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Woman FLIPS OUT over ID request

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  • #16
    Quoth Jester View Post

    That lady was NOT bipolar. She was a complete whack job.
    Classic! They give mental ilness a bad name.
    I can just about cope with SC till they start calling you stupid in your face...
    ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
    Quoth Gravekeeper


    • #17
      Quoth Buglady View Post
      Common misperception... but bipolar disorder does not cause rapid mood swings like that. Bipolar cycles are weeks or months long. Why I know? BF is bipolar (doing much, much better now though )

      If we're playing armchair psychiatrists, that could be a symptom of schizoaffective personality disorder or some such thing.
      Actually, there are two kinds - the one you described, and another, which does have rapid mood swings. Why do I know? I have the second type. It's mild, thankfully...nothing like this freaky lady.
      Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


      • #18
        Quoth kurisu7885 View Post
        Did you report this incident? Odds are the school woud lsack him over this, but problably not.
        No, I didn't. But I did hear later that he no longer works for the school. I've often wondered if it was because of this stolen credit card.

        I really don't know what, if anything, the service coordinator did with the card or the information after the guy left. I'm assuming she reported it to the proper authorities but he didn't give his ID and his name was not the name on the credit card because I would have recognized it right away.

        Dave 1982 ~

        Glad to hear your mom's surgery went well. Hope she recovers quickly.
        Retail Haiku:
        Depression sets in.
        The hellhole is calling me ~
        I don't want to go.


        • #19
          This happened to a cashier working next to me in a book store. According to him, this is how the story goes....
          Cashier: Ok, Ma'am, your total is ****.
          She hands him a credit card, not signed on the back.
          Cashier: May I see some ID, please?
          Customer: Pardon me? (acting very surprised that she was asked for her ID)
          Cashier: I need to see your ID please, Ma'am. Its not signed on the back, and we have to check your ID.
          Customer: This is ridiculous!
          Cashier: Ma'am, I cannot complete the transaction unless you show me ID. I'm sorry.
          Irritated, the lady pulls out her ID and nearly shoves it in his face, then he checks it and sends the transaction through. The lady should have just left it at that, but then she says one of the stupidest idiotic things I ever heard a customer say (or at least the cashier dealing with her heard it).
          Customer: You know, what you are doing is against the law.
          Cashier: I'm sorry?
          Customer: You heard me! Its against the law to check IDs like that!
          Cashier: Ma'am, I'm very sorry, but your card was not signed on the back and....
          Customer: (raising her voice and being very rude now) I don't care! Not everyone wants to show their ID!
          Cashier: It is not against the law, Ma'am. I check everyone's ID if their card is not signed on the back.
          This next part cracks me up
          Customer: The government states that it is against the law! I can get you in big trouble for this! You're just lucky I won't tell your boss! I can get you fired!
          Cashier: Ma'am, I was not doing anything wrong. I was doing my job, and this is for your protection.
          Customer: Bull****! I'm never coming back here again!
          Cashier: Have a nice day, Ma'am.
          She gives him a very mean look, then storms out.
          Ok, I don't know about any of you, but where the hell has this lady been living, in a cave?! I suppose she hasn't heard about a tiny little problem in our world today, known as "identity theft"? As for that BS about it being against the law to check IDs, I have never heard anything about that at all. From the comments she made, it sounds to me like only a crook would say something like that.


          • #20
            Any chance you asked her to cite the exact law? I've heard of that being effective.



            • #21
              Hmm...I was going to say to show her where the card says "Not Valid Unless Signed," but I just checked mine, and only Visa and MC have that. Amex and Discover don't.
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #22
                I've seen other people mention it on here, but the only place it states that stores can't check ID on a credit card is in the merchant contract from certain credit cards. That could cause problems for the store, potentially, but no one' gonna get arrested. And I doubt the card company really would bother to pursue it.

                I asked a guy once for ID and he got all defensive and said "why do you want my ID". I showed him the back of the card where he had written "See ID". Because you told me to, dumbass! at least he had the decency to be like

                Had another guy once, bought 3 or 4 books, and gave him the receipt to sign. Normally I would hold onto the card and hand it back with the receipt after they sign. This guy absolutely REFUSED to sign the slip unless I gave his card back first. So, I, being in an ornery mood, and because he was being fishy, refused to give the card back unless he signed first. and we went back and forth several times, "I want my card back" "I need your signature first, please sir" and finally he said forget it, took back his card and left without the books.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #23
                  A couple points about ID

                  1. We ARE following the law when we ask for ID. The feds do keep a watchful eye on us and we like our licenses.
                  2. I realize you have been our customer for longer than I have been alive. I do not know you. Nor does anyone else currently on the clock.
                  3. Do you WANT someone to steal your identity? Isn't it better for me to check your ID and make sure you are really the name on the card?
                  4. No I will not be fired for the "crime" of asking for your id. And suggesting that I be fired for following company policy would only result in hilarity in HR and corporate offices.
                  5. Expired ID IS NOT VALID. Neither myself nor the nice cops will accept that ID. I realize your Picterr is on the ID. I need a current state or federal ID.


                  • #24
                    I would LOVE for some of these people who go on about "laws" to actually go to an authority and complain, and get a huge boot of reality.

                    Typically if someone states something is against the law to me in regards to my job, I tell them to go the the Board of Pharmacy or the DEA. I'm sure both agencies would LOOOOOVE to hear all about those customers' antics Unsuprisingly, we never hear anything more from the SCs or the Board.


                    • #25
                      Two years ago I had a guy tell me that it was illegal to check for ID in the state of Michigan. I wasn't even ringing him up. He was all set to leave but decided to be more of an annoyance.

