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"You're Not Allowed Romance At Work!"

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  • #16
    Quoth NateTheChops View Post
    Have you read No Mercy yet? Not sure if it's out or not, but I've been in serious withdrawl since finishing Bad Moon Rising.

    It comes out on Tuesday. I may or may not end up breaking my 'Wait for the Paperback' rule and buying it when it comes out. Because I'm kinda withdrawling myself, even with In Other Worlds and the manga....speaking of- The next volume of the manga comes out in 22 days, 10 hours, and 9 mins.
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


    • #17
      I've read the first eight books so many times that the manga will actually be an interesting change of pace.

      BTW, I started a Dark-Hunters fan thread over in Off Topics.


      • #18
        Ugh. Sunflower seed spitters annoy the hell out of me. Someone, and I suspect the wonderful "yard workers" that destroyed a neighbor's flower bed earlier this year is at fault for this one, but can't prove it yet, has been spitting sunflower seeds all over my doorstep. There was a mini pile on my welcome mat when I left tuesday afternoon.

        It keeps reappearing, and I'm really getting tired of seeing the damn things on my doorstep, seemingly when the HOA sends the yard guys out to fix something. I think Tuesday, I'm going to sit in view of the front door and figure out who's doing it, and force them to clean it up, and never come back lest I file trespassing charges.
        Coworker: Distro of choice?
        Me: Gentoo.
        Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.

