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The SC Unification Theory

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  • The SC Unification Theory

    My theory is that all SC activity can be explained by one of the following two traits of SCs:

    1) The SCs hold the assumption that the individuals/organization they are getting products or services from do what they do for the sole purpose of screwing the SC (I mean, beyond the regular screwing of making people pay money or your products or services).
    SC: I want $5 on mega ( the lottery, which it happens is non refundable)
    Me: Okie. *prints 1 ticket with 5 numbers listed on it*
    SC: What is this? I wanted 5. 5 individual tickets.
    Me: Well, I'm sorry, but it's functionally the same thing and we can't refund these tickets.
    SC: print me out 5 tickets!
    And so on, until the customer either a) already paid, and thus gets this ticket or nothing, or b) didn't pay already, in which case my store is out $5 .

    2) The SCs don't *think*.
    SC: I need a receipt for my gas ( customer paid outside with a credit card)
    Me: Can I see your card please? (this is the *only* way we can get the information for a receipt. Period.)
    SC: Why? Are you going to charge me again?
    Me(inside): No! How long do you think we could get away with doing that!?!?
    Me(alternatively, inside): Yes, we have an extra fee to get a receipt. */sarcasm*

  • #2
    IMnsHO, the entire sum of SC behavior can be explained simply thusly:

    "He's doing pretty well considering he is completely unaware that there are other people in the universe."

    Replace "he" with "she" where appropriate or at least biologically assumed.
    Last edited by pbmods; 01-10-2007, 01:37 AM. Reason: Quotes. Spares -> """"
    "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
    -- The Meteor Principle

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    • #3
      I think that a lot of the motivation of SC behavior is their assumption that we're doing a job that monkeys could do, and thus they "have the right" to treat us like monkeys. IOW, I think that most SCs would treat everyone as horribly as they treat us, if they didn't fear the consequenses of doing so. Since we're "nobody important", they can "get away with it" with us.

      I think that part of why I get so few SCs in my job is because they view me as a trained professional, regardless of what I'm getting paid, because I'm a very skilled knitter. What I think a lot of people don't realize is that the knitting aspect of the job is easy -- the retail aspect is the hard part.

      One time, a lady came into my store, and my then-coworker saw her and FLED to the office. I was scratching my head the whole time I was helping this lady with her project, because she was very nice and polite to me. Then my coworker came out and confided that this lady was extremely mean to her, always making snide comments about how stupid she was, because she isn't a very good knitter.

      After that, I was mysteriously struck stupid every time the lady came in.


      • #4
        Except if you did treat a monkey that way, the SPCA would be up your butt in a flash.


        • #5
          Quoth Arachne View Post
          I think that a lot of the motivation of SC behavior is their assumption that we're doing a job that monkeys could do, and thus they "have the right" to treat us like monkeys.

          Does that mean we can screech and fling poo at those customers?
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            The "anyone can do this job" is just an outgrowth of the fundamental thing that underwrites all SC behavior...

            They see themselves as the only important thing in the world, thier desires and demands need to be met, period, and anything that stops this is an annoyance to be trivialized, marginalized, shouted down or brushed aside.

            They regard not only employees, but everyone else in the world like the rest of us reguard, say, groundhogs, we know they're out there, but ultimately, what they do is not of our concern, because we're more important than groundhogs
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              Couldn't find it, but I'm pretty sure I remember somebody posting here something similar to this:

              Given the materialistic society in which we live, customers resent us because we have control over their happiness.
              "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
              -- The Meteor Principle

              Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


              • #8
                Quoth pbmods View Post
                Couldn't find it, but I'm pretty sure I remember somebody posting here something similar to this:

                Given the materialistic society in which we live, customers resent us because we have control over their happiness.
                That rules. I think you've hit the nail square on the head.

