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He LOOKED Intelligent Enough...

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  • He LOOKED Intelligent Enough...

    I'm brand new and have thoroughly enjoyed the stories here. I've got a few of my own..but this one really sticks out as a 'Sucky (or Stupid, as it were) Customer'

    I work for a major cell phone company in the retail store. I'm low on the food chain, just a common 'greeter' -- maitre'd, if you will. So, this really didn't happen to me, personally, but I, and about 20 other customers, witnessed it.

    Guy comes in, seems nice enough, has just bought a cell phone a week or two prior. Unfortunately, he's had a mishap and broke it. I feel for the guy...I really do. That sucks. But the good news, he says, is he's purchased insurance for it. I say, "Oh that IS good...otherwise you'd have to pay full price for a new one here...or buy a refurb one...or try your luck on Ebay"

    Anyway, it's his turn, I walk him back to my co-worker and explain his situation. I go back to my 'post' and do my thing. I start to notice things are getting heated back there where Mr. Intelligence is. Hmm....being nosey, I watch...closely. Co-Worker is getting very animated..meaning very upset. Then I hear him say something about "That's bulls***! A Deductible?! I've never HEARD of such a thing!!!" What? You've never HEARD of a deductible? OOOOOOOOOOk.....

    Then he says "get me your manager!!!" (As an aside, I love it when SC's ask for our manager...because she does not not NOT put up with crap...and if we're right...we're right..and no matter how nasty you are, you're NOT going to get your her) So CW goes to Mgr...she smiles brightly (she loves this sort of thing) and goes to explain Insurance 101. First, you pay a premium monthly. (His was $7 a month.) Secondly, with any claim, be it medical, vehicular, or CELLULAR, there is a deductible you have to pay. Duh. She then explains that had he not had insurance, he would have to pay full price for a replacement phone...and that would be upwards of $350 for the phone he broke...rather than paying a $90 deductible.

    He still protests claiming he's never heard of such a thing and that we're scamming him. OK, we are NOT an insurance company, we are a cell phone company. His insurance is thru a different carrier and we're just a third party to it. He goes on ranting and raving about how it's a scam and reiterates that he's never heard of a deductible. (Mind you, this guy was in his late 40's...I can't believe he's never heard of a deductible...unless he's a total moron)

    So anyway, he doesn't get his way. Grabs his broken phone...stomps up towards the door and SCREAMS (to everyone in the lobby) "DON"T BUY THE INSURANCE!! IT"S A SCAM!@!!! YOU HAVE TO PAY A DEDUCTIBLE!!!!!!!" And storms out. I look around at everyone who is laughing at him...hahaha They are all saying "Yeah...that's how INSURANCE works..." Stupid.

    Cut to 2 hours later. Lady walks in. Very nice lady. Says her husband has broken his phone. I look at it..and it looks suspiciously like Mr Intelligence's phone. Hmmmmmmmm. Well..the same co-worker gets her. Customer is nice as pie to co-worker,gets a replacement phone (paid the DEDUCTIBLE btw, also) and left very nicely.

    I have NO doubt that Mr. Intelligence went home ranting and raving about the insurance deductible and his wife said "Yeah, moron, it's called INSURANCE" and went on to explain everything WE already explained to him. He was too much of a whimp to come back in himself.
    Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"

  • #2
    Sadly, what probably happened was that she soothed his ego and promised to deal with it for him.

    When I was growing up, there was a lady who lived caddycorner to us whose huband was a complete jerk. He would call in noise complaints on me if my friends and I were out in my backyard after 9pm TALKING -- he'd lie and claim we were playing loud music to get the cops to come. Inevitably after he'd do this, his poor wife, who was a very sweet, very polite, classy lady, would apologize for her husband's behavior. He'd insult people at parties. She'd apologize. It went like clockwork. I always cringed when that boor opened his mouth because I really liked his wife, and I knew how painful it must be to be a really nice person and to be married to a jerk.

    I've noticed a couple of the really nice ladies who come into my store have husbands like that, too. I think it'd be terrible to be stuck perpetually apologizing.


    • #3
      She may have soothed his ego...But I like to think she told him he was a moron and made him feel like one. haha Had it been my husband that behaved like that, (he never ever would...but I digress) I would indeed tell him he's a moron and make him to back. Or, if he refused, because he felt like an ass (as he should) I would apologize for his behavior.

      She didn't apologize btw. (and really, she didn't owe us one...HE did) And she totally understood the concept of a deductible.

      I feel sorry for your neighbor putting up with a man like that. I'd be completely embarrassed. Poor lady.
      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


      • #4
        Quoth Arachne View Post
        I've noticed a couple of the really nice ladies who come into my store have husbands like that, too. I think it'd be terrible to be stuck perpetually apologizing.
        I've always found the opposite to be true - a few of my SCs have actually been women with really nice husbands.
        Sucks either way - to be a nice person, married to some nut job, always having to apologize for them.
        Back on the subject of the insurance...if I'd been that guy, I would have been really happy to have gotten a payout from my insurance having only had to pay $7 in premiums! (Presumably that's all he'd paid at that point, having had the phone only a short time). And really - who hasn't heard of a deductible?

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          Man, I can't imagine always apologizing for my Spousal Unit (tm)... One of the things I like about him is that he has a firm grasp on social mores, or at least gets the message if I kick him under the table once or twice.
          Some people really need to learn how to read paperwork....
          Haikus are easy
          But sometimes they don't make sense


          • #6
            Quoth Arachne View Post
            I've noticed a couple of the really nice ladies who come into my store have husbands like that, too. I think it'd be terrible to be stuck perpetually apologizing.
            It can be the other way around also. When I was at the VIP chains I had a wife that cussed me out to no end, called me a myraid of names, and insulted my employer. The poor husband was just sitting there taking it in stride.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7

              I handle everything financial in our house, so it goes without saying if you try and talk to my husband about anything financial, he'll go blank and refer you to me.

              He probably went home and ranted for a while, his wife looked at him and said "Duh, that's how it works" He's got his tail between his legs, and to save face she offeres to go back for him.


              • #8
                Heh. I would've loved to offer him deductible-less insurance... at $90 a month.... Just to see if he'd go for it.

                Of course, I'd have to hold up a big sign that says, "Not valid if your phone's already broke," so that he could ignore it and demand that we replace his phone for free.
                "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                -- The Meteor Principle

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                • #9
                  When I had to replace my last phone...I was pleased that I only had to cough up the $50...rather than the $300 it originally cost. Since it was my fault the phone was damaged--swerving to avoid a deer at 70mph on the highway, and having a coffee spill onto it is *not* cool. But, at least the company took care of it.
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

