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And you, Ma'am, can go F*** yourself. (long)

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  • And you, Ma'am, can go F*** yourself. (long)

    So as you know I am now working at the Lobby. I have extremely enjoyed myself thus far in my new found employment. With the exceptions of sexist old men and fucktard managers(who are now gone ^_^ ) Everyone has been very wonderful, my boss is AWESOME, my coworkers are cool, and my customers have been slowly redeeming my faith in the masses.

    Until today. You see, my heart has been so blackened and shriveled when it comes to humanity that I have just begun to hate them all... recently I was beginning to think it was just Dress for Less that spurned that sort of hate... my sympathy had begun to spring anew, and I didn't wince every time a customer came to me for help. But in one foul swoop this.... "Lady" sent me back to my hateful, black hearted self.... I shall never doubt again.

    Allow me to set the scene and the players.
    Me- your friendly Lobby Art girl
    CB- A four and five letter word begging with the letters accordingly.

    I am helping put out Fall freight when I receive a page for help in the Art department. Oh goodie! I get to talk about art with people! ^_^ So I happily make my way over there and find a woman looking confused. The following ensued.

    Me: Hello ma'am how may I help you?
    CB: I am looking for something to seal a canvas with.
    Me: Like something you could brush onto an already painted piece?
    CB: Yes. My daughter uses them for stage plays and they get banged around a lot, so we want something to protect the pictures.
    Me: Well short from actually getting something to put the pictures in, nothing is going to seal it well enough to save it if it gets banged around.
    CB: Just show me what you do have.
    Me: **takes CB to my mediums and sealants, picks up a few and enplanes their uses ** These should seal the canvas but they aren't going to protect it from damage if it gets thrashed around.
    CB: Do you have any others?
    Me: I'm not actually sure, let me check **I read through some labels and find a few more ((I don't use many sealants))**
    CB: NO NO NO! These won't work. They are for OIL paintings can't you read?
    Me: **you never told me what kind of painting it was....* I'm very sorry ma'am, what medium is the painting?
    CB(imagine that snotty higher than thou, don't you have a brain voice)) Acrylic.
    Me: Oh okay. Well, I will be honest, I have never used a sealant on any acrylic painting before. Our spray coatings might work best for it.
    CB: You really don't know SHIT do you. (not a question)
    Me: **blink** I apologize for not being more helpful on the subject, but like I said I have never used them before so I can't attest to how well they work.
    CB: SO... unless I ask you a question about something you USE, you are just completely fucking useless.
    Me: *double blink... sympathy dies** It would appear that way ma'am. I do apologize again, but I would be willing to look through these sprays for you and-
    CB: NO. Just leave. Thanks for NOTHING, I'll look myself.
    Me: **blink blink walk away**

    Now... I can understand the frustration of trying to find something and someone not being able to help you. But just because I work in the Art department doesn't mean I know EVERYTHING about art, and if I don't know something I am not going to BS an answer that might be wrong...cause then you are going to go home, try the product and be PISSED. If I don't know, I am going to tell you I don't know... if I can I will go find out for you... but I am honestly the most Art knowledgeable employee we have....hence why I am in the department. So don't get mad at me if I tell you I don't know and then proceed to try and HELP you so you don't have to look though my 40 some odd bottles of medium crap.

    I don't know about the rest of the world...but when I need something like that for my art work... I research it first, find out what I need... then go and ask for that specifically. But that requires common sense and forethought... neither of which customers have.

    I went and talked to my manager about this lady after the fact... CB actually made me cry. I felt so silly, my defenses against dumbfuck customers are down. But I told my manager and she actually said "God what a BITCH, don't worry Hun, if she complains I've got your side."

    Creepy Old Man Bonus Story

    On a side note I had a little old man yesterday evening. I asked him if he was doing alright and he leaned in to with in an inch of me. His foot was touching my foot... patted me on the shoulder and proceeded to rub my back in an almost embrace. "Oh I am doing just fine darlin' thank you so much for asking"
    ....I fled.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    i have an easy solution for this dumbass:
    CB: Yes. My daughter uses them for stage plays and they get banged around a lot, so we want something to protect the pictures.
    sandwich them between two thick pieces of cardboard; line the cardboard with foam and viola, a protector that she's actually thinking of.

    sealants won't do shit against direct physical damage that she's describing. she's not just an ordinary c...-b...., but a dumb one.

    little old men and creepiness...just ew; here's some body wash and a loofa to rid you of the nastiness.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      CB: SO... unless I ask you a question about something you USE, you are just completely fucking useless.
      Me: Which is why I'm not going to ask you about common courtesies, Miss Manners.

      I am so sorry that b!tch was so mean to you. That kind of attitude isn't acceptable, even if she had been tired or frustrated.
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        Quoth chainedbarista View Post

        sealants won't do shit against direct physical damage that she's describing. she's not just an ordinary c...-b...., but a dumb one.
        This is basically what I told her ((minus the dumb bitch part....)) I think I repeated more times that I actually put in there "But a sealant won't really protect against damage caused by being banged around."

        Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
        CB: SO... unless I ask you a question about something you USE, you are just completely fucking useless.
        Me: Which is why I'm not going to ask you about common courtesies, Miss Manners.
        Hahaha. Oh thank you that made me laugh. I wish I could get away with saying something like that....
        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


        • #5
          Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
          Hahaha. Oh thank you that made me laugh.
          That's what we're all here for!
          Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


          • #6
            What a mean bitch. Glad your manager took your side.
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              I can understand your frustration, and I'd be so ticked I'd probably lose my cool. I know sometimes the customer doesn't know how to react when you say, "well you tell me WHAT you want." If they would put the word "something" in there again, that's when you say " 'something' is too vague. I need a specific object."

              Of course, what would be cool to get away with saying is "You really don't know SHIT do you."


              • #8
                Wait a minute, it's her project. How come she doesn't know? I mean, does she honestly think each and every person working a craft store does every craft imaginable?

                I go into a craft store, I ought to know what I need for my own project. After all, it's my project.


                • #9
                  CB is so friggin lucky that I wasn't there, I would have went off on her like nobody's business.


                  • #10
                    I think the first time the 'F' word came out of her mouth should have been the end of the conversation. She doesn't deserve courtesy if she can't use it herself.

                    Sorry she made you cry. She probably never even thought of putting cardboard or something around the paintings, just wanted something lazy-ass easy that she could spray on and forget about. Nasty old bat.
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MoonCat View Post
                      I think the first time the 'F' word came out of her mouth should have been the end of the conversation. She doesn't deserve courtesy if she can't use it herself.

                      She probably never even thought of putting cardboard or something around the paintings, just wanted something lazy-ass easy that she could spray on and forget about. Nasty old bat.
                      Yeah I agree. I am still getting use to the fact that if I do walk away from a nasty hag like that my manager is NOT going to give me grief for it... I'm recovering from Dress for Less where if I had walked away I would have been lucky just to be written up. >.<

                      The sad thing is she is going to grab a cheep fix, go home and nothing is going to happen. A sealant won't protect the picture if it get's banged around.... I hate to see art suffer in vain!
                      "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                      • #12
                        CB's biggest problem is the OP told her something she didn't want to hear: sealants won't work.

                        She took her rage out on the hapless CSR.

                        EE has it too right.
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                          I mean, does she honestly think each and every person working a craft store does every craft imaginable?
                          This is the problem with retail; they expect us all to be experts, and we aren't, at least not on every little thing. Maybe we should all just start agreeing with them. Can't be accused of arguing if you agree. "Yes, ma'am, you're right. I am useless to you on this subject. Sorry 'bout that." And then you either stare blankly or walk away. You're not arguing, not grovelling, but not helping. They don't deserve help, don't get it, and don't have a leg to stand on when complaining. What? You're gonna get in trouble for agreeing with her??
                          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                          • #14
                            Honesty, if a customer spoke to me in that manner, I would most certainly speak up. We can't be afraid to stand up for ourselves, even if we do work retail.


                            • #15
                              Glad the manager backed up you. Lots of *hugs* and kitty-snuggles for you.
                              "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show

