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Roadside Assistance

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  • Roadside Assistance

    Well im new to this site but ive got many stories probably could even give a new one or two everyday with the idiots we get .. so a little background i work for a emergency dispatching company but its not technicaly an "emergency" most of the time .. we dispatch out road services and tow trucks for stranded americans sometimes they are even at home ..

    so today my prize winner, the guy that takes the cake ...

    my phone beeps, i hit the mute button

    "thank you for calling roadside assistance, my name is .. what can i help you out with today"

    customer: "ya ive been hung up on and i demand to speak to ur supervisor"

    me: "ok sir definatly not a problem, i just need a little information from you inorder to let the sup know whats going on"

    now oddly enough an agent sitting behind me just had this guy (which is odd seeing as how we have 4 different sites throughout north america and over 500 ppl working at a time) so i knew this had to be him right away because of the story she just told me ...

    one of our standard questions is to ask for the phone number incase we get disconnected so we can call back .. so the other agent has just finished telling me she had this guy and when she stated his phone number off the call display he freaked out asking how we had that information and now he has to immediatly change his phone numbers because we know to much information .. and he was cursing and swearing up a storm for no reason the agent then proceding with the call asked the colour of the vehicle (our systems prepopulate his profile so we have his name and year make and model of veh) he once again freaks out saying we dont need this informatin for him to get a simple tow and he hung up

    so back to me having this customer

    i havn't asked yet for any specific information but once i said ill need some inorder to proceed with his request he flips out on me

    cust: "y the .. does it matter what colour my veh is, im broke down on the side of the road there are no vehicles around me and there definatly isn't the exact same year make and model by me"

    me: "i can understand that sir but in order to proceed with the service the agent would have to get the colour in order to go to the next screen"

    (and we really do need to get some information or else our program doesn't let us go to the next screen .. is the colour required? not for the specific insurance company he's with but usually yes, did i tell him that no)

    so he then decides to proceed after yelling at me more profanity

    cust:"i need my service expedited and i need ur sup right now"

    me:"ok sir i will definatly get srv as soon as possible so if i can get the required information from u i will get srv on its way as soon as possible and then i will get the sup on the phone for u to talk to, can i get your name"

    cust: gives name

    me: "and the colour of the veh" just out of funness i asked

    cust: "its .. purple with pink pokadots"

    me: "thank you sir" as if it was but oh well, "can i have the location where you to get someone out asap"

    cust: "no, i want ur supervisor"

    so at this point i gave up tryin to get him his srv he wanted and called a sup, i gave the sup the info updated them brought them on the line and he immediatly disconnected...............

    i called him back haha

    me: "hello sir im calling from ... roadside assistance i had a sup on the line for u but u disconneted did u want me to bring them back on for u to talk to?"

    cust: "yes cause i have all the time in the world to waste"

    i get the sup on the line again took maybe a mere 15 seconds she introduces herself .. he's on the line but will not answer either of us asking hello anyone there over and over so we inform him unfortuatly we cannot hear u if u need anything please callback and hung up ....

    everyday i deal with at least 5 customers from the 70 calls i get that are completely disrespectful and stupid .. is it neccessary .. seriously ..

  • #2
    Welcome to the boards. Others should be along with cookies, booze, and such.

    What did this guy expect you to do? Magically know the make, model, color and location of his car?
    Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


    • #3
      Welcome to ! I guess the guy thinks that roadside assistance = tow truck genies. What an idiot.
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        LMAO Poor Capt. Welcome to . *offers the cookie and booze basket*
        You'll fit RIGHT in.


        • #5
          I really hope the tow truck driver got out there saw there was no purple car with pink polka dots and left him there. I can just picture the conversation:

          SC: you're here to pick me up right?
          Driver: no I'm here for a car that's purple with pink polka dots and yours is white.
          SC: But it was me who called, I just said that because they didn't need to know the actual color of my car.
          Driver: actually they do and I will get in trouble if I tow the wrong color car so I can't tow you.

          And then he ends up getting charged for the tow and the second one as well for when he wises up and answers the question properly.
          Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
          Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


          • #6
            Hi, there! Got a big bottle of rum here if you need some...

            Wonder how a paranoid guy like that even got a driver's license?
            "OK, fill out this form with your name, address, telephone number, date of birth..."
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              Hi, there! Got a big bottle of rum here if you need some...

              Wonder how a paranoid guy like that even got a driver's license?
              "OK, fill out this form with your name, address, telephone number, date of birth..."
              "WHY DO YOU NEED THAT??? ARRGARGRG!!"
              seriously?? i think he probably did cause a scene when he was getting his license. they don't want to give anyone any information about themselves.
              there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


              • #8
                Quoth gremcint View Post
                I really hope the tow truck driver got out there saw there was no purple car with pink polka dots and left him there. I can just picture the conversation:

                SC: you're here to pick me up right?
                Driver: no I'm here for a car that's purple with pink polka dots and yours is white.
                SC: But it was me who called, I just said that because they didn't need to know the actual color of my car.
                Driver: actually they do and I will get in trouble if I tow the wrong color car so I can't tow you.

                And then he ends up getting charged for the tow and the second one as well for when he wises up and answers the question properly.
                And that would serve him right for being an ass.

                Look: everybody likes a little ass, but nobody likes a smartass.
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                • #9
                  Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                  LMAO Poor Capt. Welcome to . *offers the cookie and booze basket*
                  You'll fit RIGHT in.
                  *Adds a few things to the booze basket* Anything we can make you? There's enough of us on here that can make fun drinks... some simple, some elaborate... but all tasty!

                  And Welcome to CS, captain_obvious! *huggles*
                  "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show


                  • #10
                    Welcome to the boards. I think you'll fit right in here.

                    You should see how badly customers freak out when the credit card reader asks for a simple Zip Code before we can proceed.

                    So, not a phone number. Not an address. But a zip code that maybe fifty other people have and would not be useful in identifying one simple person and people still act like you're asking them to pee in a cup on live camera.


                    • #11
                      hey guys, thanks for the invites .. ill take the bottles of booze anyday when i'm get home from work .. hell i'll sneek them into my "spill proof" cup at work .. haha .. ya that guy was priceless .. but theres ones like him EVERYDAY .. im sure ill get some more god ones soon
                      Last edited by Dave1982; 09-22-2010, 05:57 AM.


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the boards. I just wish it were under better circumstances.
                        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                        • #13
                          Welcome to customers suck.

                          I'm the friendly locksmith that gets to deal with the locked out/lost keys douchebags after you get done with them.


                          • #14
                            haha well im sorry u have to actually deal with them in person .. some of them i wish i could reach thru the phone and slap in their face .. lol at least u can leave them if they bitch curse and swear at u .. i have to listen to it until they run out af steam and then ask "anything else" before im allowed to hang up haha ..


                            • #15
                              Welcome to Customers Suck.

                              I am the deliverer of hot cheesey goodness ***hands over pizza of your choice***

                              we also have a large supply (in the infinite sized back room) of brain bleach for those situations that require a total cleansing of memory.
                              I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                              -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                              "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

