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Ok, here's what happened (some language, could get long)

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  • Ok, here's what happened (some language, could get long)

    Well, I rocked up for work around 6pm, sat in the team room waiting for my shift to start, my manager L comes in and we have a chat and he utters the those dreaded words.

    L "I hope it's an uneventful night"

    I could have killed him

    Actually all in all it wasn't too bad just a few incidence

    Incident No 1

    About 45 mins into my shift and drunk guy comes in to get smokes, he's swearing, swaying and demanding that our cart pusher be fired.

    Cast of characters

    DG Drunk Guy
    ACL Awesome Customer Lady
    TG Trolley Guy, 16 years old, really nice guy
    L Manager
    ME Still pissed at L for opening his big mouth.

    DG "I want that fucking trolley boy fired, I'm gonna get my boys and beat the shit out of him and you'll have to call the cops on me, that fucking little fucker.

    ME "Ok, what has he done?"
    DG "He was mouthing off at me and I don't take that shit from nobody, my boys are gonna mess him up real good, be nothin left of the motherfucker"

    At this point ACL walks up to the counter.

    ME "Look, if you lay a hand on him I'll have the cops here in 2 seconds to haul your drunk arse to jail, I will not put up with that kind of bullshit."

    DG " Go ahead and call them you fucking stupid cunt, I don't give a flying fuck what you do, goddamn bitch.

    At this point he staggers outside, ACL steps up to me and says

    ACL "DG started the whole thing, TG was talking to his friend when DG come up and started swearing at them, they did nothing wrong."

    ME "Thanks for that, I'll go check to make sure TG is ok"

    So I wander outside to talk to TG, and DG is there screaming at TG and his cousin who had come to pick TG up.

    DG " You motherfuckers you're both dead, my boys are gonna get you real good, fucking cocksuckers"

    I had my mobile phone on me (not suppossed to but oh well ) So i rang our local boys in blue to come sort this wanker out. DG saw me on the phone and screamed at me.

    DG " You on the phone to the cops, you dumb bitch, I'll fuck you up to, ima gonna get yous all blah blah blah"

    After getting wind of the commotion outside from my other staff L comes running outside.

    At this point DG gets into his car and starts to drive away (drunk and driving got a real winner here)

    Cops show up, I give description of car and plate number and they go off to find him. I made sure TG and his mates are ok, L is making sure i'm ok we all go back inside.

    Cops show up later to say they got him, they want to talk to TG and Myself later on, should be interesting.

    Incident No 2

    Lady rings up saying she is missing 1 bag of groceries and she wants to pick them put in the morning at 6.30am. Problem with that is the store is not open at that time and there will be no one here.

    She doesn't care, she wants me personally to be outside at 6.30 with her groceries and give them to her, because she is going away that day and won't be able to get then any other time.

    Not going to happen, I inform here that this is my last day and I won't be back to hand her anything, especially her groceries at the buttcrack of dawn.

    This is the point where she blows a gasket and tells me I will be outside with her items or she'll have me fired ( What point of last day is she not getting?)

    I tell her she is welcome to talk with L about this and sort it out with him, at which point I put her on hold and call L to take the call.

    L comes up later saying she was demanding I be fired and how lazy I was not to be giving her great customer service ( or some bullshit like )

    But apparently they did sort out some kind of arrangement to get her stuff.

    So that was my night, sorry if it was long winded.

    Yeehaa i'm outta there baby.
    I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.

  • #2
    Oh, fun.

    Do keep us posted on what goes down with DG and poor TG.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Man do I miss the joys of dealing with drunk guests/customers face to face. Hope they lock up drunk drivers for a long time up there. Let's see how much bravado this guy can muster without alcohol and when he's got to deal with convicts instead of teenagers and ladies.

      And as for the early bird. I would have just laughed until she hung up. The liberation of the last day of work has made for some hilarious experiences. "F*** you, F*** your groceries, F*** your demands, as a matter of fact, F*** the phone you're calling me on, I quit. Ah, another 6 months and I'll be in the same situation. I can't wait to get my first SC on my last day of work.


      • #4
        I love how people think threatening your bullshit job is gonna make you do what they want, especially when it isn't possible, even funnier is to be told your gonna get fired on your last day. I'm disappointed you were helpful and got the manager, if it was me it would have been more like this

        "You want me fired, well then, piss off" *hangs up phone*, waits for SC to come down and demand I be fired.... at which point I had over the bag and say.... "WOW you made it down before the start of the morning good job, I knew you could do it, by the way its my last day so @#%$@# OFF (extend middle finger) best you can do is allow me to go home few hours early!"
        I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.

