leave her alone. Except today. Apparently, she remembered shells this time. CWs were too far way for them or the mowers to get hit, but it still scared 'em shitless. Police were called and her gun finally taken away. Gald I was weed whacking and not mowing!
Now if you will excuse me, I am going to curl up on my parents' couch with our pup and a STRONG cup of coffee. *sigh* And it's only tuesday......
