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Change is evil.

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  • Change is evil.

    Why do people bring massive amounts of change into convenience stores? We are not a bank. The bank is right up the road, and they'll be more than happy to cash in your change so that I don't have to have thirty rolls of pennies on top of my drawer. I honestly had a guy bring me twenty rolls the other day when I already had ten rolls. When I tried to say I didn't need it he just said "Oh well, you're taking it anyway, I already pumped the gas and it's all the money I have." And today, I had three guys come in and try to give me a handful of change and a twenty to pay for ten in gas. And they didn't speak english, so I couldn't get them to explain to me why they were giving me the change (Which they expected ME to count, by the way, and when I did, it was wrong) when they had a twenty dollar bill. Then after the gas was paid for, one of them got chips and a drink, which was $2 and some change, so he just empties his pocket into my hand. Doesn't even attempt to count it, and when I counted it, he was like 70 cents short.

    I hate change. I really really do.
    My MySpace
    Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!

  • #2
    The moral of the story. F People.


    • #3
      haha I love the ones who confuse our part timers....they hand them change after they have entered the original amount into the register....

      none of them have had enough retail experiance or training to understand couting back it completely throws them off

      haha love it
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        What about people who hand you a huge pile of small change and then act all insulted when you dare to count the money? As if saying "That's 32.75, I've counted them myself"* is enough.

        *=And more often than not, they've counted it wrong. And when they've got it wrong, there's always too little money, never too much. Hmm.


        • #5
          Nothing says you have to hurry when counting change. Hey, you're responsible for the drawer being accurate, right?


          • #6
            I think that they need to have small jetsorts for you guys. We have jetsorts and they're awesome. I still hate it when people come up with coffee cans FULL of change but hey, at least I don't have to count it by hand. Though I have found some pretty crazy stuff mixed in with their change...

            Of course you're going to count the change they give you! lol Why would that shock anybody?


            • #7
              I hate it when the customer's total comes to, say, $28.55 and they hand me a $50 note, and then they hand me the 55 cents in change AFTER I have got their $21.45 change out of the till and have closed it.

              The thing is, if the customer gets rid of all their change at the till, the next time they buy something, they will receive a handful of change back, because all they have are notes!
              'Our brightest days are yet to shine'
              'You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same'


              • #8
                Quoth Kiwi View Post
                haha I love the ones who confuse our part timers....they hand them change after they have entered the original amount into the register....

                none of them have had enough retail experiance or training to understand couting back it completely throws them off

                haha love it
                Not to mention nobody knows math these days, grr.

                I think that they need to have small jetsorts for you guys. We have jetsorts and they're awesome. I still hate it when people come up with coffee cans FULL of change but hey, at least I don't have to count it by hand. Though I have found some pretty crazy stuff mixed in with their change...

                Of course you're going to count the change they give you! lol Why would that shock anybody?
                In my store, management/ownership isn't too keen to buy stuff that would save employees time. I guess they figure that they pay the employees for being there whether they do anything or not, so they may as well be occupied. Thus, we probably won't be getting one of those soon, but man it would be cool.

                Similar to our manner of doing inventory, which involves bringing EVERY ITEM in the store up to the register, rather than buying a stupid wireless scanner, but that's another tale I suppose.

                The other best thing about change people is that often they're trying to use up the last of their money in a given currency (I work right on the canadian border), so they'll be like, "What can I buy with this?", and it happens to be 63 cents or what have you. That's annoying too. I usually get my revenge by giving them incorrect change since they really don't care. The rest for my Take a Penny jar! *cackle*


                • #9
                  Quoth Sandy View Post
                  The thing is, if the customer gets rid of all their change at the till, the next time they buy something, they will receive a handful of change back, because all they have are notes!
                  Not if they're like me. I'll only accept quarters. If I'm getting 72 cents back or something I'll take the quarters and tell the cashier to give the rest to someone who's short or put it in the "need a penny / take a penny" thing.

                  I HATE change. I usually just tell them to keep it.
                  "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                  I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Scottya21 View Post
                    Not to mention nobody knows math these days, grr.
                    Tell me about it. Kids come in all the time and just hand me a wad of money like they don't know how to count 11 and 12 year olds. I don't know about you, but I learned the basics of counting money when I was in second grade. What DO they teach in schools nowadays?
                    My MySpace
                    Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!


                    • #11
                      I think they should just get rid of pennies. The only thing they are good for is trying to make people think that a $9.99 item is signifigantly less expensive that a $10.00 item and paying for wierd percentages of sales tax.
                      free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


                      • #12
                        A little off topic--change

                        Have you noticed how few people know how to count back change anymore? Let's say your purchase is $5.34 and you hand the cashier a $10 bill. The correct way would be to hand back 66 cents, making $6, and then count up to $10 with the remaining $4.

                        Instead, most of the time what you get is the amount of change being counted up, instead of the tender amount minus the purchase amount=change amount. Ideally, someone working with money should be able to make correct change even if the register isn't telling her/him exactly what amount it should be (I've worked a busy retail rush before when some bright manager decided to run some huge computer report on a Saturday afternoon, therefore completely killing the entire register system and requiring us to drag out the manual credit card imprint machines and calculators, operating as though we were having a power outage). The art of correct change counting seems to be dying.
                        He loves the world...except for all the people.
                        --Men at Work


                        • #13
                          I worked Cash for years and everytime I come to hate change more and more..

                          First incident- I had a guy pay for his $200 grocery bill in twonies, loonies, nickles dimes and quarters.. cant forget the pennies.. (yeah Im Canadian eh) and I was surprised his pants werent hanging down around his ankles with the amount of change that he managed to pull out.. (about three handfulls from each pocket) and all during this he was trying to throw me off count.. turns out he was trying to scam me over for about $70 worth of groceries.. he only had $130 some odd in change.. cheap bugger.. after that we were told that we werent allowed to accept large amounts of change unless it was rolled in clear plastic rollers.

                          Second incident - not at the supermarket but at the gas station. Some punk comes into the place and asks me to change his roll of quarters for a bill.. now me being me I open the roll to his surprise to count it... yeah good thing.. low and behold there were two quarters in it.. one at the top and one at the bottom and the rest were washers... I kept the roll and kicked the little bugger out.

                          Third incident back at the supermarket- buddy puts all his change on the belt and then trips off the sensor.. and YUP! it got "sucked" into the collection tray to which we had no keys to.. only the supervisor on duty could open it so he held up an express line for 20 min while we fished his change out.. and all the time he was complaining at me that I should have been faster to pick the change up and was actually being quite rude about it.. my response "well anyone who places change on a moving convayor belt should know that was going to happen... so next time just hand me your change"

                          stupid people and change just dont mix
                          some people are perfect examples of why some mothers should eat their young....


                          • #14
                            I've paid in unrolled change before, but at least it wasn't more than $2, mostly quarters.

                            Am I the only person on the planet who doesn't hate pennies?
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              Here in the US, there's a law that seems little-known: you may refuse payment in pennies if it is more than 25 cents worth of pennies.

                              Also, people tend to mis-understand the "good for all debts public and private" part of the monetary system. That only applies once the debt has been incurred. If the purchaser isn't in possession of the goods, then payment may be refused -- and possession remains in the hands of the seller. (This is unfortunate in the case of pay-after-pumping gas stations, though, as once the gas has been pumped the "purchase" is now a "debt.")

                              In other words, there are many situations where you can legally refuse to receive payment -- as long as the purchaser hasn't left the store with the items, they still belong to the store and haven't turned into a "debt."

                              So, if someone wanted to pay $200 in nickels and dimes, I'd say "no, I can't take that form of payment."
                              I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6

