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It would just be easier if..

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  • It would just be easier if..

    You listened to what I had to say.


    M: opening shpiel.
    G: I wanna talk to a supervisor.
    M: -trained at having to trouble shoot first, and document an account, I do what I have to do.-
    G: I need to talk to a supervisor. I keep getting calls about making payments. I don't want these calls. This is harassment.
    M: Well, I do see that your account is past due, sir and a supervisor in this end will not be able to help you. Would you like me to transfer you to financial so they can help you make payment arrangements or at least find out what this is about? Usually the calls stop after you've spoken to Financial----
    G: I TOLD YOU I WANNA TALK TO A SUPERVISOR!! [insert, rant, garble and me being talked down to/told I am stupid for not bending to his will.


    M: I do not mean to interrupt and I do understand your complaint, sir, but I am just trying to save you another phone call. Financial matters are handled by our financial office and they will be --
    M: -pause- Sure thing, please hold.


    S: I can't talk to this guy, his account is in collections.
    M: You know that. I know this. He has been told about this but he insists to talk to you. He is quite upset and would like to talk to you.
    S: -sigh- Okay, I'll talk to him.
    M: G, thank you for your patience, I would like to advise you I have S on the phone and he will be taking over this call. I hope you have a good--
    G: We wouldn't have been in this mess if you would have just done as I asked you! -rabble.rabble.-


    S: I do see, Mr. G that your account is past due--
    M: (on mute, typing my notes)
    G: I keep getting these harassing calls about some stupid payment that I have to make and I don't know what it is about and I want you to stop these calls!
    S: I don't have full clearance to know as to what exactly you are past due on, it could be your loan or maintenance fees, special assessments or even taxes. This is something you NEED to speak to Financial about.
    G: What good does it do me to talk to you then?
    S: None at all sir. I wish I could help you but you need to speak to Financial about these matters. I can help with issues in regarding to issues with reservations, but not financial matters.
    G: -insert another rant.-
    M: -getting ready to hang up. -
    G: Well FINE then, you're useless to me. GET ME IN TOUCH WITH FINANCIAL!

    At this point, I really had to move my headset just in case my mute button had failed. I even have my hand on the 'disconnect' button as I was about to release the call and take the next. But I had to hear this.. I just did...

    S: Well, sir, I would love to do that for you, but unfortunately I cannot do that--
    G: What do you mean you CANNOT do that?
    S: Okay, let me rephrase: It is not that I cannot transfer you to financial but that I will not be able to. Our Financial Services Department closes at 5:00 pm and that is why Demise wanted to get you in touch with them when you first called. That department is now closed and you will have to wait until tomorrow.

    I had to let it go at that moment. It was my last call of the day.
    Last edited by AnqeiicDemise; 07-24-2010, 09:36 AM.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    BWAHAHAHA!!! I got your customer just the other day!! (I'm a supervisor)

    He wouldn't tell the agent what the issue was, just kept screaming "I DEMAND A SUPERVISOR!" so loud I could hear him through the headphones. If only to save her ears, I took the call. The SC went into a high-volume, rapid-fire complaint for nearly 15 minutes; talked over me every time I tried to say something. Turns out, his issue had nothing to do with our department, and the new rant had to do with "why did we waste his time, then?"

    Ummmm....because telepathic abilities aren't part of the job description?


    • #3
      Quoth Cloudy Sky View Post
      "why did we waste his time, then?"
      "because you pushed the wrong buttons on the automated menu/ didn't even pay attention to the automated menu"

      As much as I hate those things, I know that if I don't pay attention to them, it is my fault if I get to the wrong department and I've gotten in the habit with starting the call by verifying I am indeed talking to someone who can help me.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        it is my fault if I get to the wrong department and I've gotten in the habit with starting the call by verifying I am indeed talking to someone who can help me.
        This is because you are a reasonable and rational human being. SC's can't be bothered to be either. So it is always another person's fault. Always.
        Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


        • #5
          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

