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Maintenance plans offered by your local phone company

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  • Maintenance plans offered by your local phone company

    This plan has been a major hot button in the telecommunciatons industry. I have worked for two phone companies, and this has always been the number one topic of argument by customers in the wrong.

    Many, many eons ago, customers were offered this plan as a way of protecting themselves, kind of like the protection plans offered on items we buy today, like DVD players, computer, and big screen TV's. Much of the time, as the average person does, customers would refuse to add this plan to their accounts due to the monthly charge involved. Many felt it would never happen to them, so there was no need for it. Later on, when customers had an issue with their phone and needed it repaired, they would call the appropriate office, have a trouble ticket created, then would have the maintenance plan added when the rep offered it to them. It was much better than having to pay a service charge for their phone to be repaired.

    This is when the abuse started. Over 90 per cent of the customers who did this would make the repair call, agree to have the maintenance plan, and set a date and time for the repair technician to visit their residence. Then, after their phone was repaired, the customers would call back into customer service and have the maintenance plan removed. So, not only did they beat having to pay a repair charge, they also got out of having to pay any monthly charges at all.

    Nowadays, if you order new phone service and accept this plan, it becomes effective immediately. But, if you refuse to have it and then later on add it, it does not become effective until after 30 days, and it's thanks in part to the scheming customers mentioned here. This is always mentioned to the customer, yet they always tell a supervisor "nobody ever told me this". It got to where any time a customer refused the plan, or called to have it taken off their account, I always noted it that they were told, including the date, exact time, and the verbal response by the customer. Not that it did any good. Sometimes we still would have those who would get the right supervisor to get the repair charges off their bill. And, these charges included technicians that visited the customer's residence but did no repairs, and the reason for this much of the time is because of the customers who would refuse to let the technicians into their clean, immaculate home, complete with white carpeting and furniture that nobody was allowed to walk or sit on.

    My favorite customers were the ones who had the plan, but never noticed it until years after it was added. When I worked for Bellsouth in 2002, I remember the man who called in to trim his services, and raised hell about this monthly charge on his bill for maintanence. "I never authorized this, and I demand a credit!" Upon looking at this man's account, the maintenance plan had been on his account since 1987! So, fifteen years went by before he noticed he had this "unauthorized" service on his account, and he wanted credit for it. Sometimes customers like this would win and get their credit, but not for fifteen years worth. The most I remember was a customer who was given one year, and even that was a bit too much.

    I admit, I normally refuse maintenance plans offered to me when I buy merchandise at local retailers, but since I am not technically saavy to work on electrical wiring and phones, I have that plan on my line, and it has been worth having a few times.

  • #2
    WAIT! I didn't read the whole post...I just got to the "customer would add the plan, get the phone repaired, then cancel it"...

    A representative at my phone company RECOMMENDED that I should do that for a repair. I kid you not!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
      WAIT! I didn't read the whole post...I just got to the "customer would add the plan, get the phone repaired, then cancel it"...

      A representative at my phone company RECOMMENDED that I should do that for a repair. I kid you not!
      LOL. I guess I should have worded it to say the customer would cancel the plan, not the phone service. And, I don't doubt that rep did that with you. They don't always hire the smartest and brightest people around. They only want the ones who can make the company money.


      • #4
        We've had the maintenance plan on our phone service since we moved here, and it's paid for itself several times over. The lines in this building were probably Graham Bell's prototypes and they break down once a year on average. I just skip down to the business a few doors away, ask for help, and the nice tech fixes things.

        It's rotten that people take advantage of this sort of thing the way they do, but suckyness (aka idiocy) knows no limits.


        • #5
          Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
          WAIT! I didn't read the whole post...I just got to the "customer would add the plan, get the phone repaired, then cancel it"...

          A representative at my phone company RECOMMENDED that I should do that for a repair. I kid you not!
          That's standard operating procedure at the cable company. And if the customer misses the first opportunity while setting up the trouble call, the tech will give them another chance... as in...

          Tech: The whole house is going to have to be rewired. You know, you probably shouldn't let your three year old play with wirecutters. This is going to be very expensive... but I'll waive the charges if you subscribe to our service plan... and you only have to keep it 60 days.

          And, our service plan covers inside telephone wiring, even if the customer has Verizon or AT&T.
          I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


          • #6
            I'm lucky...I finally got a hubby (#4) that knows how to fix all that stuff!
            I did have to hire an outside company for the new roof, but he's been able to do everything else! :-D
            Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

