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A Weird Day .. Not a rant, really

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  • A Weird Day .. Not a rant, really

    This was about a month ago. For a little background, I work at a small camera store for a (much) larger retail company.

    An elderly lady whom I've talked to before arrives immediately after opening in search of some training for her fairly simply Olympus film camera. She explains what she is trying to take pictures of, so I slowly explain to her what settings, all while writing said settings down so that she can read them later.

    To put this simply: I look away for one moment, turn around, and she is swaying, then abruptly collapses backwards, hitting her head against the tile floor. I run around the counter, check her pulse, then run to the lab (10 feet away) and tell my manager in a rather fast manner what just happened. He doesn't seem to hear me right away, as I run back out and his first words upon sight are "Holy (Expletive)"

    An ambulance is called, a coat placed under her head as she woke up. She seems to remember where she is - we just tell her not to move. Ambulance arrives, I talk to the police about what happened while they make sure she is ok - they take her to the hospital because she doesn't have any pre-existing conditions, just to make sure she is OK.

    She was apparently ok. Her son came a few hours later and asked what happened, then thanked us for calling an ambulance right away. What REALLY freaked me out though was the way her eyes stayed open when she was unconcious.

    Worse yet, she was tall enough that she nearly hit her head against a camera case rack behind her. If she hit her neck or head against that .. BAD NEWS.

    The fun didn't end there.

    Two hours later, a guy comes into the store and just says, "Could you call the police, this guy is following me." Trailing behind him is a rather dirty looking middle-aged man who is speaking a mix of incoherent English and Spanish - I can speak/her SOME Spanish, and I didn't understand a word he said. For the next ten minutes (while the police are summoned) he repeatedly sips out of a Fanta which can't possibly contain any more liquid while smelling like he has been smelling paint thinner for roughly the last week.

    Arrested for public intoxication.

    What worries me is that the elderly lady hasn't come back yet She was really nice too.

  • #2
    We had an older lady fall in the bookstore once and we had to call an ambulance. Her friend called the next day to ask the name of the manager and another employee who helped her and there was a little article in the newspaper about it the following day saying how great we all were.

    When I was in high school I worked at a store in the mall and there was a girl (teenager or early 20s) who had a seizure. That was scary to watch but we found out later she was OK.

    Also had to call the cops on a guy in the bookstore who seemed to be hovering around this one woman in the kids department and it was making her uncomfortable. Especially since he was wearing very short shorts. And it was winter.

    Never had 2 strange things happen in the same day, though.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I vaguely remember a janitor at Chesterfield, who used to work in the food court almost all the time. One day, Mom & I were wandering in that mall, went to the food court, and we saw that guy face down on the floor, surrounded by other people.
      On our way out, we saw an ambulance.
      We figured he had a heart attack or something.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        My husband & I took a trip to West Virginia & were shopping in the mall there. Some guy was following us all over the mall. We had dropped off some pictures earlier in the evening to be developed & returned to the store to pick them up. We asked the clerk to call security because this guy followed us into the store! The clerk then went to "occupy" the guy while we made our move to the exit! We ran out to our car & went back to the hotel! We seriously have no idea what inspired this dude to follow us or what he wanted. However, it was very frightening.
        The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


        • #5
          I saw a local elderly woman face down in the entrance to a car park near the shop, many moons ago. There were a couple of young chaps with mobile phones calling for assistance, which meant I didn't have to do anything. However, they probably didn't realise she was known as Drunk Mary for a reason.

          What got me about this were the three drivers who managed to drive around a prone person in the road, all the while peering down to see if they were going to gore up their cars, yet not one of them stopped to help.

          There's a reason I hate that area.



          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

            Also had to call the cops on a guy in the bookstore who seemed to be hovering around this one woman in the kids department and it was making her uncomfortable. Especially since he was wearing very short shorts. And it was winter.
            That is freakin scary!!!!


            • #7
              My day-care, uh, "teacher" had a seizure one time.
              We were all watching a movie, and I was right next to her desk. After about 20 minutes into the movie, I stretched and yawned, and I noticed that NOBODY ELSE WAS WATCHING THE MOVIE. In fact, they were all crowded at the back of the room, looking scared. I heard a snorting sound, and I turned and saw the "teacher" with her eyes rolled back in her head on the floor, squirming.

              Needless to say, I tore ass to the rest of the group.
              She was okay.
              "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut

