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Where's my driver's license?!?!

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  • Where's my driver's license?!?!

    I work in a department store that sells things like clothes, furniture, and kitchen supplies. One day I was working in the men's department when this woman came to the service desk. She paid with a check and I asked to see her driver's license. She handed it to me, I typed the numbers into the computer, and then handed it back to her. Then I handed her the receipt and told her to have a good night. She stood there staring at me. This is the conversation that followed:

    SC: Where's my driver's license?

    Me: I handed it back to you, ma'am.

    SC: No you didn't. I don't see it here in my wallet. (looks half-heartedly through her wallet)

    Me: Are you sure? Maybe you put it in your pocket.

    SC: No I didn't! Give me my license!

    Me: I don't have it, ma'am. I gave it back to you. Did you drop it on the floor?

    SC: No! I'm not leaving without my license!

    Me: (Looks on floor behind desk) I don't see it back here. I'm pretty sure I handed it to you.

    SC: Did it fall in this machine? (points at the receipt printer which does not have a space large enough for a license to fall into)

    Me: (Opens receipt printer to humor SC) It's not in there.

    SC: Where is it?!?!

    Me: I don't have it.

    SC: You better find it! I'm not leaving without it!

    Me: (Sighs and looks in trash can behind desk, through desk drawers and among the bags) Ma'am I gave it back to you. Can you please check your wallet and pocket again?

    SC: I don't have it! You never gave it back!!! You probably put it in the register drawer!

    Me: (Opens register drawer and - surprise! - no license) Nope, not there.

    SC: Give me my license!!!!

    Me: (Sighs and turns to Pat, the other woman working at the service center) What should I do?

    Pat: I guess just call Elaine (the manager on duty).

    Me: Ok ma'am, I'm going to call the manager over.

    SC: Well, I'll look one more time but I know I don't have it. (searches a little more and guess what? She finds the license in her wallet.) Hmmm well I swore you didn't give it back to me. (picks up bags and walks away)

    Me: (sighs and rolls eyes)

    I found it kinda weird that as soon as I said I was going to call the manager, she magically found her license. Also, I wonder if she noticed that the customer that Pat was helping was giggling at her the whole time. After the SC left, the other customer was like "I can't believe she had it the whole time!" The SC also didn't apologize for wasting my time and holding up the long line of customers behind her.
    "The more I drink, the cuter you get!"

  • #2
    See, by apologizing to you, that means the customer would have to admit to herself and whoever's nearby that she was wrong. That is simply too embarrassing for words.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Me: Ok ma'am, I'm going to call the manager over.

      SC: Well, I'll look one more time but I know I don't have it. (searches a little more and guess what? She finds the license in her wallet.) Hmmm well I swore you didn't give it back to me. (picks up bags and walks away)

      Me: yeah yeah, eat shit and die

