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Mr. Sneaky almost got splattered

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  • Mr. Sneaky almost got splattered

    Yesterday was very busy for a Sunday. There were 3 of us at the paint desk; we actually had full coverage! I was midshift. Around 3:00, the opener went home, leaving me and the new guy. At 5:00, he went to lunch, and wouldn't you know it, all hell broke loose 3 minutes after he left. I got busy. VERY busy. So I'm mixing up 13 one-gallons for a customer (all different colors), all the while taking other customers' orders and mixing what I can when I can.

    I'm at the desk, next to three paint mixers, all operating; one large one that mixes 5-gallon buckets and 2 one-gallon bucket mixers. Also, I have a hair dryer next to me (We put a dab of paint on top of the can so the customer can see the color w/o having to open it. The hair dryer sits in a PVC pipe, so we don't have to hold it, drying the dab). Needless to say, it is VERY noisy.

    This older coot of a customer apparently tried to get my attention, but I couldn't hear him (did I mention it was noisy?). So what does he do? Does he wait until I'm finished? Does he wait until the noise dies down, the get my attention? Of course not. He comes behind the counter and stands behind me and off to my side.

    I have no idea he is there. The tints are done dispensing, and I grab the bucket (one gallon), turn to take it to the work table and GAHHH!!! He scared the shit out of me (not literally, thankyouverymuch!)!
    So I completely stop, but you know what happens to objects, especially liquids, that are in containers that stop suddenly. They keep moving. Out comes about a half-cup of paint, heading for the customer. Luckily, he wasn't as close as I (now) hoped he would be, so the paint missed him. But it did land at his feet with a big "splort" and spattered his shoes, socks and bare legs.
    SC: "Hey, watch it!"
    Me: "Why are you behind the counter? Please, get back up front."
    SC: "Well, I need help. I need...
    Me: "Sir, I'm busy at the moment mixing up about 40 gallons of paint for these customers. And now I have to clean up this paint spill. I'll be with you as soon as I can."
    SC: *moving closer to me* "But I need these things NOW! The painter will be at my house tomorrow."
    Me: "Sir, I'll help you when I can. And please, stop stepping in the paint."

    He looks down at his shoes, moves his foot to the carpet and wipes it off. Thanks, jerkwad! No I have carpet to clean as well.

    I put down the paint can, and corral him to the front. He's getting dirty looks from the other customers. After he's in front of the counter, I take the chain and hook it up, closing the gap, making a show of it. I think he got the hint. He left soon after, without his items, as far as I know.

    So I lost my groove, had to remake a can of expensive paint, but first I had to clean the floor. Thankfully, it wasn't a major spill and only took a few minutes.

    But now I wish I covered that guy in paint. I imagine the whole can just jumping out of my hands and onto him. Oh, that would have made my day.

    I've said it time and time again on here: DON'T SNEAK UP ON THE WORKERS!
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    How much trouble would you have gotten in if you, say.... flung a little paint on him to make a point? SC or not, this just reinforces my argument that people need space- I get downright evil when people invade my space. Elbows have a tendency to get jabbed into ribs.


    • #3
      Same situation, different person. This time it was a woman that snuck up behind me.

      Came right up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.
      I wasn't as busy as I was the other day, but busy enough as to where I couldn't take her in a "timely manner."

      Very good thing for her I wasn't holding a paint can. I was, however, holding a rubber mallet.

      I'm going over to the millwork department and allocating some doors for the paint desk. Now they will have to climb over the desk to sneak up behind me.
      Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

      "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


      • #4
        or the ones lingering just over your shoulder while you try to "unf**k" thier computer for them..... I usually say "wups" every once in a while just to scare them away
        "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

        Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


        • #5
          Our paint counter is set up at the end of an isle, so there really is no "Employee Area".
          Most customers are smart enought to get out of my way, but some will camp out right in front of the dispenser or the computer.

          And then they act like moving out of my way is so hard.
          "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

