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Threatened Shoplifting Over A Pack Of Peanut Butter Cups.

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  • Threatened Shoplifting Over A Pack Of Peanut Butter Cups.


    Guy was mad because I wouldn't give him the sale price for "Smeese's" cups when it's clearly indicated he needs a "Healthiness +" card. He wanted me to scan in mine. I told him I didn't want to get fired. He threatened to shoplift the cups. I told him that's fine but I would call the police; and would he want to go to jail over 88 cents?

    Bonus: Where The Hell's My Dustpan?

    My carpal tunnel is getting better to the point where I can leave off the braces for periods of time if I wish to, say, scrub toilets; but I need to keep my magnetic bracelets and my braces and wraps close at hand because my hands hurt if I do a task too long.

    I asked S if she would sweep the rugs and front for me; she did half a rug before going to help ring and then whining I do a better job than her at sweeping. Then she turned back to her conversation with cashier S2.

    Fine, I did them. All the rugs, the front of the registers and the back of the registers and the office and the breakroom and the photo area; and had to resweep when "Brandy's" little boy decided to drop his candy pieces all over. As manager S2 walked by I made a sarcastic comment about everyone taking coffee breaks and she broke up S and S2 and sent them to do other things. My hands were burning a bit after but I don't like leaving tasks unfinished.

    Anywho, one of my drunken regular customers thought it would be funny to lift up my dustpan while I sweeping and take it away from me. He got the Death Glare but was still laughing like a maniac.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    For the amount of people who don't have a Healthiness + card in your stories, you think it was as hard to get as an AmEx Black. Don't you just fill out a form and go online? Sheesh. Lazy b*tches
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      Quoth ralerin View Post
      Anywho, one of my drunken regular customers thought it would be funny to lift up my dustpan while I sweeping and take it away from me. He got the Death Glare but was still laughing like a maniac.
      The "humor" of SCs completely baffles me.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        I have beginning stages of carpal tunnel/tendonitis (sp?)/arthritis or whatever it is that hurts. I gotta ask, do the magnetic bracelets really work? Switching to left-handed mouse and wearing the brace has helped my right hand tremendously, though it still aches. It used to hurt grabbing anything, be it pen or door knob.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          YES A TRILLION TIMES. I bought mine off of ebay. You need to be VERY careful what you buy, as the cheaper hematite ones are strung on fishing line that will snap in a week. This bracelet that I strung on stiff jeweler's wire has stretched the wire to the point of breaking. If you must get a magnetic bracelet, get one of those copper or silver or brass bangle things and wear those. If you want hematite, either wear it sparingly or get it strung on a really, really, really really stiff wire or piece of metal and make sure the clasp is magnetic. Yes, pain in the ass because the catch with cling on the hematite, too, but it makes for super ease of use.
          Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


          • #6
            You sweep better, huh?

            I don't know which is worse - her using a lame excuse like that, or the possibility that she's so helpless she doesn't know how to use a damn broom.

            The candy guy - whining about 88 cents? Mygawd I hope he's grateful if that's the worst of his problems.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Quoth ralerin View Post
              Anywho, one of my drunken regular customers thought it would be funny to lift up my dustpan while I sweeping and take it away from me. He got the Death Glare but was still laughing like a maniac.
              See how much he's still laughing when you sweep the dust onto his feet.

