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Grocery Store Blues

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  • Grocery Store Blues

    I am a "bagger" (read: doer of bitchwork) at a busy grocery store. Lately, as winer has been approaching, there has been an influx of SCs. It seems that with colder weather, the customers get suckier and suckier. Here are some common types of winter grocery SCs:

    I. The biggest problem I have with these people is that they act the part of Mr. Entitlement. They will demand that I go above and beyond what my job actually pays me for, which I am happy to do for them, but they have no consideration. These are the kind of snobs you can spot from a mile away. They'll demand paper-in-plastic, not too heavy, and don't crush their bread (Let it be known that not once have I ever crushed the bread of a customer), and then they'll ask me to load their $400.00 dollar order into their car, even though they are in their physical prime and have at least one other person with them. However, they will not even say "Thank you." and God forbid if they walk the extra 5 feet to the cart corral to push their cart into (which, by the way, will have several articles of garbage left in it).

    I'm sorry, but I am not getting paid to cater to their every whim. I don't mind doing things above and beyond, but these people are ridiculous. If they don't have the respect to at LEAST push their carts into the many corrals rather than leaving them strewn about the parking lot, then I won't have the respect to make sure their bread and eggs arrive home in pristine condition.

    II. Some customers like to have reunions in the foyers, and they'll stand right in front of the doors. I can understand stopping to say, "Hello." to someone you know, but come on. These people will stand there for the better portion of a half hour, and, when I politely ask them to move from the high-traffic area, they look at me like I am the most annoying person they've ever met.

    III. Many times I have seen cars parked in the fire lane. This is a strip of pavement along the front of the building which if for emergency vehicles in case they are needed. It is clearly marked "FIRE LANE" with diagonal yellow lines running through it. Somehow these people don't get the idea.

    It makes me happy when they police drive by and dish out a round of parking tickets, though.

    IV. There are signs, clearly visible, on all entranceways of the store, that state something along the line of "No roller skates, skateboards, bikes, or healies (the shoe/skate hybrids hat I hate so much) allowed in the store. If you are seen with them in the store you will be expelled. No exceptions."

    I have actually seen an increase in the sumer of healy-wearing, skateboard-carrying children in the store since those signs have gone up.

    It really ticks me off when a customer comes up to me and says, "A cup of coffee fell." NO, IT DID'NT FALL! YOU DROPPED IT! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. This makes me even madder if it's something that hasn't been payed for yet, like a jar of pickles, because the customer won't have to pay for the other one. At least if it's coffee from Dunkin' Donuts or something it's already been paid for.

    VI. Some customers like to stand and watch you bag, instead of, you know, helping or something. They sure get a kick out of making fun of you, your name, and the way you bag while they "supervise". A few times they even wait until you are done bagging, not saying anything the whole while, and then complain that their bags are "too (adjective)" or "not (adjective) enough" and rebag every single one.

    The only thing wrong with society is the people in it.

  • #2
    Quoth RailroadMonster View Post
    Some customers like to stand and watch you bag, instead of, you know, helping or something.
    I never know if I am supposed to help, or if I am just getting in the way. Usually I am trying to keep my 4 and 1 year old from grabbing every piece of candy that the store has STUPIDLY PUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES! I tend to think the baggers can go faster without me. But then, I don't complain and I certainly don't criticize them. I don't ask for help, either, out to my car. And I always put my cart away. Without trash.


    • #3
      Quoth 4Gifts4Lisa View Post
      I never know if I am supposed to help, or if I am just getting in the way. Usually I am trying to keep my 4 and 1 year old from grabbing every piece of candy that the store has STUPIDLY PUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES! I tend to think the baggers can go faster without me. But then, I don't complain and I certainly don't criticize them. I don't ask for help, either, out to my car. And I always put my cart away. Without trash.
      Nah, you sound like a good customer. No one really expects you to help, unless you have like, 2 overflowing carts of groceries. Then it wouldn't be a bad idea to load them back into the carts. In most grocery stores, the areas to put the bagged groceries aren't that big, and SCs just stand in line with their cart, out of reach of the bagger to load, of course.
      The only thing wrong with society is the people in it.


      • #4
        Hey, a fellow bagger! Nice to see. I feel your pain. And I gotta say, I agree with just about everything you mentioned. (Customers are so LAZY when it comes to carts!)

        Well, except the bagging thing...I do tend to feel like strangling those who get in my way while I'm doing a perfectly fine job of bagging their order correctly and quickly. You know, too many cooks = spoiled soup, and such.

        But yeah. Winter season's a pain. I think they're like bugs, you get a lot more inside when its cold outside.
        Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


        • #5
          quote from OP: "Lately, as winer has been approaching, there has been an influx of SCs."

          Simple typo? or Freudian slip?

          My 2 thoughts on reading that:

          1. The SCs are whiners (or winers, since SCs can't read, and therefore probably can't spell either)
          2. Or, after the SCs are gone, I need a glass of wine.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            quote from OP: "Lately, as winer has been approaching, there has been an influx of SCs."

            Simple typo? or Freudian slip?

            My 2 thoughts on reading that:

            1. The SCs are whiners (or winers, since SCs can't read, and therefore probably can't spell either)
            2. Or, after the SCs are gone, I need a glass of wine.
            Haha, it was a typo... but now I think I will leave it up to enhance the drama.
            The only thing wrong with society is the people in it.


            • #7
              Quoth RailroadMonster View Post
              Some customers like to have reunions in the foyers, and they'll stand right in front of the doors.
              Ohh, that's one that really gets my goat . . . Usually this also happens down a narrow aisle. A whole bottlenecking thing will happen and usually a crowd will begin to form waiting to pass by the "reunion." (My husband's the one who will get visibly and audibly upset and just turn around and speed down the next aisle).

              Quoth RailroadMonster View Post
              Many times I have seen cars parked in the fire lane.
              Ah, the old, "I'll just be a minute" routine. Hey, I was gonna "just be a minute" as well, but I opted to park in the spot waaay in the back . . . 'cause, you know, you're closer to the parking lot exit!! And plus, it's amazing how people don't realize what a safety hazard that is. . .

              Quoth RailroadMonster View Post
              It makes me happy when they police drive by and dish out a round of parking tickets, though.
              I, personally, have yet to see it. But will be overly "gleeful" when it does happen.
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                Ohh, that's one that really gets my goat . . . Usually this also happens down a narrow aisle. A whole bottlenecking thing will happen and usually a crowd will begin to form waiting to pass by the "reunion." (My husband's the one who will get visibly and audibly upset and just turn around and speed down the next aisle).

                I have to admit I was part of a grocery-aisle reunion, on Christmas Eve. We were at the local grocery store, just picking up a few last-minute items, and ran into a former neighbor, who we hadn't seen for years. Once the aisle started getting busy, we started to break it up and go on with our shopping, but ex-neighbor just laughed, and said he was enjoying watching the people try to get by. At that point, it became a case of 'nice to see you to go now...bye-bye.'
                That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter

