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But that's stealing!

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  • But that's stealing!

    For some odd reason it seemed like everybody and their brother/sister who came up to the cage was totally drunk.

    My co-worker asked for ID and this one guy totally flipped out. He was born in like '66 but to her he looked young. Normally people are thrilled to be carded when they're older. I know if I reached that age--I'd be thrilled to still be carded!

    SC=the not so obvious drunk man

    CW=I need some ID plese

    SC: Are you serious?? *Hands her the ID*

    CW: thank you. *She starts to count out his chips and gives him the money, thinking that would make him leave...*

    SC: What would you have done if I was under 21??

    CW: Not cash you out...

    SC: But that's STEALING!

    Both of us went: and then followed by a

    SC: If the tables don't catch on that they're under 21, they should be allowed to cash out!

    I'm not quite sure where his logic came from but then again later I was told by the CW that he reeked of booze and had blood shot eyes. I just thought he was being a sober moron.

    SC: So you're telling me that they wouldn't get paid!? That right there is downright stealing... Has it ever happened!?

    CW: Not that I've seen...

    SC: I think if they won that money they should be paid! If the tables let them have the chips in the first place who has the right to take their money away??

    CW: Sir, we don't know if they won it, found it or someone gave them the chips. We just have no way of knowing the situation and-

    SC: Whatever.

    He finally went away.

    Me: Wow... I'm shocked that I even heard that. Number one, if they were dumb enough to show ID I guarantee the chips would be consficated, security would be called and they'd be lucky not to go to jail.

    Second, it wouldn't be stealing because they shouldn't have gotten the money in the first place. I guarantee if it did happen the dealer who let that slip would be fired right then and there. But think about it, the "Kid" would've gotten it from many different ways. Maybe from the parents or something.

    Either or, even if they did pass that one obstacle I guarantee once you get to the cage, the fun stops there. We are very serious about these kinds of things. I know I am. I am a ID nazi. I pretty much card everybody and I don't care who they are or how old they end up being, it's MY job and I need it.

  • #2
    i think legally the casino could be forced to return any money the minor loses gambling

    so it would be horribly unfair to force the casino to also pay out to a winning minor.


    • #3
      I would have turned it right around on him. Under 21 and gambling in a casino when he knew it was against the law? He'd have been the one stealing.

      "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

