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Don't Snap Your Fingers At Me.

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  • #16
    Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
    Heh, when I was first promoted I was having an extremely off day. Running around being flustered and all that. When an employee needed to hand me something i snapped my fingers as a gesture to give it here.

    Boy did she go off! (rightfully so) I do think i actually apologized before she managed to demand why I snapped at her.

    It actually turned into a teasing game after because I felt so bad about it she knew she could bug me about it a little.
    Man, how do you recover from that? That's like tripping, then continuing to walk fast as if "you meant to do that.." I'd keep snapping them to pretend I was grooving to a song in my head, har har..


    • #17
      If you are at a restaurant and want to get the server's attention, make sure you do this: snap your fingers at the server.

      Do this....IF you want to be completely ignored for the rest of your stay in the place. Because I don't know a single person in the food service industry that has half a spine that is going to put up with this absolute bullshit. It is rude, it is unnecessary, and it is a great way to make good service drop to mediocre, and mediocre service drop to bad.

      Quoth MoonCat View Post
      Everyone deserves at least basic respect.
      I disagree. Not everyone DOES deserve basic respect. I have met and seen quite a few people that have earned zero respect, and that is how much they deserve. All people are NOT created equally, and some are truly horrible fucking people that deserve less respect that my most recent offering to the toilet.

      On that list are people who snap their fingers at me at my job. Respect? Fuck that. They can die of fucking thirst for all I care.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #18
        oh geez....This is making me think back to last Sunday brunch with my family. There is a lady in our group that is a "family friend" meaning that she is my grandmother's best friend from back in the day but really no one can stand her. She is a bossy, self-centered shrewd old maid who's brain to mouth filter left back in WWII. (that's the nice version) Recently she was more tolerable since she couldn't drink alcohol due to her meds but now she's off her meds and unbearable. Last Sunday (after a few bloody marys) she summoned our waiter with *snap! Snap!* "BOY!?!! WHERE ARE YOU?! GET OVER HERE BOY AND GIVE US SOME SERVICE! (no dirty comments please...she's gross enough as it is!) and continued for nearly the rest of the meal until I snapped and told her to sit down and shut up (and might have implied that my 10 mo old son behaved better at the table than she was). Man I hope that means she won't show up again...

        *ahem* sorry about the threadjack! I just want to walk up to these people with a rolled up magazine and shout "NO!" while smacking them on the nose with it. Actually...I want to do that to a lot of people...hmmm...where's my People at?
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


        • #19
          Quoth Mr Hero View Post
          Speak for yourself. I've managed to make women come using my fingers.
          Quoth DGoddessChardonnay
          I'm now waiting for either Irv or Sheldon to jump into this now . . . there's still plenty of room left at the Pervfest thread.
          Community college story time!

          I took a public speaking class my first semester there. One of our assigned speeches was a how-to speech wherein you explained how to do something to somebody who presumably didn't know how to do it.

          So up comes one of my...ummm, very special...classmates to do his speech...on how to find a woman's G-spot.

          "First you go like this (holds up two fingers like the peace sign), then you go like this (bends fingers slightly), and...." "Alright, that's quite enough" interrupts my killjoy instructor. Phooey. Just when this was getting good.<--HIGHLIGHT FOR A NSFW GOOD TIME
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

