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  • Umm...what?

    This suck is from about a month ago, but it's the last one I had.

    Okay, so I'm sitting in my chair, with my notebook and my mp3-playing phone, writing down song lyrics, 'cause hey, it's not very busy. Not a big deal right? Well apparently it was offensive to someone...

    BL = Bitchy lady
    M = Me

    BL: *pulls up, pumps gas, comes in*
    M: *rings up gas, and was about to say "Is that all"*
    BL: *scoffs* Well, give me a pack of Marlboros!!
    M: *Stood up (this is important) to get smokes, rang them up* $13.51.
    BL: *digs out money, including change, and throws it on the counter, completely ignoring my hand*
    M: *picks up money, tenders transaction, lays change (all bills) on counter, while still standing, might I add*
    BL: You're awful hateful.
    M: *Umm, wtf?* Well it kind of aggravates me when people can't be bothered to put their money in my hand but expect me to put change in theirs.
    BL: It's a good thing you don't work for me, I'd already have you fired.
    M: *to self*: It's a good thing I don't work for you, I'd already have your teeth knocked down your throat.
    BL: You could at least get up off that stool.
    M:...I'm standing up... Wtf...I'm at least six inches taller than can you not tell I'm standing?
    BL: I'm surprised at that. You look like you're about to lay an egg over there.
    M: But I'm still standing up...

    I mean, seriously. Yeah, I didn't make small talk with her, but she didn't seem interested, and it irritated me when she huffed at me like she expected me to know she wanted cigarettes and what kind she wanted, before I even had a chance to ask her if the gas would be all. And how could she not tell I was standing up!? I had no choice but to get up to get the cigarettes, and 95% of the time I stand up when I wait on customers anyway! I think she had been smoking something besides cigarettes.
    My MySpace
    Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!

  • #2
    Quoth seeress_83 View Post
    I think she had been smoking something besides cigarettes.
    Crack doesn't smoke itself...and that woman is proof
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #3
      Quoth seeress_83 View Post
      BL: You're awful hateful.
      Coming from a woman who throws money on the counter and is demanding . . . I doubt she owns a mirror . . .
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4

        BL: It's a good thing you don't work for me, I'd already have you fired.
        M: *to self*: It's a good thing I don't work for you, I'd already have your teeth knocked down your throat.

        Oh, I wish you would have said that. And gotten it on video. And posted it online. Seriously, I'd pay admission to see that.


        • #5
          Quoth Mighty Girl View Post

          BL: It's a good thing you don't work for me, I'd already have you fired.
          M: *to self*: It's a good thing I don't work for you, I'd already have your teeth knocked down your throat.

          Oh, I wish you would have said that. And gotten it on video. And posted it online. Seriously, I'd pay admission to see that.
          I second this. GREAT comeback.


          • #6
            I wish I actually could have said it.

            I so look forward to the day I get to turn in my two weeks' notice. My last two weeks will be fuuuun.
            My MySpace
            Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!

