I REALLY wish parents did not think it was cute or amusing to put an 8 or 10 year old on the phone to order (esp at 11pm)
Me - going very very grey and pulling my hair out
YC - young "customer"
phone rings around 11pm and I answer
Me - openning spiel + Will this be for carryout or delivery?
YC - (very very young sounding voice) Delivery please
Me - Mya I have your phone number please?
YC - 123 <silence>
Me - OK may I have your phone number please?
YC - 123 <silence>
Me - May I have your phone number please?
YC - 123 <silence>
Me - (trying NOT to show my annoyance) May I HAVE your FULL phone number PLEASE??
YC - OH 123-456-4567
IS IT really so hard to give me your FULL number?????
One more BIG bill rant
Yes I have ranted too many times about this very subject but on Wed. night it reached an epic level.
I am not kidding when I say for the first 3 or so hours of my shift every 3d phone call involved someone trying to use a large bill ($50 or $100) to pay for a small order. WHY WHY WHY???????
I am NOT a flippin bank and NO I CAN NOT pull money outta my ass.
Me - going very very grey and pulling my hair out
YC - young "customer"
phone rings around 11pm and I answer
Me - openning spiel + Will this be for carryout or delivery?
YC - (very very young sounding voice) Delivery please
Me - Mya I have your phone number please?
YC - 123 <silence>
Me - OK may I have your phone number please?
YC - 123 <silence>
Me - May I have your phone number please?
YC - 123 <silence>
Me - (trying NOT to show my annoyance) May I HAVE your FULL phone number PLEASE??
YC - OH 123-456-4567
IS IT really so hard to give me your FULL number?????
One more BIG bill rant
Yes I have ranted too many times about this very subject but on Wed. night it reached an epic level.
I am not kidding when I say for the first 3 or so hours of my shift every 3d phone call involved someone trying to use a large bill ($50 or $100) to pay for a small order. WHY WHY WHY???????
I am NOT a flippin bank and NO I CAN NOT pull money outta my ass.