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12 Hours of work + 0 dollars = Angry Cath (Longish)

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  • #46
    I babysat, but don't have any horror stories or even badly behaved kids.

    My sister and I had live in babysitters for a week or so at a time, and a few of those were really strange and one put my health in serious danger. When my folks would go visit family in Europe they would leave us with babysitters - hired from a company, because we had to stay for school.
    My Dad was a doctor and my Mom was a bio-genetisist (both now retired) which comes into play for both these stories.
    The first was the weird one: The freaky about any hint of sex sitter. I was probably 9 and my sister 7. My Dad's name and another doctor's name is very similar - the other doctor is a gyno. Often calls for him would come to our house. You could tell when it was one of them, because she would get bright red and stammer. After she hung up I would ask what the medical problem was and she would refuse to answer as if I shouldn't know women in the world had babies. (Yup, lady and so does my baby sis - we were given the birds and bees speech at 6 along with an explanation of the double helix of DNA). My sis didn't like sleeping alone when these sitters were in our home - so she would sleep in my bed with me. This lady freaked and refused to allow it saying it was "unnatural" - we couldn't figure it out - wtf. If she had such a sick dirty mind - she really shouldn't have been around kids.
    The second: Skip forward to the next spring. Different sitter for I think two weeks this time. I got sick the last few days - really sick. No school, chills, then fever. My Dad came home - took one look at me, threw me over his shoulder and sped off to the emergency room. I'd had Scarlett Fever for nearly a week and had a temp of brain cooking perportions, the sitter had never even taken me to a clinic or told my folks I was sick.
    Needless to say, ever after that the folk's trips were moved to summer and we stayed with aunts and uncles.


    • #47
      I was very very lucky in that I had awesome sitters - on the very few occasions that my parents would go out without me, they would drop me at our neighbour's house where I would play games with their sons and get spoilt by their mom (she always wanted a daughter, so I was a surrogate!)
      I've never babysat myself - babies are a mystery to me and I'm petrified of doing something wrong with them! Kids from the age of 3 and up I can relate to though.

      When I was dating, my parents were pretty cool with the guys that I introduced them to. My Dad, however, would talk about his work (he's an anaesthetist) and how he knows all these surgeons that are sooooo handy with a scalpel, and my Mom would just give them the Glare of Doom (TM) if they did something inappropriate (like grab my butt or something). Seriously, my Mom could shatter diamonds with the Glare of Doom (TM). I have one too, but it's not nearly as effective as hers....
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #48
        Quoth Banrion View Post
        As an interesting PS: About 15 years later her son murdered 6 people.
        Saddest part is video games would be to blame for that. Sorry, just, I'm a member of a political gamers forum and we see crap liek this al lthe time.
        Last edited by MadMike; 01-10-2007, 01:26 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


        • #49
          Um, I cant think of any comment that would avoid possibly kicking off a huge argument here, so im going to say: Im not sure i agree with this, would you care to post on
          "don't go to the neighbors,that's just what the fire expects you to do"-phillippbo
          "Please do not look into laser with remaining eyeball."
          Support bacteria.They're the only culture some people have.


          • #50
            It was not unusual for my father to clean a shotgun in front of my dates.


            • #51
              My Dad doesn't have a shotgun...but it would've been funny if he'd been polishing syringes, needles and scalpels!
              The report button - not just for decoration


              • #52
                My Dad, however, would talk about his work (he's an anaesthetist)
                Yeah, well, an anaesthetist who tells long, boring stories about work is just doing his job
                Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                • #53
                  Yes, I have a couple of swords. But I'm a rapier fighter, so my swords aren't all that scary. I could put some really nasty welts on a person, and some interesting bruises, but that's it.

                  I do have a vast collection of daggers, machetes, and large knives. Those are scary. (My most favorite thing is "gypsy" knife fighting. I'm good at it. I'd rather knife fight than fence. )

                  That, and shotguns and pistols. So I'm pretty well set.


                  • #54
                    Someone has written a book about this

                    Its called the
                    The Nanny Diaries by Emma Mclaughlin and Nicola Kraus
                    I think there is a movie out too by the same name.
                    Its funny the people always take advantage of babysitters in the same way...
                    ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                    Quoth Gravekeeper

