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Yes SCs, it really is all MY fault!

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  • Yes SCs, it really is all MY fault!

    - It's my fault payroll has been bled dry and you are frustrated by long lines, a messy store and a lack of available employees.

    - It's my fault Microsoft has been douchey about their new 360 slims and don't send us more.

    - It's my fault we didn't properly advertise our big sale last week and you missed out.

    - It's my fault you waited until TWO days past the return window to try and return something and now I'm a big old meanie for not taking it.

    - It's my fault I failed to show you how to do EVERY little thing on that new Wii you just bought before you left the store and you had to come back for a demo.

    - It's my fault UPS can't get their stuff together and get us our shipments on time.

    - It's my fault your kid broke his DS and you didn't spring for the extended warranty and now you're SOL

    Yes, it really is all my fault.

    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    It's your fault I'm bald.
    It's your fault I'm old.
    It's your fault I can't talk.
    It's your fault America lost its way.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      Oh yes!!!!

      It's amazing isn't it???

      Us lowly front-desk peons are so lazy, stupid and incompetent, yet we're still expected to basically run the entire corporation right directly from the cashier's booth.

      Everything, from controlling the prices and stock shipments, to providing instant, perfect, bang-up service at everyone's beck and call.


      • #4
        it's my fault that you can't tell who works in Sam's Club & who doesn't. I'll give you a hint-Blue vests with "Sam's Club" plastered all over it!


        • #5
          It's my fault we've been waiting for you to answer your phone for 2 months on a job you sent out and now you won't have your watch for your trip out of country. I should have known you'd be ok with an additional 300 dollar charge.


          • #6
            It's my fault that you don't read the GIANT SIGNS HANGING FROM THE CEILING to find where things are.

            It's my fault that you drug your ass waiting until the END OF THE WEEK to buy that item you saw in our Sunday sales flyer which is now out of stock.

            However, it's NOT my fault when the sheriff's deputies come into the store and haul you away for being a douche. That's all you, baby!
            "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


            • #7
              It's my fault it rained and the carts are wet.

              It's my fault that you believe I somehow have control over the prices and I am being mean by not giving you a discount.

              It's my fault a item got discontinued, because no one bought it, except for you twice a year.


              • #8
                1. It's my fault that your insurance is rejecting your claim saying that your coverage expired at the end of last month.

                2. It's my fault that you didn't realize that there was a new insurance card in that huge pile of mail sitting on your kitchen table at home.

                3. It's my fault that your doctor denied your refill request after he told you last time no more refills until you are seen by him.

                4. It's my fault that your prescription was cancelled and re-stocked even though we called you three days ago and told you we would be doing this in three days unless you called us or picked it up.

                5. It's my fault that your doctor told you that your prescription would be $4 without first checking with us to see that it is actually $90.

                6. It's my fault that you hit the donut hole.

                7. It's my fault that you sent someone in to pick up your prescription without making sure they know your address.

                8. It's my fault that I won't violate federal law and release to you a list of your wife's medications.


                • #9
                  Hmmm....I like this thread.....

                  It's my fault your credit card was declined.

                  It's my fault you put your check in the mail the day before a long holiday weekend and we didn't get it until 3 days after the ad was supposed to run.

                  It's my fault your account is now 90 days overdue and the credit dept has cut off your advertising.

                  It's my fault you can't remember the deadlines which haven't changed in the past six years (when you've only been advertising for two).

                  It's my fault the only part of the promo you read was the word "Free" and the item you're advertising doesn't actually qualify for the promotion.

                  It's my fault we stopped billing nearly eight years ago and you now need a credit card to prepay for an ad.

                  It's my fault we stopped having Saturday hours nearly four years ago and you called on Saturday to place an ad for Sunday.
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                  • #10
                    It's my fault your car makes that funny noise when idling at a stop light.

                    It's my fault your tire is unrepairable after you hit the curb.

                    It's my fault the battery you bought 10 years ago died on you and you couldn't start your car.

                    It's my fault that the price in the ad for a tire is not a tire that would fit on your car vehicle.

                    It's my fault that the stuff that was on sale was last weeks items and you have last weeks ad.

                    It's my fault your credit card keeps coming back declined

                    It's my fault that I won't take your check/credit card cause you don't have proper Identification

                    It's my fault that prices for tires/batteries/etc are soo expensive

                    It's my fault that we can't do your oil change in like 10 mins cause we are swamped with cars on a saturday.

                    This can go on forever but I'll stop here

                    Actual truth in all logic here. . .

                    It's your fault I hate the majority of society and will be the first guy outside his front yard in a lawn chair drinking a frosty beer when everyone else is running around in hysteria when the apocalypse comes.
                    Last edited by ravevolution; 07-22-2010, 08:41 PM.
                    "This job would be great if it wasn't for the f***** customers." - Randell 'Clerks'


                    • #11
                      It's my fault I won't accept a check that belongs to someone else, even though you assure me you have permission.

                      It's my fault your bus is coming in 3 minutes and you have a hundred things to check out and I'm simply not fast enough.

                      It's my fault you left bags in your shopping cart outside and drove away.

                      It's my fault I have to close down to use the restroom. That's what Depends are for.

                      It's my fault your coupon won't scan for the incorrect brand/size/quantity.

                      It's my fault self-scan isn't working because it's so hard to follow simple instructions.

                      It's my fault I placed bread on top of eggs since you will get food poisoning.

                      It's my fault your transaction takes so long because I'm terribly slow at counting out twenty dollars in small change.

                      It's my fault I politely refuse to give you a roll of quarters when that's not only all my quarters, but there's a bank not twenty feet away.

                      It's my fault you only have twenty dollars on you and you can't get all $100 worth of product. It's still my fault even when you knew ahead of time you only had twenty dollars.

                      It's my fault we frown on stealing...or..."borrowing" the food you've been consuming before hiding it in the magazine rack.

                      It's my fault we frown on kids opening the Pokemon packs and sorting through the cards to see if there's any they need.

                      It's my fault I question the huge bag of dog food under your cart that you strangely forgot to tell me to scan. And the Tide. And the milk. And the diapers, which I saw you move from the cart when you thought I wasn't looking. And yes, I saw you, which is also my fault.

                      It's my fault you had to play the race card when I explained something was illegal or against policy.

                      It's my fault you've lost your 3 year old in the store twice in the last thirty minutes. It's also my fault that the Code Adam embarrassed you.

                      It's my fault you tripped on the clothing you yourself just knocked onto the floor.

                      It's my fault a vent is on fire and the store must be evacuated, even though you insist you need to do your shopping now.

                      Oh I could go on and on...
                      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                      • #12
                        It's my fault the price of propane tanks for the grills went up fifty cents since last summer.

                        It's my fault that I, the cashier, am not intimately familiar with every type of tree, shrub, and flower we sell.

                        It's my fault that I am not able to immediately tell you the location of some random obscure item we only sell maybe two of per month and I've never heard of before.

                        It's my fault that all custom-tinted paints must be approved by the paint department before I can take them back.

                        It's my fault that you must go to the returns desk to do a return. ()

                        It's my fault that the returns desk is not at the door you are currently at.

                        It's my fault that when you say "V in flooring hooked me up with a 20% discount because we're both [nationality]!", I called V to confirm. (V said the customer asked and he said no way!) It is my fault for saying 'no' when you ask "well, can I have a discount anyways?"

                        It's my fault I keep track of who actually comes to me , and don't let you line-jump.

                        It's my fault my check scanner broke, and you don't want to go to self-checkout, or the service desk, or down to the register at the end of the store...or use another form of payment either. Yes, I personally am out to make your day horrible by not taking your check.
                        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                        • #13
                          It is my fault you refuse to take responsibility for your own healthcare.

                          As a corellary to the above, it is my fault you have no idea why your doctor ordered <insert test here> because you didn't ask.

                          It is my fault scheduling put two patients in the same time slot and both showed up within 5 minutes of each other. Further, it is my fault that the first one needed a port accessed which legally requires a nurse. And because of the short staffing (also my fault), I had to take the patient to them instead of one of them coming to me, which delayed getting the other patient injected. Also my fault I have to wait at least 30 minutes post injection on the second patient before I can image. So, sorry I'm running a wee bit behind.

                          Yes, it's completely my fault that we had to cancel all non-emergency scans because NRU was down and flights were stuck in Europe due to the volcano and we had no tracers. No, pitching a fit that you'll call other hospitals won't help because NO ONE can help you. Sorry. (Note, this one happened awhile ago. Ever seen doctors reduced to tantruming toddlers? It's kindof amusing.)
                          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                          • #14
                            It's my fault your old prehistoric POS computer doesn't work anymore

                            It's my fault you got a past due notice for unpaid balances and you call in after hours to call billing and have your services on and you don't want to wait.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #15
                              It's my fault your child was running, and fell.

                              It's my fault that by law alcohol can't be sold on a certain day. It's my fault that it is now 1 minute into that day, and that the registers will not scan it..period.

                              It is my fault that I am required by corporate policy to ID anybody that looks under the age of 100 for both cigarettes and alcohol.

                              It is my fault the pharmacy, 'tire place', picture studio, etc is closed at 3AM IN THE MORNING. After all they are in this building.

                              It is my fault that you hit your car with the cart YOU were pushing.

                              It's my fault you left your child alone in a store, because everybody knows these stores offer free child care, and went somewhere else for hours.

                              It's also my fault that the cops are there waiting for you with said child..oh wait..that IS my fault.
                              Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

