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Slow day on phones but the SC's came for me!

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  • Slow day on phones but the SC's came for me!

    Ok this way yesterday.

    SC Guay calls I want to cancle my order.
    ME Ok let me pull up you order and see what I can do.
    ME Ok this is what you ordered
    SC yeah I called in couple of hours ago and they said it had not been shipped yet
    ME well sur I see this is a dropship item most of the time we don't get tracking info on it. I will send something through and I will try to get the cancled for you. But if you get the item...... He cuts me off
    SC well they have not shipped it yet so I won't get it. It took so long and had to but it lacaly.
    ME well sorry sur I will try to cancle that for you. But I can not say it has not been shipped, it may have
    SC BUT I called in for hours ago and he told him it was not shipped
    (me how do I say that the other person was wrong with out us sounding bad)
    SC can your superviser do some thing different then what you can.
    ME No same thing I do.
    ME I will get that through for you but if you get the item..... Cuts me off again
    SC I want to speack to you superviser
    ME Fine 1 moment please
    Get them on phone say sorry for the call I am giving them!

    2nd call

    SC I am looking at this catalog *****
    SC item number 777777
    I pull it up online
    ME the tent
    SC Yes, is it on sale?
    ME sorry sur no
    SC So you have any free shipping going on now
    ME we only have free shipping for this (won't cove the tent)
    SC what would the shipping be?
    ME XX.XX
    SC for you have any free shipping for loyal customers?
    ME no not right now (and when I pull up the file he has only ordered from us acouple of times, not loyal)
    ME do you want me to order that for you?
    SC OK
    get his infor put the tent on the order
    ME Did you need this with the tent?
    SC is it free
    ME no
    SC can you give it to me half price
    ME no
    I am not even looking at the item and more and trying to move on
    (note to self not offer him any thing els)
    I get the finaly info from him and give him his total
    ME is there any thing els I can help you with
    SC i was looking at these coats
    ME do you have an item number?
    SC 777777
    SC is not on sale now
    ME no
    sc has me look at another coat
    SC is this other coat on sale.
    ME no
    SC well how oftem does the tent go on sale
    ME sorry sur I can not see that watch our website.

    Final I make it off the phone with him want to screem!!!!

  • #2
    Regarding the first call, you won't make your coworker sound bad by telling the customer something shipped. SC called four hours ago! A lot changes within a few hours, such as packages being packed, taken down for UPS and UPS coming to pick the package up. Just because you don't have a tracking number doesn't mean it hasn't shipped.

    UPS does pickups at our place of business around 3:30pm or so. I won't have a tracking number until 5pm or sometimes the next morning. On Fridays UPS comes shortly after noon. Same thing with the tracking number. Some customers just don't understand that finding a shipment/package is not a simple thing. We ship maybe 40-50 orders a day. I can't imagine searching for a package if we shipped hundreds.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      We have a very narrow time frame in which drop ship items can be cancelled - about 15 minutes. After that, SC is stuck with it.


      • #4
        Well that is not even the half of it. Since it was a dropship the Mfg rarly gives us traking numbers. The frist person did not see a tracking number and thought it had not been shipped yet. Um that is work 1 o 1 I would love to know who that was. He did order it 2 weeks ago. But he was told this time line when he ordered it.

