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Ice Storm 2007

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  • #16
    Got all of ya beat.


    Morning: –36C (-32F) without, -48C (-54F) with
    Daytime high: -27C (-16F) without, -45c (-49F) with
    free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


    • #17
      I love the first day of snow... but only if I don't have to drive that day.

      People turn into raving idiots in the midwest. You'd think that when you have to deal with it EVERY YEAR you'd, ya know, learn to deal with it. But no, people drive like it's the end of the world and buy like it's the end of the world.

      It'd make me lose faith in humanity if I hadn't already lost it...
      Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


      • #18
        Currently Rapid is -2F with a -25F windchill. So compared to Winnipeg we are having a heat wave. Go Northern Plains!
        Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

        I'm a case study.


        • #19
          Quoth Sofar View Post
          It's about 27 degrees fahrenheit here. And that's cold by Pacific Northwest standards. I think I'll go for a walk, enjoy the light dusting of snow, and if I feel a chill, I'll just tell myself, "It could be seventy degrees colder."
          My clients are all in the PNW area. I've been hearing a lot of reports of ice and snow from them lately, even some offices being closed. That is unusual for you PNWers, isn't it?

          Of course, in Dallas whenever we get 1" of snow, everyone goes into panic mode.
          He loves the world...except for all the people.
          --Men at Work


          • #20
            And here I am wondering if I'll even see real snow this year. We had some that stuck around for all of two hours, once.


            • #21
              It's about 30 degrees F in Cheeseland right now.

              Our arctic blast is supposed to come next week.

              -54 degrees wind chill, oy! Nice to know there's so much to look forward to.

              Oh yeah, and we had freezing rain and ice today. Not a lot of fun sliding around while trying to salt the sidewalks.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #22
                What a day!

                First you have the early birds showing up before the truck and whining "Why can't you reserve it for me?"

                Then the truck shows up about 15 minutes after the sleet did and right in the middle of unloading it, I get called to the phone. I'm freezing, covered in sleet, but at the same time I'm sweating under my coat from all the unloading.

                I answer the phone and a sweet, little old lady on the other end asks....

                I'm looking for a cleaner, I know you have it because I bought it before, but I'm looking for a cleaner, I use it to clean off the make-up that gets on my collars, do you have it?

                Oh I don't know wht the name was, I think it started with a Z, it is a very good cleaner, and I have bought it there before and I do remember it started with a Z, so do you have it?

                After we finish unloading the truck and I start stocking it, or actually I start to stock it and someone grabs it from my hands. As I go back and forth, I am directing people where they need to be.

                Such as the guy looking for an Ice scraper in the paint department, but the Reality Check award goes to the guy looking for ..........

                Window Blinds

                And he acted very shocked that we dd not have them. "Are you sure?"

                Now the Most Likely to be Left out in the Snow award goes to The Owner (the 90+ year old dad of Boss#1 &#2). Here we are going back and forth trying to get everything out to the sales floor and he keeps calling to us "We need more de-icer!" , "Do we have any heaters?" , and then he keeps bringing customers back to the storeroom to get things. There are a dozen of us running around, in & out and now we have an obstacle course.

                "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                • #23
                  Come to the Carolinas...where apparently Mother Nature thinks we're in the tropics these days! It's 53 degrees & I just took my dog for a 15 minute walk. I miss snow...but not a ton of ice!
                  The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                  • #24
                    Quoth saint View Post
                    I think 20 is as low as we will go.
                    What is this "20" you speak of? (c:

                    I love living in the south. I do. I love living on the ocean and spending all weekend in the summers on the beach and out on the islands. I love my Georgia summers and my Georgia falls are the best.

                    But I wish it would get cold!!! I don't think it's gotten below freezing all last year or this year. I haven't seen snow since I think 2000. It hasn't been in the teens since I was in high school and it haven't hit single digits in I'm not sure if as long as I've been alive.


                    And people here panic over rain -- RAIN!! And the mere mention of the slimest POSSIBILITY of snow? The entire state shuts down.

                    But really, I do love my South.
                    "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                    I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                    • #25
                      Quoth saint View Post
                      So, a collective HAHA to everbody with frostbite-butts!
                      I'm glad you said that instead of me.

                      Because I think these people would kick my butt if they found out that people at the waterfront open air bar today were wearing jackets because it was kind of chilly.

                      Like around 70 or so. And windy. I myself thought about breaking out my sweatshirt after work when I was sitting down to eat.

                      No, I am not kidding.


                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #26
                        It's about 20 here in Portland. Flippin' brrrr. We used to get one good snow every year when I was a kid, but anymore it's a kind of hit or miss thing. We did get a pretty good storm a few January's ago, and then we got freezing rain on top of it, so that was all kinds of fun. My then fiance had come to visit and then couldn't get back home to Southeast so he stayed with us at the farm for a few days, and all was fun.

                        Well, except for the watering the horses part, we had set up a large trough in the barn aisle full of water with a deicer in it since we'd shut the water off to avoid burst pipes, but we ran it out, and we had a terrible time getting more because everytime I'd run a hose from the pumproom it would freeze solid before I could refill the trough and buckets. Suck.


                        • #27
                          *looks out the window*
                          Yesterday was non stop rain here in Texas. We needed it, though, as drought conditions are forcing us to water sparingly... I think it's supposed to rain all day today as well, and turn to ice late in the day.

                          But, what I really love about being in Texas is how I could be outside in shorts and a Tshirt, and see a neighbor bundled up like it's freaking Alaska across the street. Is it a different climate over there? Did you just happen to have your coat, boots, gloves, scarf, hat, and long johns near the door, in case it got cold enough to wear them all and not look like a doof?
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #28
                            Well Saturday people stayed out of the cold, but by Sunday they must have got cabin fever. Personally I was hoping for a phone call telling me it wasn't worth risking my life for just four hours of work in a store that is mostly sold out of emergency suppies, but we would probably have to have a tornado in the parking lot for them to consider that.

                            And it was also amazing that other people would risk their lives just to "get out of the house". I even saw three people go and pay their water bill while I was shoveling snow. One, it's Sunday, Two, we have a declared emergency, so you cannot have your utilities cut off and Monday is MLK day, so your bill will not be processed till Tuesday anyway.

                            Oh and Sunday morning I was awakend by Thunder Snow. Lighting in a snow storm, just when I thought I have seen everything Oklahoma can throw at us.
                            "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

