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  • #46
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Be goin’ west,
    Life be peaceful der
    Be goin’ west
    Shit got open air
    Be goin’ west
    Where da sky be blue
    Be goin’ west
    Foo, dats what we do!
    Have you considered sending those lyrics to the Pet Shop Boys?


    • #47
      Accordion Husky gets my money.

      No matter how terrible the accordion is, the dog is adorable.

      Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


      • #48
        Just a question that has me frightened: HOW did the woman in that last call know it was her neighbor?

        Otherwise, your usual superb comedic treatment, GK. I you.


        • #49
          Threadicus Ressurectus! >.>

          Quoth Morgana
          Just a question that has me frightened: HOW did the woman in that last call know it was her neighbor?
          If I recall correctly, the guy was kind of skizzy but she made the mistake of being polite to him whenever she saw him. Which he interpreted as "SHE LUSTS FOR MY FIG NEWTONS" and he became almost a stalker but not quite. Just leering at her in the hallway and what not. Till finally he got too weird, she told him off, he got weirder, she told the cops, but he wasn't doing anything illegal. Then he flipped his shit when he saw her leaving with another guy and when she came home.....fecal paint.


          • #50
            Pretty much what I thought . . . Hope they can jail the guy now (finally). Ugh.


            • #51
              Also if you go to all that trouble and don't sign your name, your not much of a stalker.



              • #52
                Quoth Bunny the Veggie Slayer View Post
                Also if you go to all that trouble and don't sign your name, your not much of a stalker.

                sounds far too much like the voice of experience...
                "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

                CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
                Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


                • #53
                  Quoth Darkforge View Post
                  sounds far too much like the voice of experience...

                  Being from UK though, you'll have heard of the DJ Scott Mills? He used to have a segment on his show where folk could call in and tell everyone about the stalkerish stuff they've done/had done to them. My favourite (maybe not best choice of words) was the guy who's girlfriend told him she was leaving him and moving out. That night he got really drunk and decided to prove how much he loved her etc. etc.

                  He did this by dismembering all her stuffed toys and nailing them to the living room wall so that they spelled out her name!!

                  Now if that doesn't prove your a psycho hose beast love. I don't know what does.

