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Sucky, or no? I feel guilty.

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  • Sucky, or no? I feel guilty.

    So, a man comes up to me alongside his wife and 13ish looking daughter yesterday, wanting to play a game of ring toss. I upsold him on our "hat special" (basically a bucket of rings inside a hat for $5 more), he bites, and starts throwing. As he does so, he tells me about the excellent service I've provided him. I smile and try to be humble, telling him about how I try to provide excellent customer service. We trade compliments (I possess a +14 schmoozing amulet), and he eventually gives me a card entitling me to a free meal at the deli he owns. I smile, help him with the rest of the attraction, upsell him on the guided tour, and we part.

    Then, I find out that this same person bitched out my supervisor, A, to the point of tears over a trivial information point at another game. So, sucky or no, and should I feel guilty for taking the card after finding out what happened?

    Check out my blog today!

  • #2
    Maybe he felt bad about hurting the other worker, so he was trying to make up for it?


    • #3
      Quoth dbblsanta View Post
      Maybe he felt bad about hurting the other worker, so he was trying to make up for it?
      Well, I'm not sure which came first, what happened with me or what happened with her.

      Check out my blog today!


      • #4
        should you feel guilty?...

        In this scenario you did nothing wrong. You were pleasant with a customer and received a gift in return. If the customer hadn't yelled at your supervisor, you wouldn't be feeling bad about that gift. You'd just be happy about having a treat.

        meaning that... your actions neither affected nor caused the man's incident with your supervisor. you are completely innocent of it and bear no guilt of it.

        However just because you're not guilty doesn't mean you don't feel bad. Your supervisor had a rough time of it, and obviously you care.

        And you may be wondering, if the gift you received will perhaps make the supervisor feel even worse.

        So to that i suggest... if the supervisor doesn't know then don't bother brining it up.
        as for using it... sit on it a little until you're sure of what you want to do.

        in the meantime just be polite and considerate to the supervisor. i'm sure she or he will appreciate it... and then, instead of feeling guilty, you can also tell yourself "i wasn't the cause of what happened to Supervisor, but I was part of the reason why she/he feels better now"


        • #5
          I've had that happen. This guy was a complete douchebag to my CW (and I witnessed it) but later I was nice to him. The SC had bitched about CW helping someone who was infront of said SC and SC was angry because the transaction wasn't a fast one (what CW had to do was more complicated than counting out for fives for a twenty) so SC told CW that he should have let him go first since his transaction was faster and bitched him out.

          Later SC was back in line and some guy cut him off. What did I do? I told the line cutter that there was a line and I actually got the SC asshole to smile and feel better while inside I wanted someone to puke on him.

          Maybe your SC had a shitty night took it out on your SV and CW but when he got to you (maybe the wife talked sense into him) he was in a better mood. Don't feel bad.

          Besides now your SV and CW have a chance to go to his place and be served by him

          Besides you did an upsell, technically you got his ass to pay more money. Good on you. There is no reason for you to feel guilty.


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            in the meantime just be polite and considerate to the supervisor. i'm sure she or he will appreciate it... and then, instead of feeling guilty, you can also tell yourself "i wasn't the cause of what happened to Supervisor, but I was part of the reason why she/he feels better now"
            Could not have said it better myself.
            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              Guess I'm not as nice. If I didn't like sup at all, I'd be pretty annoyed that the guy treats other human beings that way and amused at the irony that I somehow passed his test. If I liked sup, I'd still appreciate the irony but I'd also be pretty pissed. We get that at my workplace sometimes and I hate it. You have no right to bully the people I work with when they're 1) only trying to help you and 2) really nice people.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                Guess I'm not as nice. If I didn't like sup at all, I'd be pretty annoyed that the guy treats other human beings that way and amused at the irony that I somehow passed his test. If I liked sup, I'd still appreciate the irony but I'd also be pretty pissed. We get that at my workplace sometimes and I hate it. You have no right to bully the people I work with when they're 1) only trying to help you and 2) really nice people.
                Thing is, she used to be the sup I hated most, but now she's like my second-favorite, because, among other things, we share a commonality that she once went to the high school I go to now. So I do feel sorry for her.

                Check out my blog today!


                • #9
                  Give A the "free meal" card - tell her to where you got it, and suggest that she give him a taste of his own medicine
                  I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

                  Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Treasure View Post
                    Give A the "free meal" card - tell her to where you got it, and suggest that she give him a taste of his own medicine
                    Two wrongs don't make a right. Giving the guy a "taste of his own medicine" is worse then the original offense.


                    • #11
                      Look at it this way. A free meal means the cost of it is coming out of the SC's pocket, so in a way he's still getting zinged. If you really want to be nice you could give the card to your CW as a way to make up for the SC's behavior, but I wouldn't feel guilty, you didn't do anything wrong.
                      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Treasure View Post
                        Give A the "free meal" card - tell her to where you got it, and suggest that she give him a taste of his own medicine
                        For true revenge, give A the card and tell her to be an ideal customer. If the guy recognizes her, he could end up feeling like a total schmuck.
                        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                          For true revenge, give A the card and tell her to be an ideal customer. If the guy recognizes her, he could end up feeling like a total schmuck.
                          Problem is, I'm not sure whether the problem lied with A or with the emp at the game in question, because the game in question has tons of rules and qualifications, and I hate running it because I have to do the same spiel on the rules over and over and over.

                          Check out my blog today!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Treasure View Post
                            Give A the "free meal" card - tell her to where you got it, and suggest that she give him a taste of his own medicine
                            Hope you're joking, because that's wrong on so many levels.

                            Too many of us have had people yell at us because of what managers/owners do, don't even joke about suggesting that one of us should do it back.


                            • #15
                              I dunno, I'm all for free food, but part of me hesitates to eat anything from a place that has such sucky owners/management. If you're a low-quality person, what does it say about the establishment?
                              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

