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kids and phone messages

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  • kids and phone messages

    OK, actually he was probably a teenager and fully capable of taking a simple message. I was at the bookstore, calling customer orders, and here is how it went:

    Me: Have called approximately 12 gajillion orders
    PT: Punk Teenager who answered the phone
    *customer's name has been changed because I don't remember what it was*

    Me: Hi, this is Big Name Bookstore, may I please speak to Steve?
    PT: He's not here right now.
    Me: Can I leave a message for him?
    PT: Sure. *click*

    That's right, he hung up on me!

    So I called back, ignoring what he just did, and we repeated the conversation. Pretty much word for word (and click for click). After the third time, I had my male cashier call, and the kid took the message from him.

    And then later the dad came in to pick up his book and I rang him up. I refrained from telling him what his kid did, but I wished I had later. grrr.

    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

  • #2
    I had a similar experience at least one time, though it didn't end quite that way...

    M: "Hi, this is Juwl with Chesterfield store, is 'Irene' there?"
    P: "This is who?"
    M: "This is Juwl, with Chesterfield store, is this Irene?"
    P: "No, this isn't Irene. This is who?"
    M: *repeat twenty times*
    P: "Oh, you're looking for Irene! Hold on..."
    M: *waits*
    I *supposedly*: "This is Irene. Who is this?"
    M: "This is Juwl, with Chesterfield store. I'm calling to remind you that 'this hot, hot, big-time movie' you reserved will be available for pickup in the store on Tuesday morning."
    I: "Where are you calling from?"
    And so on...
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      I'm not a parent but I'm related to a couple. If I did have a kid who behaved like that I'd want to know so I could drag the kid and make him appologize in person.
      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


      • #4
        Once at my former job we had an outlab order come back completed. So I called the customer to let her know it was ready and she could pick it up "at her convenience."

        Me - "May I speak with WhateverHerNameWas?"
        Answer - "She not here now."
        Me - "Can I leave a message?"
        A - "Nope."


        Called back the next day.
        Repeat first three lines.
        A - "Message this! *Click*"

        So a note went on her bag that we had tried to contact twice, and was refused a message the first time and hung up on the second.

        Customer came in a week or two later, furious her stuff wasn't ready yet, and "It was supposed to be done by now! You **** suck, I ain't payin!"

        I took great pleasure in showing her the notes that we had tried to call her twice right when her stuff was done, but her sister didn't want to pass along that little bit of information.


        • #5
          I'll bet the kid thought that was how the answering machine worked. You pick up the phone, the person the caller wants isn't there, so you hang up and they talk to the machine...


          • #6
            While processing Loss Drafts for a certain mortage company, I had a Katrina victim that I wasn't able to reach for months. They were lucky enough to have a working phone line, and were able to remain in the house, dispite the damage. On file all I have is one phone number (because the customer didn't provide anything else) I have to call every 15 days to check and see how their repairs are moving, and to see when I need to disperse more of their (our) insurance funds. (The bank will monitor your insco $$ and repair status if it's over a certain amount.)

            Four or five months after their repairs began I finally get an IRATE call from the lady of the house (going "apeshit" is putting it lightly), demanding more of her insurance money as they have been out of pocket the entire time. The've maxed out credit cards and had to resort to selling one of their vehicles to get money to fix their demolished house. She ranted and raved, ripping me up one side and down another about how I don't care about their situation, how I should try and make an effort to contact them, as they have enough to worry about with the disaster and all. I agree 100%. The joy I had as I gave her dates and times of each call I had made, every 15 days, for the past 4-5 months:

            "Call borr @ home. Left messg w/teen"
            "Call borr @ # on file. Left messg yng chld"
            "Call borr @ home # messg w/teen"
            "Call borr @ home. Teen boy hung up on me"
            "Call borr @ # on file. Askd 4 Mrs. Spazingoutlady. Teen said to hang on then hung up"

            Wash. Rinse. Repeat. For 5 months. While she didn't apologize for freaking out, I did get to hear her ripping into her teenaged son for not relaying messages.
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              I am just shocked and amazed by this...had I been the teen on the other end of the phone not relaying messages - my ass would have been grass! I mean, literally, my father would have beaten my ass!
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                I actually lost out on a better job while I was working for a university because the idiot student worker my boss hired to man the phone failed to give me five messages from someone who wanted to hire me. By the time I found out this person had been trying to contact me, the job had been filled. (By the way, my boss knew how little I was being paid and encouraged me to look for something better.)

                The student worker's response when I confronted him about it was, "Well, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do when someone wanted to leave a message for you." When I asked why he did not ASK what he was supposed to do, he replied, "I didn't know if I should do that."

                I almost killed him.
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  Quoth South Texan View Post
                  The student worker's response when I confronted him about it was, "Well, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do when someone wanted to leave a message for you." When I asked why he did not ASK what he was supposed to do, he replied, "I didn't know if I should do that."

                  I almost killed him.
                  I would have killed him too.

                  Reminds me of Droopy, a slacker type character played by Bob Odenkirk on Mr. Show. "What do we have at the museum?? Well we have some paintings and a front desk sign and a telephone and a television set... <click>"


                  • #10
                    Quoth South Texan View Post
                    The student worker's response when I confronted him about it was, "Well, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do when someone wanted to leave a message for you." When I asked why he did not ASK what he was supposed to do, he replied, "I didn't know if I should do that."
                    This was a *college* student?
                    Oh Good Lord Have Mercy.

