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I thought people learned to flush the toilet at 3 years old

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  • #16
    I cannot believe women would stand and do that in public, that is gross and nasty!
    Shouldn't a major part of religion be respect for other people?
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #17
      Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
      I cannot believe women would stand and do that in public, that is gross and nasty!
      Shouldn't a major part of religion be respect for other people?
      Maybe it's some kind of cultural thing? Though I can't imagine where that might be acceptable. I tried googling it but I'm not having much luck. (In other words, I can't find s**t!!) (sorry )

      We were only expected to clean up paper on the floor and wipe up water on the sinks and stuff like that. Anything bordering on biohazard the manager would usually take care of it. Though in my one store people have been known to get to leave an hour early (paid) for volunteering to clean up a mess. Not me. I'd rather stay and work. If it was really bad we'd close off the bathroom until the cleaners came in the morning with the proper supplies.

      In that same store they stopped putting paper towels in the men's room cuz they kept getting stuffed in the urinals and then they'd flood.

      The worst mess I ever saw though was when the plumbing backed up in the coffee shop (they rent the space from the store and have their own bathrooms) and it seeped through the wall into our receiving room. That was bad. We had to get professionals out that night to clean our room, had industrial fans in there for a couple days, and the coffee shop had to close for the night and rip up all their carpeting. I don't know what caused it...I hope a customer didn't do something to make that big of a mess! (though if they did, maybe it was a comment on the coffee?)
      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 01-15-2007, 11:16 PM. Reason: to add a smartass remark
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #18
        The bathroom is the bane of my existance.

        Do you know how many people think that I owe them a place to pee? We're in the mountains and on a septic system so it's not open to the public but just for customers.
        It's a matter of mutual respect. If they want me to respect their situation, they can respect mine and make a purchase. It's not even about the cost of having it emptied so much as it's the fact that after a lot of use, the system can't handle it and needs time to let the water recede in the system. (especially in the winter when the water table is high) If I let everyone off the street in to use it, I'll have a parking lot full of cars, a store full of people and if they have no intention of buying anything I don't have parking for customers not to mention the non-customers having rendered the bathroom useless for my customers.

        People refuse to wrap their minds around these issues. AND to add in some real fun, when it does fail and I can't even use my own bathroom they bitch and whine and demand to use it anyway. Then they demand to know where *I* go.
        "Well, let's see....if I have maybe 1 flush in the next hour or so, and I have to share that with whoever else is working here, do you honestly think I'm going to give it to you when I'm stuck here and you're mobile and can drive across the freakin street?"

        And don't get me started on people who act as if the bathroom comes with a maid.
        Mothers need to clean up after their sons, I always did.
        If there is no toilet paper, they can't be bothered to let me know. One woman told her friends they were shopping elsewhere because, "there's no toilet paper". (hey half-wit! if you'd just told me I'd have put some in for you)
        If their paper towel misses the trash can they can't be bothered to reach down and pick it up.
        One old lady actually locked the bathroom door as she left it and when we finally made it in, there was crap everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. My husband actually called me to come in and help him finish it because he was getting physically ill over it.
        Two guys went in to a single bathroom, one said, "you take the can I'll take the sink".
        The entire store got a contact high one afternoon after group walked out of it. (and were then kicked off the property)
        I had to clean up a religious, 'If you don't repent' message off the towel dispenser. Ironically, she put it on the side that faced the wall where the only way to really see it would be if you crammed yourself between it and the wall (or if you're cleaning it) instead of the front where she would have had a lot more room.

        If only they meant it when they call it "tourist season".

        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


        • #19
          When I was in college, people used to sh*t in the showers. I swear if I ever caught one, I'd cut them from gut to groin. It was deduced that it was one (if not all) of the football players in the dorm.

          *EDIT due to remebering another story just after posting* There was also a problem of guys using the womens bathroom, that RAs and their Corps counter parts were craking down on. This was because womens and mens bathrooms were switched, thus both had urinals. And the ones isn the womens room was not only used, but were unflushed. And there were the rumors that other materials were also deposited. Usually the ones who were caught made it easier to get them in trouble due to the draconian alchohol policies on campus, and drink was usually a factor in the vandalism.
          Last edited by Mr. Crow; 01-16-2007, 12:37 AM.
          "Wait... he's alive, but his head's gone..." -Crow


          • #20
            Our bathrooms are for employees only, and WE don't even use them. Customers ignore the sign, blow up our bathrooms then complain that its dirty!

            Women change their babies, then cram the USED diaper into tiny trash bin, making the area REEK. I even had a woman start changing her baby right on a shelf in the front of the store!

            The capper: there is a BATHROOM right across the hall with a changing station that is cleaned 2-3 4 times a day!


            • #21
              Back in high school, I would scope out the most unused bathroom in the school no matter how far away I was from it. The "main" bathrooms were often urine infested, had feces all over the place, or there was just something in that toilet that would only happen when Thor and Zeus combined their powers and did SC-esque things in bathrooms. There were some things in there that are too gross for this board.

              These threads also help me realize that I am glad that we have our own bathrooms. At all 3 venues we have our own bathroom that is thankfully employees only. At the Whiskeyclone Arena, we have our own building so our bathroom problem is solved, the Party Venue, we have an area that is employee only and is thankfully guarded by security. At the College Music Festival, we have a side entrance also guarded by security. I do feel for the workers who have to clean this up.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #22
                Quoth Noelegy View Post
                Are you a "Transmetropolitan" fan?
                I was gonna ask the exact same thing.

