Disclaimer - while I think it is great the SC got what he deserved, I'm really not sure that boyfriend handled this situation right.
Background, part of boyfriends tasks at work are to take people across the river on a huge floating raft.He loves dealing with the customers, many of whom are regular, he checks how their families are, he has even helped them when they had car problems, and goes out of his way to make all the customers feel welcome to the company premises.
Yesterday night he came in furious, apparently a customer had come onto the raft then started shouting at him because some other customer had got onto the raft and crossed the river ahead of him (making him wait five minutes). Boyfriend explained that when he is working the raft he cannot see the riverbank and cannot know who was first in line so if a customer steps aboard he has to assume that this was the customer who was first in line.
The customer started yelling that boyfriend had no idea about customer service.This upset him greatly and when the customer got to the other side of the river, he got hold of him physically and shouted in his face something along the lines of
"Fuck off you bastard and don't come here again when I'm here or we will settle this with our fists".

Boyfriend is ALWAYS polite to customers, even SC'S.This guy must have really pushed his buttons.
Boyfriend then went to his boss and reported what he had done, and his boss told him the customer hadalready called by phone and demanded that boyfriend be sacked.
However, there was another customer there who said to boyfriend and boss, that the customer had NOT been the first customer and therefore he was arguing about nothing.Boyfriend's boss told him not to worry about the incident.