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They let you out of prison?

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  • #16
    From 14 to 18 I worked as a butcher's assistant in our local grocery store. A lot of the store's revenue was from doing custom cut meats for the hunters and farmers, and since we were the only butcher in a 30-50 mi radius to do that, we were very busy.

    Some of these hunters are really creepy guys. REALLY creepy. And dirty....and vulgar. When I first started working there one of the hunters pulled in half drunk with his kill. When Mike (head butcher) went in to get the paperwork to fill out, this fooktard pinched my 14 year old butt while I was hanging his deer carcass up. I couldnt' believe it and didn't know what to do. I dropped that deer on the ground, looked at the guy mortified (he just stood there with a shit eating grin on his face), and ran in and hid in the freezer, crying.

    When Mike and Tom (store owner) found me about 10 minutes later, and after I told them what happened, they both told me, "Stop being a victim, stop thinking like a victim." They weren't being unsympathetic, they were helping me learn a life lesson. Tom flat out told me that he wouldn't get angry at all if I had to stand up for myself and tell some asshole off for touching what wasn't his to touch.

    The next week (I think?), when some jerk (who I found out later was the grown son of the previous jerk) came into the locker where I was cutting out bruises in the meat (from bullets) and said to me, breathlessly () , "Heard our new girl has a sweet ass on her." I replied, "Touch it and I'll cut your face off." Never saw either one of them again.

    And Dad doesn't know I overheard the conversation, but Tom told him he was so proud of that he wanted to claim me as his daughter.

    Just remember girls, they can SMELL fear! /drama off do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

    Chickens are Asexual!


    • #17

      If you want to see these creeps gather in large groups, go to a country music show in the hand state. No offense meant to anyone who likes country, but the shows I've worked contain the worst parts of society you could ever imagine. Most of these folks came straight out of the movie Deliverance and moved to Michigan. They are quite easy to spot, they drive all-American cars, drink like fish, and have the intelligence of a slug. I have seen numerous beer cans in the back of their pick-up trucks and have overheard these folks talking about their DUIs. Yes they were bragging about their DUIs, prison terms, and the amount of traffic tickets they had as if they were talking about the pranks they pulled in school. These folks scare the crap out of me and I'm a 6'1 165 pound guy who took self-defense lessons for a few years.

      Folks, I am going to give you advice for avoiding these types should you go to a concert or a sporting event and any of the situations mentioned in this thread appear.

      1. Park in a well lit area, I cannot stress that enough as there could be security cameras that can catch any occurence in that area.

      2. Do not wander through dark areas when going back to your car. Travel through well-lit areas where large groups are sure to be around. This is one of the most important things for your safety. I cannot even begin to tell how many times we have had rapes occur in our treeline at the Party Venue. It is quite a hard thing to deal with and we always wish that there is more that we can do. ALWAYS take well-lit paths.

      3. If you feel unsafe walking through an arena parking lot, ask a member of security to escort you to your car and do not be embarassed. We rather you ask then become a victim later on that night. If you ask them, they will be happy to assist you, it is their job.

      4. Do not dress in suggestive clothing, that is making yourself a prime target of these creeps. From the 2 years I've worked at an arena I've seen guys oggle girls who are young enough to be THEIR grandchildren all because they are wearing sexy clothing.

      5. If you have the time, take a self defense class. I know everyone is strapped for time but if you have spare time take a class learning how to defend yourself. Kusanagi took martial arts IIRC and look at the results. You can learn some valuable things from a class and you may not think you'll need it but you may have to use it someday and won't regret it.

      6. Should such an event happen where you are assaulted, raped, etcetra. Go to a parking person or a security guy and tell him/her what happened. We will drop what we are doing in order to assist someone.

      7. If you happen to be near your car and you see someone who is creeping you out, run and get inside and lock the doors ASAP. Honk the horn when needed or drive off.

      8. Use your car keys as a weapon if you do not have mace or a weapon. Use whatever is in your environment to your advantage. There are plenty of things that can help you.

      9. When walking, check occasionally to see if someone is following you. People can walk without making a sound and that is how most of our rapes at the Party Venue from behind.

      10. Finally, DO NOT LISTEN TO HEADPHONES!!! That is a guaranteed way of getting attacked.

      I am sorry for the threadjack but reading these threads make me shudder knowing that there is some psycho out there who may be taking things too far with a female clerk. I love my CS'ers and do not want to see a thread about one of our members having something like that happening to them. I've already read one thread about it and I don't want to see another one again. This list can also apply to situations very well, so remember my friends: Be careful and observe your surroundings.
      Last edited by ArenaBoy; 01-17-2007, 01:32 AM.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #18
        Holy crap. No wonder tasers are becoming so popular these days.
        "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


        • #19
          ""Stop being a victim, stop thinking like a victim." They weren't being unsympathetic, they were helping me learn a life lesson. "

          You know, that's the gospel truth. Predators can smell a victim. They tend not to mess with non-victims. This is not 100% true 100% of the time, but it makes a good rule of thumb.

          BTW, the guy pinching your 14 year old butt should be in jail.

          Or dead.


          • #20
            It's stuff like this that makes me VERY glad to be a guy.

            I still carry a switchblade sometimes, though.
            Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

            I like big bots and I cannot lie.


            • #21
              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
              Some people have a real problem with other people thinking they are mean, bitches, rude, whatever. The comment is meant to goad you into proving them wrong.

              It never works on me, beause I AM a rude, mean bitch. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
              With me, it's can't possibly be because I'm happily married, no, it has to be because I'm a bitch, lesbian, racist, or just plain mean. And, it seems I'm a magnent for creepy and crazy people.

              One time in a store, a guy blocked my cart and would not back off, till my oldest son (all 6 feet and some inches over 200 pounds) came up and asked me a question. The guy took one look at him and took off. I thanked my son for showing up when he did, but my son had no idea what was going on.
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


              • #22
                I had some of the freakiest guys hit on me at WalMart when I worked there in 05. From old men trying to be cute to the SCUM of the earth, homeless, smelly bastards. I had one guy complain because I wasn't wearing my vest open so he could view my "assets"!


                • #23
                  Just remember, even a ball point pen can be an effective weapon-- Stab it in and snap it off! Don't ever walk out to your car empty handed. Carry your keys sticking out between your knuckles at the very least, and BE AWARE of your surroundings at all times.

                  The last fight I was in was in 1978 when I was a bouncer in a biker bar. I have every intention of keeping that as my last fight, and I refuse to be an easy opportunity.
                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

